Ina Abdirashid announces candidacy for PL President

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Wlh waa sawir yaab.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
These Hudhu amateurs think they can turn us against each other like our leaders turned abgaal and HG against each other in the 1990s. You're not sophisticated enough for this divide and conquer.

They came to the conference as a united front

We whispered a few things into their ears and all hell broke loose




These Hudhu amateurs think they can turn us against each other like our leaders turned abgaal and HG against each other in the 1990s. You're not sophisticated enough for this divide and conquer.

They came to the conference as a united front

We whispered a few things into their ears and all hell broke loose



Its just laughable how they try soo hard to cause division between, forget Harti, but between MJ. This @inquisitive Galnus paper state, cant even enter a town controlled by his other Habr gajo subclans, without getting shot at.
We could stipulate a rule that says all candidates running for president of somalia must be endorsed by their regional administrations. For example ogs/marehan get endorsed in jubbaland, hartis get endorsed at PL? this will allow us to decide which darod can run for presidency and eliminate this damn irir always voting for marehan cause we can put anti hag marehan in there like dabcasar lol !!! come on boys we are still in the qabyalad age, lets play qabyalad politics!!!

Let's be honest here, the difference between MJ and marehan is that marehan are true patriot people but MJ are just power hungry people, for example Two marehan prime ministers rejected HSM 's corruption before yes man CC steps in and signed dirty deals. Same with sharif sheikh. OG, MX, Dhulo or the MOD are patriot people and are not tribalist power hungry elites. Just accept it. Somali people don't trust MJ anymore. For time being concentrated on improving PL and improve your reputation in central government.


Let's be honest here, the difference between MJ and marehan is that marehan are true patriot people but MJ are just power hungry people, for example Two marehan prime ministers rejected HSM 's corruption before yes man CC steps in and signed dirty deals. Same with sharif sheikh. OG, MX, Dhulo or the MOD are patriot people and are not tribalist power hungry elites. Just accept it. Somali people don't trust MJ anymore. For time being concentrated on improving PL and improve your reputation in central government.

loooooooooooooool and this is the poster yall call a nationalist and a non qabiilist? :cryinglaughsmiley:

@Reiko @PuntiteQueen @Abdalla @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman @Thegoodshepherd

Come look at this :cryinglaughsmiley: she's supposed to be such a patriot yet she never calls out her own clan. I've never seen her say anything against Galaydh. And she's so invested in Somali politics but she doesn't even know Somali. Yaab wallahi.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
loooooooooooooool and this is the poster yall call a nationalist and a non qabiilist? :cryinglaughsmiley:

@Reiko @PuntiteQueen @Abdalla @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman @Thegoodshepherd

Come look at this :cryinglaughsmiley: she's supposed to be such a patriot yet she never calls out her own clan. I've never seen her say anything against Galaydh. And she's so invested in Somali politics but she doesn't even know Somali. Yaab wallahi.
i thought she was a nationalist first too:snoop:

one thing these "wadanis" have in common is hate against Puntland. we didnt break Somalia apart or loot the capital and melt Ahmed Gurey statue to sell to china but we are most hated. but what did reputation and being like do for dhulos though:mjkkk:
loooooooooooooool and this is the poster yall call a nationalist and a non qabiilist? :cryinglaughsmiley:

@Reiko @PuntiteQueen @Abdalla @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman @Thegoodshepherd

Come look at this :cryinglaughsmiley: she's supposed to be such a patriot yet she never calls out her own clan. I've never seen her say anything against Galaydh. And she's so invested in Somali politics but she doesn't even know Somali. Yaab wallahi.

I know truth is very bitter pill but it frees you later, and ganging on me here, wouldn't clean AY, CC, gaas dirty records.
i thought she was a nationalist first too:snoop:

one thing these "wadanis" have in common is hate against Puntland. we didnt break Somalia apart or loot the capital and melt Ahmed Gurey statue to sell to china but we are most hated. but what did reputation and being like do for dhulos though:mjkkk:

Check CC's records(Dubai / Berbera. deal, he and sherif sheikh in Kenya water border and bringing Ethiopian to Somalia) gaas is other case.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit

@Gambar, don't worry about her, she's bitter because she's from Kastuumoland, I would be bitter also if I saw others prospering while my folks were the weakest, indecisive people in Somalia.

Let's all form a prayer circle on them. Spray zamzam water on them.

Mr gaas

Dhagayso:- Ex Xildhibaan Daahir Ciiro oo Mudaharaadyada Puntland Kasocda Ka hadlay
Posted Date: 05 Aug 2017 in: news,Puntland,Somalia Comments Comments

Ex Xildhibaan Siyaasi Daahir Cabdulqaadir Muusse Daahir Ciiro oo idaacadda daljir la hadlay ayaa waxaa sheegay in xilligaana sababta kusoo beegtay in sicir barar iyo Mudaahaaardyo inay dhacaan ay sabab u tahay .

Daahir Ciirro ayaa ugu baaqay dadka Puntland inay ka gud baan danta gaarka ah ayna dib u fiiri danta guur ee dadka ka dhacaysa siiba Ganacsatada arrimahaas ku howlan.
Mr gaas

Xildhibaan Shaacuur oo Lacag 28000$ Ugu Deeqay Ciidanka Aminga
August 5, 2017 | Filed under: Important News & Articles,Wararka | Posted by: admin
GAROWE, Puntland- Xildhibaan Cabdikariin Xuseen Gure (Shaacuur) oo kamid ah Barlamanka Puntland kana soo galay gobolka Nugaal ayaa sida warsidaha GO wararka ku helayo ugu deeqey lacag ciidamada amniga ee ka howlgala gobolka Mudug.

Mudanayasha aqalka wakiilada ayaa maalmahaan waxaa sida la rumeysan yahay qaateen lacago kadib markii gudoonka Barlamanka dhexdhexaadin ka sameeyey khilaaf soo kala dhexgaley madaxtooyada iyo aqalka Wakiilada.

Warsidaha Garowe online ayaa ogaadey in lacagta Xildhibaanada Barlamanka loo siiyey ansaxinta mashaariicdaan ay gaareysay 28000USD Mudane walba taasoo sida aan xogta ku heleyno gabi ahaanteed xildhibaan Shaacuur ku wareejiyey ciidamada Puntland ee ka howlgala gobolka Mudug.

Xildhibaanka ayaa sida aan Wararka ku heleyno ayaa madashii uu lacagtaan ku wareejinayey ka sheegey madaama ay tahay mid dan guud lagu baxshey inuu door bidey in ciidmada gobolka Mudug ka howlgala ugu deeqo si baahiyahooda ugu xalistaan.
Barlamanka Puntland oo dhowaan ridey dhamaan golihii wasiirada Puntland ayaa khilaafka iyaga Madaxweyne Gaas soo kala dhexgaley waxaa loo tiranayaa in salka ku hayey arimo dhaqaale.

Lama oga in xildhibaanada kale ee ka tirsan Barlamanka Puntland qaateen go’aanka Mudane Shacuur mid lamid ah iyadoo Wararka qaar sheegayaan ineysan jecleysan talaabadaan.

Barlamanka Puntland oo dhowaan kalsoonida kala noqdey golaha wasiirada ayaa la filayaa dhowaan iney ansaxiyaan xukuumada Madaxweyne Gaas soo dhisi doono iyadoo wararku sheegayaan iney aqbali doonaan soo noqoshada inta badan xubnihii ay xasaanada ka qaadeen.

Source Garoowe Online

Somalia: Puntland state MP donates money to the Police forces

GAROWE, Puntland- Puntland state lawmaker, Abdikarim Husain Gure “Sha’aur” was reported to have donated money he received along with other state MPs from Puntland government, Garowe Online reports.

Close sources revealed that Puntland government have previously agreed with the state Parliament to make payments if Parliament endorses all deals signed with foreign companies with no obstruction.

Last week, majority of the state lawmakers have overwhelmingly voted in favor to pass all agreements. Subsequently, each MP was handed out an amount totaling $ 28,000 from Puntland government.

However, state MP Sha’aur donated the money to the Police forces in Mudug region.

In an interview with GO, lawmaker Sha’aur confirmed the story and revealed that he decided to allocate the money to the Police forces who didn’t receive any government salaries or welfare in the past months.

“Since the money that was distributed was taken from the public fund, I decided to give it back to the public, and after assessing the needs of the security forces, I realized they worth it,” said the lawmaker.

Last month, Puntland state Parliament passed no confidence vote against state’s cabinet ministers, following dispute between Puntland President Abdiwali Mohamed Ali “Gaas” and Parliament over payments.

So far it is unclear if other MPs will follow the footsteps of MP Sha”aur who donated the money to the Police forces, but sources indicated that the Parliament has resented Sha'aur move.

Puntland Parliament is scheduled to take a vote on the new cabinet minister that President Ali will appoint in the coming days before bringing it before the Parliament for endorsement. Several ministers are expected to return in the new line-up, despite that state Parliament has passed no confidence vote against them recently.
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