Ina Abdirashid announces candidacy for PL President

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We need new blood, no more technocrats in PL. We need visionaries, that create practical solutions by analyzing the root cause problems. We do not want this nonsense we have seen for the past 20 years anymore. I say get rid of all the old people, they are holding us back sxb!!! they are stuck in an age laga soo tagay, today is a global world, it's not the cold war era anymore. They are so addicted to this 'african mindset' of dependence on foreign aid, when you can sufficiently support yourself if you had the right leadership in the place to create the environment for that to happen!!! but we dont, we have all these old people who have a colonized mindsets and slaves of the western or arab world!!!


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Ilkajiir is still alive :deadpeter:
War ninka siiya kursiga:pachah1:
He's the one that incorporated Maakhiir state back to Puntland in 2009, i hope he runs.

I would like to see Warsangeli President and cali saleeban vice president


It's all so tiresome
Hell end up winning somehow. Dude has too much influence and regardless of his incompetence (US ambassador when he barely can speak... forget English) he always gets the top positions.

Wonder who his backers are.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
In sha Allah cumar cabdirashid for the next president of Puntland he has the full backing of beesha cisman maxamud from qardo to bosaso:rejoice:
I'm rooting for this honest man, he's a great guy, he's gonna bring in tons of investments and developments for PL.

What's worse is that all these hypocrites who are loathing him on here supported his run for the presidency of Somalia but when it comes to their own enclave it's a big 'fat no'.

This tells you were their head is at and the types of disgusting vile people that you are dealing with, they credited him with J/land creation, being Anti HSM by becoming a puppet to Kenya etc. now the same group is saying 'he was and is useless'.

Until these parasite tinpot bureaucrat treacherous elitist filth and their supporter are eradicated from Somalia there won't be any peace.

They are a malignant form of unknown cancer, a bunch off burdensome blood sucking leeches that will suck the whole Somali peninsula dry if you don't deal with them head on and cut their heads off.
It is bogus, it's not him who posted and why would he declare his candidacy so far away from the election point and on Facebook of all places. If we analyse what has been written what is Gollaha musharaxiinta?
What's worse is that all these hypocrites who are loathing him on here supported his run for the presidency of Somalia but when it comes to their own enclave it's a big 'fat no'.

This tells you were their head is at and the types of disgusting vile people that you are dealing with, they credited him with J/land creation, being Anti HSM by becoming a puppet to Kenya etc. now the same group is saying 'he was and is useless'.

Until these parasite tinpot bureaucrat treacherous elitist filth and their supporter are eradicated from Somalia there won't be any peace, they are a burdensome blood sucking leeches that will suck the whole Somali peninsula dry.
Walahi bilahi I was about to say that, the hypocrisy is astounding,

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
What's worse is that all these hypocrites who are loathing him on here supported his run for the presidency of Somalia but when it comes to their own enclave it's a big 'fat no'.

This tells you were their head is at and the types of disgusting vile people that you are dealing with, they credited him with J/land creation, being Anti HSM by becoming a puppet to Kenya etc. now the same group is saying 'he was and is useless'.

Until these parasite tinpot bureaucrat treacherous elitist filth and their supporter are eradicated from Somalia there won't be any peace, they are a burdensome blood sucking leeches that will suck the whole Somali peninsula dry.
indho gaduud, are you on a hungover, what evidence do you have anyone here supported him? you silly munafiq

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
What's worse is that all these hypocrites who are loathing him on here supported his run for the presidency of Somalia but when it comes to their own enclave it's a big 'fat no'.

This tells you were their head is at and the types of disgusting vile people that you are dealing with, they credited him with J/land creation, being Anti HSM by becoming a puppet to Kenya etc. now the same group is saying 'he was and is useless'.

Until these parasite tinpot bureaucrat treacherous elitist filth and their supporter are eradicated from Somalia there won't be any peace.

They are a malignant form of unknown cancer, a burdensome blood sucking leeches that will suck the whole Somali peninsula dry.
STFU dude, this is coming from people who sent qeybdid, muse sudi iyo other warlords to parliament.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I just remembered cumar cabdirashid clearly Lied about the dastuur of Puntland he's clearly calool U shaqeysto the shuumo & xalwo eating machine nacaala iyo waxa tahay ba waas.


The federal government is going to have get it's act together on the currency, banks won't come if their isn't a fool proof currency. Strict laws needed to ensure noone but the feds can print the currency and they can only hand it out to the 'banks' based on what each bank has in real assets of value!!! That's why these counterfeit money are useless, it's backed by nothing but someone home printer. Money needs to be backed by reserves of gold, goods, stocks, properties, or even other genuine currency, anything of actual 'value'.

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
Walahi bilahi I was about to say that, the hypocrisy is astounding,
AMISOM beats and strips your leaders and people, from Hawiye to neo Hawiye, they cup baby testicles for IEDs, it can never be the same as our region, the taste of freedom and self-pride is foreign to you, as foreign as the foreign troops protecting you from al-shabaab.

Its called self-respect, we can never accept a leader like him unlike you who accepted General Dick. :wow:
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I just remember cumar cabdirashid clearly Lias about the dastuur of Puntland he's clearly calool I shaqeysto the shuumo & xalwo eating machine nacaala iyo waxa tahay ba waas.


This munafiq was the greatest CC supporter, for an entire year his avatar was of his uncle whom he was defending tooth and nail for selling our water, but today that same man when he decided to run for puntland has become liar and a obese useless pot bellied traitor. :mjlol:

Horaa loo yiri tuug intaa aan la sheegin buu isa sheegaa iyo LAXWALBA MEESHAY ISDHIGTAA AYAA LAGU GOORACAA, the munafiq always expose themselves in the end, as they say "time is the father of every truth"
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