Ina Abdirashid announces candidacy for PL President

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Srilance u really think your going to beat maxamud saleban in politics? dude, you think were going to give u SSC for nothing in return? the only way your taking SSC politically sxb is when you sit down and accept you rejoin somalia and on top of that get no extra power at the federal structure, that's the only trade I can envision PL doing. We know Ali Khalif is trying to use SL as a base to jump to somalia top positions. Hence we will counter that and say no1 from north can take president or pm spot if you want to take ssc!!! So that means we will always rule you from the top anyways!!!

Plus it helps in a way SSC is with SL, we can cut into your share of mps when things are given at a district level!!! U think Abdillahi Yusuf would entertain discussing anything with SL, it's those novice hawiye that started talks with somaliland, not us. We want to discuss talks with SL when Somalia strong and united among itself with a strong system. This allows movement on our part to dictate the outcome then because we can just point to the fact 'your SL' can't convince your people of hating somalia anymore as its developing so fast and enjoying a stronger peace while your state is isolating itself and heading into suicide. Sooner or later they will start to tear each other apart as somalia wont be a significant factor anymore to cause unity among yourself.

The best politics from the somalia side is to just fix somalia first and then negiotate when our hand is stroner, not negiotate with them where they still have 'ammo' to keep their people united!!! when they have no ammo to unite their ppl anymore, we can just say 'south sudan time is coming for u or take this deal' :farole:


Sirlance, your not a politician and from what I see in your parliament, nor are your people!!! your going to get eaten alive in Somalia politics, there is no 'favor' in politics, it's not 'saxan baris' that is shared as someone said earlier. I myself am an osman maxamud, I and my people have to fight tooth n nail with my mind to secure any relevance within my own state or at the federal structure!!! I can't just sit there and twindle my thumb repeating 'boqortoyo' baan ahaa

Mind u we secured the 'advisor' role of the prime minister. Keynan!!! Good job. We secured 'maaliyada' in PL. Good job!!!

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
You don't have a clue what you're talking about if you come out of bosaso all the way to galkacyo is only inhabited by maxamud saleeban no other tribe. How could they hold vast lands if they're a minority? Face it majority rules if you became a terrorist then insha Allah you will get killed remorselessly kulaha more galan & atom where are they now? It don't matter even if all you laangaabs change into atoms kkkk
Sxb where do the other Mjs and the many other tribes live? the indian ocean? Stop this divisive nonsense.
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سلطنة مجرتين
lol as a non Mahmoud saleeban mj I refuse to accept that, if you combine all other mjs, including Cali saleeban then dhishishe,warsengali,leelkase, Arab salah, even dir and many more that's the ppl that makes majority when combined and all these ppl hold major territories and want to see themselves in the seat too.

:samwelcome: It's the seat or expect more galans, attams and etc.

Cali Saleeban made a deal with AY way back when the state was founded which made them basically be the financial backbone of PL therefore would not be required to bring their share of fighters to PDF and was given Carmo town along with the police academy, so if CS wants the seat then contribute man power and funds for the forces and get that sick old man in Qandala dead or alive.

i'm all for non-MS be president especially my man ilkajiir but let's face it no others contribute as blood, sweat, and funds as omar, ciise, osman combined and also no others seem to get the votes needed as MS politicianso_O



As can be seen, Maxamuud Saleeban occupy larger land mass, than all the other MJ clans and the other Hartis COMBINED.

Swear, Skinnies run from the truth, like a battyman runs from pussy.


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As can be seen, Maxamuud Saleeban occupy larger land mass, than all the other MJ clans and the other Hartis COMBINED.

Swear, Skinnies run from the truth, like a battyman runs from pussy.

How do we address this vermin ali khalif galayr? he is using somaliland as platform to run for president or pm. He wants to use the 'northern' card and say 'give me the position' so I can satisfy the northerners that a northerner got the top role!!! He knows since other northerners are not allowed for that position, he is using both his strategic interest as a 'darod' plus using the 'northern' card to take himself to the top spot? Should we just hand ssc to somaliland and say in return you won't get any extra power in the federal govt and therefore eliminate any political threat from this man plus all northerners in the future?

He is a very conniving little vermin, I mean I respect the man as a visionary, he is very intelligent but he is full of 'individual' goals and uses tribe and other cards to achieve his personal ambition!!! He sees he will never come out in somalia politic if his people are lumped into puntland!!! they will always be overshadowed by maxamud saleban. So he sees an 'opportunity' in the northern states and they probably reached a deal and said 'since isaaq cant get the position due to darod n hawiye sharing it' come to SL and in return we will support you in mogadishu since your darod and have a chance at the role and u can use the 'northern call cry' to rally up support. Infact I think he is brewing up SL and Somalia to hold talks so it climaxes to a stage where a deal is sealed and he will say I will need to be president to give confidence to somaliland and trick somalis that way and all somalis will be like 'midnimo' is coming and will vote for him. I can see what this vermin is doing. What is the maxamud saleban response!!!


I honestly think if we isolate Ali Khalif Galayr and say SL is out of the picture in Mogadishu cause we signed a deal transferring SSC to them in return not a single clan from that area can get the top positions in Somalia and the northern blocs must vote for Puntlander in every election. We must benefit ourselves and be ruthless here. We should aim to break up this irir block in parliament by taking the northerner away from voting hawiye or marehan all the time, while at the same time eliminating dhulbahante into insignificance of ever reaching a powerful position in Somalia.

We need to really address this issue once and for all, rather then let it simmer in the background. This issue is going to be solved politically, there is no point sending troops after troops to tukaraq!!! Infact u can't solve political problems at all with military or else israel and palestine would be solved and not fighting for 70 years!!! political problems need political solutions!!! let's just out think these morons in the north and send them into insignificance while eliminating this huge irirism happening in somali parliament!!!

This daronimo is not working in our interest at all. The only one who benefit are marehan who get the irir vote cause we have no allies in parliament. We need to set up allies and it must mean just handing that mess of ssc and walking away with a nice sweet deal for our own political future!!! when we cut that deal with SL, watch khatumo start going crazy and running around back to ali khalif saying we dont want somaliland anymore lol. We simply stay out of it when SL attacks them and let them be in perpertual war lol
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If Somalia wants play qabyalad politics, we should start playing qabyalad politics!!! We should stop this 'daydream' we are in and respond and respond better with stronger strategies. I gave an option on how to eliminate the irirism in mogadishu!!! We can also eliminate the hawiye and say since your the capital it is unsuitable to have hawiye have all the institutions, govt, parliament, and presidency/pm because there will be no accountability since everything is located in one tribes city. Can u imagine an abgal president/pm fearing any repercussions in mogadishu? of course not, no-one will hold them accountable since the majority of the city is them and they will use this to their advantage to hold power and bribe mps with do as i say or i will get the city to kill u. Infact if an abgal president shot someone in the street, they wouldn't even see one protest in the city, cause there is no check n balance in the system, its all located within the heart of one clan city!!!

So we tell the hawiyes, you can only take a weak presidency role and we let u run for presidency and u must select a prime minister that is powerful who is from Puntland as to counter the balance of power in the city and create some sort of accountability. I mean a Puntlander or non mogadishu president and pm won't be able to get away with plain bad governance or murder in the city like an abgal can. The city will be alot more tougher and watching the government far more closely since they see another 'clan' has the actual power. That's at least some sort of check n balance and can lead to the president actually behaving and doing good or else fear an uprising from the locals!!!

We should really annihiliate these fools if they think that we can't play qabyalad politics also!!! We are far to nice to these amateurs in somalia but as someone said earlier in this forum 'politics isnt a saxan baris that is given' we shouldn't be so nice anymore and start thinking for ourselves if we cant find people thinking at a grander scale!!!


We could stipulate a rule that says all candidates running for president of somalia must be endorsed by their regional administrations. For example ogs/marehan get endorsed in jubbaland, hartis get endorsed at PL? this will allow us to decide which darod can run for presidency and eliminate this damn irir always voting for marehan cause we can put anti hag marehan in there like dabcasar lol !!! come on boys we are still in the qabyalad age, lets play qabyalad politics!!!



Well we need better strategies now as our old game has been exposed. Electing an abgal as president and then saying to them sign a constitution that weakens the presidency because it conflicts with the local make up of the city. You can see clearly that what PL was doing since 2009 till even the last election. They got garowe 1 and 2 out of it. If sharif returned as they wanted, that would've sealed our power forever. We would never run for president or put a few stooges in there to make it look like an appealing position still but in reality vote for an abgal constantly and in return get strong pm position like ethiopia and uk set up and run things!!! they seem to have figured this game out and elected farmaajo!!! it wasnt cause he was popular with the people, he was popular in the last election, why didn't he get it then lol.

We need to back to the drawing board and begin drawing a new qabyalad strategy to ensure our success!!! like I said weaken the IRIR block by getting the northerners on our side in return for SSC, stipulate if they do not vote for where PL tells you, this will render any agreement null and void, you get 60 votes here!!!. Then attack any potential darod especially marehan by setting up a system that says all candidates must be endorsed by their regional government. thats 60 votes from darod!!! This leaves hawiye and rahanwayn!!!. We need to break up the hawiye bloc and say if we don't get the presidency we will weaken it in the constitution due to a conflict with the city make up and breeding ground for no accountability!!! they will flip out losing the capital or presidency so they will choose one or the other, we will always get something out of that anyways either capital change or weak presidency for them!!! The rahanwayn let them know that if they vote for hawiye they are only contributing to weakening them as PL will exercise those other options as mentioned!!!


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Sxb where do the other Mjs and the many other tribes live? the indian ocean? Stop this divisive nonsense.
Listen I have been back home and I know what I am talking about if you come out of bosaso drawing a straight line on the map going down to qardo to garowe to galkacyo it's inhabited soly by maxamud saleeban it's a fact.

Boowe there's no shame in the truth.
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Dude I don't like praticing this kind of naked qabyaalad when it comes to Puntland, but you're just speaking out off you're ass now.
From bosaso to galkayo, there are no other clans? What's wrong with you man? There are degmo's that are completely inhabited by other clans.

Where's Attam & Gallan?
Atam is kicking back in Doha living a good life (immune from all his crime) And galan's army won you back most of eastern Bari (qandala) from The IS invaders.

Give us the damn seat, and we will build you a wall south off galkayo, Work to secede and make a Puntland republic and Fix the economy.

Or else:fittytousand:
I'm from bari name me degmos that are in bari not kaarkaar that are solely inhabited by none maxamud saleeban? Then tell me how many degmos in kaarkaar then nugaal last but not least mudug.

Like I said you laangaab you could all become atoms a blow ma garatey majority rules:ufdup:
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Nacaala iyo waxa tihiin ba waasa Im sick of these cuqdad ridden laangaabs while we have our backs turned fighting the enemy they're strabbing us in the back.

Nacaala iyo waxa tihiin ba waasa


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
View attachment 26673

As can be seen, Maxamuud Saleeban occupy larger land mass, than all the other MJ clans and the other Hartis COMBINED.

Swear, Skinnies run from the truth, like a battyman runs from pussy.
What maxamud saleeban don't own bosaso it's exclusively disheshe? Not only does maxamud saleeban own bosaso along with disheshe but they soly inhabit some of the surrounding lands around bosaso.
I'm from bari name me degmos that are in bari not kaarkaar that are solely inhabited by none maxamud saleeban? Then tell me how many degmos in kaarkaar then nugaal last but not least mudug.

Like I said you laangaab you could all become atoms a blow ma garatey majority rules:ufdup:

Lol- ok let's see

Bari- bosaso,Qaw, (western Bari in general including galgala, waciiye,Carmo, qandala, bender beyla is a shared town

Nugaal-Garowe is a shared city, same with Ely.

Mudug- goldogob, galckayo (Has leelkase presence, buursalah

Sanaag- lol

You are right bro

All these cities and towns are either shared or non ms.

:bell:Must I carry on.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@legend i apologies I was wrong for what I said all Puntlanders are equal & maxamud saleeban hasn't got no right to be the leader of Puntland all the time and I agree it's high time we get a leader that's nit maxamud saleeban.

You need to realise joking about joining the enemy of Puntland and committing treason is no laughing matter again I accept that I was wrong.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Lol- ok let's see

Bari- bosaso,Qaw, (western Bari in general including galgala, waciiye,Carmo, qandala, bender beyla is a shared town

Nugaal-Garowe is a shared city, same with Ely.

Mudug- goldogob, galckayo (Has leelkase presence, buursalah

Sanaag- lol

You are right bro

All these cities and towns are either shared or non ms.

:bell:Must I carry on.
You're right and I was wrong again I apologise :wow:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Nacaala that terrorist comment triggered man there's niggas on the front line losing their life it's not a laughing matter regardless that doesn't excuse what I said:ohlord:
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