This needs to be implemented ASAP... AUNDisarm the whole city no guns allowed other than the military make no car zones in key areas and check points and identification for every vehicle.
So you telling me we have to wait for these old heads to die to have any semblance of peace in xamar?FGS benefits from these attacks.
Do you really think they're incompetent asses would have a job if Xamar was peaceful?
Notice how you never see corrupt politicians targeted.
It's usually only people who want to develop Somalia or real Sheiks.
Fahad Yasin will die in his 90s due to natural causes while young Somali politicians and development activists won't see their 40th birthday.
This is a 4th world country and your talking technology?This needs a tech solution.
-Every fucker in the city is ID'd, with gps chips in the IDs
-Cameras and sensors all across the city
-Anytime a camera senses someone who is unidentified, an alaram goes off and authorities
IMMEDIATELY seize their ass.
This is fixable, enough of these shitty security lapses.
This is a 4th world country and your talking technology?
Im off qabil bashing fucking duli waalan defend your tol in the Issaq vs MJ thread if you dareSomalia might be 4th world but imagine where gedo ranks. Gedo is like the 7th world where no human can survive except local you know who
So you telling me we have to wait for these old heads to die to have any semblance of peace in xamar?
This is a 4th world country and your talking technology?
This needs a tech solution.
-Every fucker in the city is ID'd, with gps chips in the IDs
-Cameras and sensors all across the city
-Anytime a camera senses someone who is unidentified, an alaram goes off and authorities
IMMEDIATELY seize their ass.
This is fixable, enough of these shitty security lapses.
Only practical option.
Not only would this stop preventable attacks like this but it would also make everyone feel safer.
In turn you'd get more economic activity and more importantly the gov could use the surveillance to collect tax revenue more effectively.
No one wants to build anything at the moment for obvious reasons.
It sucks we have gotten to this point, but citizens of Muqdisho have lost the right to anonymity.
From now anyone who breathes in the city needs an ID thats tracked on a map.
This will also have the by product of neutralizing qabil issues as well, since everyone is equal under surveillance, the camera hides nothing