lol my views dont really matter. i was a long time Puntland independence movement for about 9 years. i already swore that i will never step foot in any hawiya land. but i dont mind kismaayo. mogadishi is dead to me. i do support farmaajo though and the federal government sometimes. but i know puntland and the people of puntland wont ever go independant. walahi i used to express my views and get verbally assaulted. till today i still havent met one local puntlander that is willing to leave somalia. puntland has been dragged down for years and our development should of been 10 times what it is if we had our share of the supposed funds allocated to us. mogadishu always supported somaliland against puntland whenever we fueded and refused to arm the dulbahante or gadabuursi to defend themseilves. in the back of my mind i wish a system like UAE. only diasporas think like this . the locals are proud wadanis. even the ones that never seen mogadishu. harti will always be in darnger no matter what when in mogadishu and the same thing that happened in 91 can happen again.