India and China Pr

I wonder when India started getting bad PR, because when I was young, India was seen as an exotic place with wonderful people. Social media might have ruined India's PR, while for China, it's probably due to COVID and the association with eating dogs and cats.
They had anonymity meaning the truth was hidden now that everyone has a phone in their hands they see stories in real time.
It has very little to do with their population numbers, except for maybe overcrowding which even Japan deals with in major cities.
It's their governments fault, they are more invested in external nationalist image projection, repression and punishing/persecuting minorities. Than actual tangible development and distributing the wealth and making things as fair , equitable and safe.

Development to them is sending stuff into space, or spending a ton of money on military, or building useless mega projects that often go bust, obsessed with being perceived as super powers to the rest of the world.

While the rest of the world only sees the large pool of poor people they neglected , who lack proper education, etiquette, unhygienic due to a lack of sanitation and rural minded. And the country lacking of freedoms and rights.

They both suffer from rampant income inequality, you can say that because of their large population all those problems becomes that much more apparent to people.

You can also tell of this is not entirely due to culture, Taiwan has the same cultural demographic as China. You can find South Asian countries like Sri Lanka as well which is doing better (btw it's recovering from a civil war and collapse), much more cleaner, orderly, and better hospitality etc.

Both China and India, have talented people, rich history, culture and great potential. The fault lies in their leadership, government and their policies. You can say with India it also stems from colonialism that destroyed its economy and deepened caste/religious divides

If a regime change takes places and makes improvements in the right direction a lot of that stuff will wash a way.
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It has very little to do with their population numbers, except for maybe overcrowding which even Japan deals with in major cities.
It's their governments fault, they are more invested in external nationalist image projection, repression and punishing/persecuting minorities. Than actual tangible development and distributing the wealth and making things as fair , equitable and safe.

Development to them is sending stuff into space, or spending a ton of money on military, or building useless mega projects that often go bust, obsessed with being perceived as super powers to the rest of the world.

While the rest of the world only sees the large pool of poor people they neglected , who lack proper education, etiquette, unhygienic due to a lack of sanitation and rural minded. And the country lacking of freedoms and rights.

They both suffer from rampant income inequality, you can say that because of their large population all those problems becomes that much more apparent to people.

You can also tell of this is not entirely due to culture, Taiwan has the same cultural demographic as China. You can find South Asian countries like Sri Lanka as well which is doing better (btw it's recovering from a civil war and collapse), much more cleaner, orderly, and better hospitality etc.

Both China and India, have talented people, rich history, culture and great potential. The fault lies in their leadership, government and their policies. You can say with India it also stems from colonialism that destroyed its economy and deepened caste/religious divides

If a regime change takes places and makes improvements in the right direction a lot of that stuff will wash a way.

This is a video that compares Taiwan and China

From @8:34 , he explains the differences being of governing systems, stronger cultural identity and policies and not population size or the people.

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I think they have bad pr because they are enemies of the west.

For example Saudi Arabia doesn’t get heavy propaganda against them but Iran does. Even though Iran has a more impressive culture and history.

Iran is a enemy so they get bad press.
I think it is linked to war. Iran might be the next country they will invade since they think they have weapons of mass destruction. Plus Iranians are on their own since they are Shia. Saudis hate them. Saudi is safe now but if they lose any power, they might suffer the same fate but because it is where Mecca and Medina is, I doubt the rest of the Muslim world will sit back and let it.

Iran might get the same treatment Saddam did and he warned the M.E about. Gaddafi also called them out too, but I don't think the M.E is letting this happen out of cruelty, its just survival. America still is the most powerful, so unless China can finally balance it out, America will continue to do what they want in the M.E. And it looks like next up is Iran.

Technically Islam gets bad press, and Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of Islam. Saudi as a nation and the rest of the Gulf don't have to worry right now about being invaded, that's all. But they are attacking our deen so it's still bad press.
India is not the enemy of the west lol
India isn't but China wants them to be, so India can side with China. China wants to rule over Asia and right now India is in the middle of the West versus the East (mainly China and Russia).
China doesn't really have bad pr in the sense that India does. The problem china has is that they're a legitimate rival to american dominance. It's am extreme compentet country that has historcally been the most powerful or 2nd most powerful

Chinas image: powerful threatening, a future superpower and interesting architecture snd culutre
India's image: incompetent creepy and dirty
Don't get me wrong chinas is an authorities government but the idea that china is gonna collapse or that there problems are even remotely similar is laughable. There is a reason all the articles on china about how it's gonna collapse for the last decade have all been b.s
Compare to that to India which the west really want it to become a competitor to china . Bur they seem to never amount to anything. People could invest in china way back in the late 80s. Even now foreign companies can't be sucessful in india 30 years later becuase of how corrupt India is.
This is a video that compares Taiwan and China

From @8:34 , he explains the differences being of governing systems, stronger cultural identity and policies and not population size or the people.

Yeah I use to love watching this guy and his friend laowhy86 back in 2018. The problem is that this guy will warp your perception of china his content is about finding something negative happening in china and make it look chinas abour to collapse. Look at this video. I mean even the idea of comparing china that has a pouplation of a billion people with Taiwans 20 million is ridculous economies and societies function differently at those scales. There is also the fact that Taiwan had a first world gdp of 35k. There is no way you could govern china effectively with a democracy. It would be like india.
China doesn't really have bad pr in the sense that India does. The problem china has is that they're a legitimate rival to american dominance. It's am extreme compentet country that has historcally been the most powerful or 2nd most powerful

Chinas image: powerful threatening, a future superpower and interesting architecture snd culutre
India's image: incompetent creepy and dirty
Don't get me wrong chinas is an authorities government but the idea that china is gonna collapse or that there problems are even remotely similar is laughable. There is a reason all the articles on china about how it's gonna collapse for the last decade have all been b.s
Compare to that to India which the west really want it to become a competitor to china . Bur they seem to never amount to anything. People could invest in china way back in the late 80s. Even now foreign companies can't be sucessful in india 30 years later becuase of how corrupt India is.

China isn't a legitimate rival to America. It's a country that likes to project itself to be great and powerful, but really isn't all that.

It's military is quite incompetent: It's a paper tiger

Their military hardware is also similarly crap:

Chinese military equipment is soo bad that it foiled a coup in another country.

It's manufacturing prowess is overrated, and they known world wide to produce low quality Cheap knock offs , hence why the ''Made in China'' gag exists.
It's very unlike Korea, Taiwan and Japan in this sense who's manufacturing prowess is carried by quality brand recognition , not churning out rubbish by the dozen.

Their building mega projects and infrastructure is so terrible their bridges, elevators, tall buildings, pave roads fall a part easily because of bad materials and building practices:

It's gotten soo bad that certain countries have been restricting and banning Chinese goods from entering their countries.

Investors who got caught up on the Chinese hype or propaganda are getting screwed over. Now a record number of investors are pulling out money from China

Also it's not it's just authoritarian, its a corrupt dictatorship, not one that is functional at all.
They care to much about building an image than to directly benefiting and uplifting Chinese people with tangible real developments.

Also what you said about india being dirty, you can say the same about China. Chinese people serve and cook food with gutter, spitt oil, and sell rotten meat they painted over. The lack of hygenies preminates in their country as well.

But one thing you are right about is that China has been historical one of the most prominent regions of the world and should have naturally outpaced everyone by design, but all of that was dismantled by the communist government and i don't see anything socialist about it either. Their welfare system is lousy.
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Yeah I use to love watching this guy and his friend laowhy86 back in 2018. The problem is that this guy will warp your perception of china his content is about finding something negative happening in china and make it look chinas abour to collapse. Look at this video. I mean even the idea of comparing china that has a pouplation of a billion people with Taiwans 20 million is ridculous economies and societies function differently at those scales. There is also the fact that Taiwan had a first world gdp of 35k. There is no way you could govern china effectively with a democracy. It would be like india.

China wont collapse at least not in the near the future because the government has a tight noose on everything, but it is tanking.

I am comparing it to Taiwan because they are the same people ethnically and culturally. Same way i compared Sri Lanka with India.

The population argument doesnt gel , America has q large population relative to their landmass 350 million, they manage to govern it into affluent organized federal states and have higher per capita income, under a democracy.

I would agree however democracy to begin with will probably not work well, for newly emerging economies becuase you need a wealthy and educated general populous for it to work properly. Singapore, South Korea and Japan in the beginning were state controlled dictatorships but after building wealth,and setting up their country they transitioned into an electoral democracy. China should have created a transitioning plan into one in my opinion. I

The massive wealth gap their policies have created which is similar to India has led to people steal, cheat , cut corners and become overly greedy and less giving out of desperation or resentment of the upper classes. It has also led to a brain drain.

China also needs to embrace their cultural diversity and involve all groups, of people and see it as a source of richness not something that challenges Chinese identity or nationhood. Their treatment of Uyghurs, Dissidents and Tibetans, is actually counterintuitve.
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Bro if you look at all 2 of If you look at 2 of those youtube channels all of their content is just basically about bad thing in china.

Second if they were as corrupt as you said how is it that they been able to grow their economy? Real corruption is what you have in africa and india where the countries haven't progressed because it's impossible to do buisness their. That goes into my next point which is to what standard are you comparing china? Keep in mind it was one of the poorest countries when they opened their economy. They have gone from that to this


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Does it make sense if you think about all the tech companies they have the compete in the west like tiktok or alibaab or Huawei. For them to be as backwards as your describing? There is a reason most tech companies have to have part of their manufacturing process in china because only they have the level of skills and efficiency within an affordable price. You can find a lot of western ceos talking about how china over the decades has built out this infrastructure where they have all the factories together and you can find any specific part you need.
China wont collapse at least not in the near the future because the government has a tight noose on everything, but it is tanking.

I am comparing it to Taiwan because they are the same people ethnically and culturally. Same way i compared Sri Lanka with India.

The population argument doesnt gel , America has q large population relative to their landmass 350 million, they manage to govern it into affluent organized federal states and have higher per capita income, under a democracy.

I would agree however democracy to begin with will probably not work well, for newly emerging economies becuase you need a wealthy and educated general populous for it to work properly. Singapore, South Korea and Japan in the beginning were state controlled dictatorships but after building wealth,and setting up their country they transitioned into an electoral democracy. China should have created a transitioning plan into one in my opinion. I

The massive wealth gap their policies have created which is similar to India has led to people steal, cheat , cut corners and become overly greedy and less giving out of desperation or resentment of the upper classes. It has also led to a brain drain.

China also needs to embrace their cultural diversity and involve all groups, of people and see it as a source of richness not something that challenges Chinese identity or nationhood. Their treatment of Uyghurs, Dissidents and Tibetans, is actually counterintuitve.
I agree they need to treat the minorties better and I suspect as they get richer they will liberlaize to an extent where these people will not be as monitored. But again the comparison with India doesn't work. All the top Indians go to the west because the living standard is so much higher. Keep in mind indias gdp is around $2000 whereas china's is around $12,000 in fact among the top graduates of exam for the itt colleges in India more than 60% apparently move overseas. Whereas the chinese generally stay in china. There has even been a decline in chinese international students compared to the Indians which only keep increasing.

You can even Tell if you look at pictures of the best indian cities vs the best chinese cities. It's like a world of diffrence. And were not even talking about how common rape and bribery is India which has virtually no punishment. Where in china you'll here about corruption scandals where the people are executed.
Bro if you look at all 2 of If you look at 2 of those youtube channels all of their content is just basically about bad thing in china.

Second if they were as corrupt as you said how is it that they been able to grow their economy? Real corruption is what you have in africa and india where the countries haven't progressed because it's impossible to do buisness their. That goes into my next point which is to what standard are you comparing china? Keep in mind it was one of the poorest countries when they opened their economy. They have gone from that to this

China is still a poor country , despite it's GDP growth. It is similar to India in many respects, india has the 5th largest economy and china has the 2nd largest, largely due to their population size

The corruption shows itself in their per capita GDP and the massive wealth gap. That's the real kicker.

Also Chinese EV's are cheap, made up tofu material and highly unsafe. They frequently combust or come apart , they are either banned or face heavy tariffs in other countries.

Does it make sense if you think about all the tech companies they have the compete in the west like tiktok or alibaab or Huawei. For them to be as backwards as your describing? There is a reason most tech companies have to have part of their manufacturing process in china because only they have the level of skills and efficiency within an affordable price. You can find a lot of western ceos talking about how china over the decades has built out this infrastructure where they have all the factories together and you can find any specific part you need.

Their manufacturing process is to make cheap parts, they don't send them to china to make the high tech parts . The high tech parts are manufactured domestically in western and other countries or to Taiwan , Korea or Japan.

I agree they need to treat the minorties better and I suspect as they get richer they will liberlaize to an extent where these people will not be as monitored. But again the comparison with India doesn't work. All the top Indians go to the west because the living standard is so much higher. Keep in mind indias gdp is around $2000 whereas china's is around $12,000 in fact among the top graduates of exam for the itt colleges in India more than 60% apparently move overseas. Whereas the chinese generally stay in china. There has even been a decline in chinese international students compared to the Indians which only keep increasing.

You can even Tell if you look at pictures of the best indian cities vs the best chinese cities. It's like a world of diffrence. And were not even talking about how common rape and bribery is India which has virtually no punishment. Where in china you'll here about corruption scandals where the people are executed.
It's weird to let them off the hook for their treatment of uyghurs and tibetans, but people won't let India slide for their treatments of Muslims and Kashmir. China is in the same boat, 70% of Chinese overseas students never come back to China. China has a large outward immigration problem as well. If a country is doing particularly well most people remain and very few people leave. There is no massive Japanese migration to Europe.

12.000 per capita is skewed by how many wealthy people are in city centers, the average person earns way below that.

In China they force disappear innocent ministers within the government and punish, jail random innocent people based on made up charges. In China the government mandates the law, there is no set law , they decide then and there to protect the party's interests.
Indias corruption index is 93 and china is 76.

Their anti-corruption campaign is less about purging corruption but more about purging political opposition and dissidents to the party.