Indians scamming the TRUCK DRIVING INDUSTRY now exposed on CBC news (government funded media)

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that there are more accidents on the road now and unsafe driving. I pass by car accidents pretty much every day and 9/10 it’s a timojileec driver involved.

You gotta make daily dua that you come back home safely these days. There’s a lot of TJ’s on the road with licenses they don’t deserve because they bribed their cousin at the registry, and people are literally dying in accidents because of it


For NATO occupation of Somalia|Trudeau4Prison
Staff Member
Toronto is rejecting Trudeau's anti-Black, mass Indian invasion policy.

They hold every single seat now. They're only going barely hold only 1 next election.

I'm looking forward to our right-wing, anti immigration Canadian future. Even leftist Toronto is going right and it's all thanks to Pajeets.

Leftists have been defeated for generations.

