Indigenous xaliimo defies logic, marries a kurd in Tennessee. Wedding spectacular. She’s drop dead gorgeous. Better looking than Somali settlers xalim

She married Degacas
Michael Jordan Reaction GIF

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
He's a troll known for false clickbait titles to capture his audiences. Its normally hit or miss.

What is false about me bringing justice to these people. Are you denying that they are the indigenous people of the land that the ethnic Somalis invaded and named it after themselves ?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
What is false about me bringing justice to these people. Are you denying that they are the indigenous people of the land that the ethnic Somalis invaded and named it after themselves ?

Absolutely. Genetics, linguistics, anthropology and history suggest Eastern Cushitic (ethnic Somali) ownership of the land. Prior to the Bantu expansion many parts of South East Africa were mainly inhabited by South Cushitic speakers including your native Kenya, Mr. Siju. Easy with the fake sentimentality. I oppose the historic enslavement of the originally Tanzanian Bantus that inhabit parts of lower Somalia today. However, I won't create false histories to appease or pity others like you are doing.

You are wrong and attention whoring it merely for views.
Absolutely. Genetics, linguistics, anthropology and history suggest Eastern Cushitic (ethnic Somali) ownership of the land. Prior to the Bantu expansion many parts of South East Africa were mainly inhabited by South Cushitic speakers including your native Kenya, Mr. Siju. Easy with the fake sentimentality. I oppose the historic enslavement of the originally Tanzanian Bantus that inhabit parts of lower Somalia today. However, I won't create false histories to appease or pity others like you are doing.

You are wrong and attention whoring it merely for views.
Facts GIF by Judge Jerry
Kurdish people from Turkey (just call them Turds) hate Somalis but Iraqi Kurds are cool. Like the Ali Dawah austistic guy whose try to call Somali females prostitutes.
Ali Dawah really said that? I don't watch him at all, so I wouldn't know but the guy looks a bit strange ngl.