Inquisitive: What are your views on women?

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ah yes, and here we observe the alpha in his natural habitat writing verbose fanfic on an obscure internet forum

It's ironic, I actually wanted to like your post and see the funny side, but then I looked at your thumbnail, you joined 3 or so months before me, but have over 4000 posts compared to my meagre 87.

perhaps I should go back to liking your post, because you have just insulted yourself, oh wait! I pity you, I won't, can't embarrass you like that.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
It seems you're using hadeeth to show the inferiority of women. The hadeeth were not preserved for us to use as cheap scoring points in gender battles. Men and women are different in nature, and as a Muslim woman, I have no problem accepting this. Yes, we are emotional beings, and that's the natural state Allah SWT has created us in. It shouldn't be used to shame us and look down on us. It's this natural state that allows us to be nurturing and take care of our children and to live in harmony with our spouses. Would you like it if we were more like men? We should use these differences as a means of complementing one another and not to compete with each other.
Inferior is not the term that I would use, but rather I would say that Allah made men excel in some ways and women excel in others (nurturing, looking after children etc). I don't shame, or in any manner look down in how Allah created you. There is a hadeeth that says in the end of times that some men will act like women, and some women will act like men. I am addressing that, and the birth of feminism facilitated that. How can one compliment each other when the other half reject the role men play? It would be going against their biological nature, or in other words their fitrah. I am against this, and these ahadeeth I quoted were to show those Muslim women (or men) the guidance the reigion gave us.

Also, I have no issue with that hadeeth you quoted. But before you congratulate yourself, ask yourself what part men play in this? Isn't it men who restrict women from seeking beneficial knowledge? Isn't it men who have failed in allowing their women to seek religious education, and failed in the responsibility of making Islamic knowledge accessible to those in their care? Do you think they will not be questioned about this?
That's great that you accept since the only person that will benefit from accepting it is yourself. They are meant to protect women, and I did not post it to score brownie points or any of the above.

We live in generation where women enjoy the highest levels of sexual liberation unparell in history, where they are most affluent and also pampered. Yet divorce rates are at an all time high, most children are illegitimate and the nuclear family has completely collapsed. Whenever a people want to corrupt a society, there is a reason they begin with the women.

Now, enough of this talk, you said what should men do about this? I think the first thing men should do is to choose a good spouse, and a good location to raise his children far from corruption. You cannot go swimming and not expect to get wet, likewise your children should have a good role model, and raising your children in the west will never end well. I think @Inquisitive_ can touch on this subject.


This is just one of the things a woman has to watch out for in our greatest potential adversaries. It's nothing new.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
It's ironic, I actually wanted to like your post and see the funny side, but then I looked at your thumbnail, you joined 3 or so months before me, but have over 4000 posts compared to my meagre 87.

perhaps I should go back to liking your post, because you have just insulted yourself, oh wait! I pity you, I won't, can't embarrass you like that.
kkkkkkk 4000 posts, u blind sxb? this ain't a contest sxb caadi iska dhig

don't waste ur time deliberating over whether u should like a post on the internet or not, u gotta finish up with that LOTR sequel manuscript u tryna post on here kkkkkkkk


Queen of the light
It's good to have some background before you attack a person, you have no background info whatsoever as to the question I was asked and what I was answering, so let me repeat it for you.

The question which is often repeated she asked was along the lines "isn't it hypocritical your seeking chastity when your not chaste yourself"

I was showing her it's not hypocrisy at all because I let it be known and female's don't care about it anyway with a historical account to further cement as to 'why' they never cared int he first place.

A women is a women, whether she is the concubine of a sultan, a lonely housewife, a spinster with kittens and cats as her guardians, or a footballers WAG etc. The essence to seek a provider/protector she is programmed with is the same, yes they may seek them out in twisted ways when the equilibrium is fucked up, but that's the whole issue this thread was addressing.

It makes no difference, if society today collapsed, you would drop that hetrosexually confused weak male and seek out one that protects you, even if that one has a 1000 other harems of beauties, your programmed to seek out the best provider and protector (currently the state protects, so you don't need to worry about that aspect, fucking with the natural equilibrium thus betaizes many man not intelligent to adapt)

I never claimed nor said women desired to be concubines, again your emotions were running so high, you didn't even read what I was responding to.

Of course, I agree with you, this is what happens when the Nuclear female bomb is allowed to be exploded upon society, it destroys everything in it's sight.

It also betaizes a large swath of the weaker low breed males and hence makes them superfluous, those that are smart and conscious seek a far better quality abroad for 1/30 the price. This affects all man from all races that are doing this. (conscious ones)

This bomb has even destroyed the sanctity confines that protect you which is marriage, most man can't even afford it anymore, your materialism and love for exorbitant gifts and wedding has put it out of reach of the majority of males and even those man are now heading back home.

Those single Xalimo numbers your crying about now is nothing, it will grow exponentially until you will follow your infidel Western white women and buy kittens and cats for companion.

Maybe then, once the self delusion drug has worn off, loneliness kicks in and your fertility stock plummets, you might reminiscence and become cognisant of the utter self-destruction that you guys have brought about not just in society, but also also amongst yourself.
Who wants to raise a child in this toxic world of war with an ever increasing selfish, narssersistic and materialistic society, stupid human beings which harbour its useless existence based on money and air head qualities, the planet we live in is slowly eroding as we waste it's recourses on mass consumption and greed. I dread to think what society will look like in 200 year, maybe robots controled by the mindless drones, slaves whose significant control is to slave away for the elite. A lower class scrambling it's delusional desire to be like the elite, money inspired planet chasing an empty dream with no purpose. Someone give me a rocket so I can explore uncharted planets wich haven't been curropted by human selfishness.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Why the f*ck would someone spend their time writing a friggin Essay about Masculinity and womens period


And the way youre typing and acting your starting to sound more and more like a robot than a human being
How's it a bait? Are you saying that a Somali can't hold these beliefs? I couldn't see the "bait".

He's a:
Flat earther
Climate Change denier
Belives in infinite Oil
Believes that all MJ's are traitors
red piller/mra/ Believes that we should follow the examples of the way south asians treat their women

So yeah, I wouldn't take him seriously.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Inquisitive has spoken the trut folks, the females on this this forum cannot swallow the pill. Society in the West is not sustainable. Move back home if you want to salvage your family and dignity, or be prepared for your future to bring Tyrone home for the holidays as mom cooks him dinner.


Pepe Trump
Inquisitive has spoken the trut folks, the females on this this forum cannot swallow the pill. Society in the West is not sustainable. Move back home if you want to salvage your family and dignity, or be prepared for your future to bring Tyrone home for the holidays as mom cooks him dinner.

Then why are you still here?? You and many others love to talk rubbish about the West (of course it has its own issues because no society is perfect) whilst presenting Somali society as being somehow... being better. Somalis in Somalia are jumping boats and risking their lives to get to the west that you live but here you are taking it all for granted.

Every farax claims he wants to return back home but then tens years later... they're still here.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Cosmo, I am in Somalia already, so no Im nor a hypocrite, mods can confirm my IP.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Smooth is funny. I imagine him as extremely neurotic fob who gor rejected once by an awkward 'say wallahi' and thus persona was born.

The flat earth 'society' is a controlled opposition group, that is there to mock the believers as well as discourage others with some of their lunatic theories

As a famous politician once said, the best way to control the opposition, is to become the opposition yourself.

Alex Jones serves this exact same purpose in the 'truther' community.

1) Make adherents look like lunatics with his wild outburst and paranoia.

2) Mix truth with falsehood to mislead people to the wrong conclusions

Hence the enemy is the globalist, it's big government etc. Never the zionist that fund him, sponsor him and that he is conveniently married too, which he protects in the shadows.

Look at the amount of hurdles you will have to jump through to become conscious and awakened.

The fast majority are turned off by the opposition groups lunatic outbursts, paranoia or theories before they even listen to them, or do their own research, it's done so by design, its no accident.
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Men like @Inquisitive_ @Duke of Bohol @Prince of Lasanod really had fed up with these new ratchets halimos on SC/Somali features. Clearly they are missing brothers and dads in their live. Simply they want the Somali men to take their full responsibility and be more firm with females in their families. I understand where they are coming from. I support you those women need firm fathers/brothers/uncles.

The only women worth her weight in gold in this whole forum. Canuck is the rare breed no matter what decadent society you put her in, the effects it has on her is minimal. But unfortunately she is like 0.01% of the female populace.

In warfare Canuck is the type that would die behind her farah and take up arms if he is killed, rather then surrender herself to her new conquerers, prominent women in history wrote books on how to win the hearts of their enemy conquerers, that slaughtered all their man in the battlefields.

They end up becoming 'willing' spoils and concubines competing for the best man in the enemy ranks, whom would soon deflower her and laugh about the cowardice and weakness of her brothers, husbands and tribes man he just helped slaughter, and she would laugh with them, like the lioness that had her protector lion killed including her cubs by a male rival that would copulate with her.

Canuck is the 0.01% that would die fighting, or commit suicide then submit, the rest of the girls that posted her like @Thatsomaligirl @Asma @VixR @EternalLightX have already submitted to this Europhilic decadent world views, without a single 'bullet' even being fired at all.

If they submit this shamelessly, are so hateful towards their culture/traditions without warfare or battle taking place, what do you think these women would do when shit really hits the fan? and rivers of blood flow through the street?

I will leave this for the heavyweights @Duke of Bohol and @Prince of Lasanod to comment on.
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The only women worth her weight in gold in this whole forum, Canuck is the rare breed no matter what decadent society you put her in, the effects it has on her is minimal. But unfortunately she is like 0.01% of the female populace.

In warfare Canuck is the type that would die behind her farah and take up arms if he is killed, rather then surrender herself to her new conquerers, prominent women in history wrote books on how to win the hearts of their enemy conquerers, that slaughtered all their man in the battlefields.

They end up becoming 'willing' spoils and concubines competing for the best man in the enemy ranks, whom would soon deflower her and laugh about the cowardice and weakness of her brothers, husbands and tribes man he just helped slaughter, and she would laugh with them, like the lioness that had her protector lion killed including her cubs by a male rival that would copulate with her.

Canuck is the 0.01% that would die fighting, or commit suicide then submit, the rest of the girls that posted her like @Thatsomaligirl @Asma @VixR @EternalLightX have already submitted to this Europhilic decadent world views, without a single 'bullet' even being fired at all.

If they submit this shamelessly, are so hateful towards their culture/traditions without warfare or battle taking place, what do you think these women would do when shit really hits the fan? and rivers of blood flow through the street?

I will leave this for the heavyweights @Duke of Bohol and @Prince of Lasanod to comment on.

I don't know where you've been the last few decades or what sort of sick fantasy world you entertain in your head, but shit, or blood to be more concise, has already hit the fan in various ways and continues to, and blood has already washed the streets; through carpet bombing, militias, clan warfare and terrorism. Whole terroritories and townships were claimed by warring clans through feudal turf wars; women were raped and men, women and children killed. That's probably why you're here, in fact.

There's plenty of misery to feed off of without making up scenarios involving users on here that didn't experience the brunt of the violence of war, but if you would like raw experiences to feed your fantasies, perhaps you should sit down with some older folks who experienced the brunt of it and are still alive, and ask them what they did when hords of morally superior bloodthirsty men came to rape, pillage and kill, and were they part of the 0.01% or did they read some book from somewhere about on how to appease their countrymen by frolicking with them as they laughed at the corpses of their dead male family members? I'm pretty sure there's a sizeable sample size for you to explore.
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