Interesting coincidences between US and Canada elections

In the U.S. Kamala Harris ran against Donald Trump
Kamala Harris's dad is named... Donald Harris

In Canada Pierre Poilievre is running against Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau's father is named... Pierre Trudeau

Guess what's Pierre Poilievre's father's name is?

:ooh::williamswtf::gucciwhat: what is going on?
In the U.S. Kamala Harris ran against Donald Trump
Kamala Harris's dad is named... Donald Harris

In Canada Pierre Poilievre is running against Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau's father is named... Pierre Trudeau

Guess what's Pierre Poilievre's father's name is?

:ooh::williamswtf::gucciwhat: what is going on?
What if all on these immigrants Trump wants to deport just head over to Canada. There are 22 million of them. You population would grow and so will your economy.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
In the U.S. Kamala Harris ran against Donald Trump
Kamala Harris's dad is named... Donald Harris

In Canada Pierre Poilievre is running against Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau's father is named... Pierre Trudeau

Guess what's Pierre Poilievre's father's name is?

:ooh::williamswtf::gucciwhat: what is going on?

It's almost certain Trudeau will lose. I think Pierre Poilievre plan is to lower taxes on work, investment, production domestically and increase energy production to combat Donald trumps tariffs.

Could be a sound policy that can lead to an increase in productivity, investments, production, that will lower productions costs , etc and also make Canadian goods more affordable even with the tarrifs and lower production cost can offset the tax on Canadian export by the US. It's not enough overall. The plan should be to broaden Canadian trade ties more globally and find new markets.

But his take on the housing crisis is total bonkers, he blames immigrants and not the government not building affordable housing and real estate eccentric investment economy that is spiking up the prices.
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There economy and wages will stagnate like britan :mjcry:

Japan offers the biggest lesson i can think of, because it's the only major economy were housing is still affordable and Tokyo is the only major city that is affordable to live in and has good housing.

I think a lot of people in various parts of America , Canada, Australia and UK are going to become homeless and slums may form even.

This is Canada's future
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LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Pierre isn’t the absolute worse but his approach on sum problems like drug epidemic are stupid and problematic.. Firstly he wants to shut down safe supply which is a program that gives addicts prescriptions of hydromorphone and methanol which are safer less potent alternatives to fentanyl taking away this program will result in thousands of people going back to fentanyl and since they got a weaker tolerance most of them are gonna die. He wants to waste taxpayer money on more rehab centres that aren’t gonna be used because news flash addicts don’t want to get clean the ones that do would go out of their way to attend the ones already in place. Lastly he wants to get rid of the safe injection sites these are buildings where drug addicts have access to clean needles and pipes, they can test their drugs for anything dangerous, emts are on site just in case and it’s a safe place where people can go to do their drugs. Pierre thinks it’s better for the druggies to smoke on the streets infront of kids with their hiv needles then die from a OD.

People complain about housing but what they don’t understand is that Pierre used to be housing minister back in the Harper regime and under his orders he put a stop to a bunch of cooperative housing initiatives that would’ve created a ton of affordable housing for citizens. He blames immigrants but it isn’t the immigrants buying property in large numbers and jacking up the prices it’s foreign investors from Beijing that never stepped foot in the country. The liberals are actually the ones that push for more affordable housing initiatives it’s the Harper govt with pollievre as the housing minister that stopped 800,000 affordable houses from being built and put regulations on construction which makes it a lengthier process to even get started building the apartments we need this is what put us in the situation today.

I don’t have a horse in this race I’m just saying they’re all shitheads and I don’t like how pierre paints himself as some saviour when a look at his track record in politics shows he doesn’t give a f*ck about the people. He got you guys by the balls on ur knees slurping him up. His whole campaign argument is that I hate trudueau too guys vote for me lol.

I’ve seen it a billion times guys will talk shit bout how bad the previous guy make a bunch of fake promises then they win and ends up being just as shitty as the next guy. It’s especially easy for this guy cause people really fuckjng hate Trudeau.
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