Interfaith dating


Amaan Duule
Judaism doesn't have the concept of hell; it was only the break-away Jewish sect (Christians) that introduced the concept of hell.
The belief in Hell certainly predates Christianity. It's mentioned in the Old Testament:

Many of those who sleep the dusty ground will awake—some to everlasting life, and others to shame and everlasting abhorrence. Daniel 12:2

Also, the New Testament describes the Pharisees (the majority jewish sect at the time) as believing in Hell.
A thought experiment: would you marry a Jewish Xalimo (born Jewish)? I wouldn’t want that shame

It’s the same thing Saxib. Don’t do it
Google mixed Somalis and see how many of the girls wear hijab
The girl i want to marry is an irreligious Yahuudi. Islamically it’s ok for me to marry her, but it just feels wrong. I probed her for days, she doesn’t seem to hold any affinities to Israel, but she has done birthright. I don’t know what to do.
It's a W you should do it. Get locked in with the biggest Laandheres on earth. Lot's of money flows through those people.

