internship harassment

Sxb Yaal ive been facing sx harassment at my internship and this coming from they internship trainee women. I first started with them bumping me with there Futto. She a big mix raced women. I tend to make jokes and work so everyone is comfortable. This futo bumping has happened multiple occasions. What should I do?
As a man when someone violates you once, you should firmly say "Don't touch my bum ever again"

But you allowed it several times so you know what it leads to next

aaron GIF
Sxb Yaal ive been facing sx harassment at my internship and this coming from they internship trainee women. I first started with them bumping me with there Futto. She a big mix raced women. I tend to make jokes and work so everyone is comfortable. This futo bumping has happened multiple occasions. What should I do?
Report it, that is sexual harassment. No one’s gonna look at you different. You gotta set your boundaries at work. Would help if you were also able to get an alibi and a witness.
Sxb Yaal ive been facing sx harassment at my internship and this coming from they internship trainee women. I first started with them bumping me with there Futto. She a big mix raced women. I tend to make jokes and work so everyone is comfortable. This futo bumping has happened multiple occasions. What should I do?
Simply tell her to stop and stand your ground, Tell her that she needs to respect your boundaries. If that doesn't work out make sure to tell the higher ups about it. SA by women against men is often underreported and joked about.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
I wouldn’t encourage haram but it’s not my life so have at it ig
No one taking any advice on here seriously, but let me clarify anything I say on this thread is a joke, besides the next sentence.

My official stance in workplace relationships is don't do it, it usually ends with HR on your ass, older women tend to prey on younger men entering the work force so be extra careful brothers.