Interview with the relatives

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I wonder why Ethiopia wants to stir up a tribal war between Ogaden and Issak. Does it have something to do with the soon-to-begin oil exports? Are they hoping the nomads slaughter each other and not the Chinese thieves helping Ethiopia steal their resources?
Come on, this lady doesn't want to give their qabiil but we all know. Even the wariye is making excuses about their qabiil.

I'm not defending Ogaden,not a big fan of them. I'm telling you what I know. Take a look at his article.

In 2005, implementation of the Ethiopian government’s policy of violent suppression in the Ogaden was transferred from the military to the newly-formed paramilitary group, the Liyuu police. As Faysal Mohmoud Abdi Wali, 38, a captain who defected from the Liyuu’s ninth regiment, based in Duhun district, makes clear, the Liyuu is not a recognizable police force but “an extension of the military”, which operates under a cloak of impunity and lacks any accountability. Abdi Wali served in the Liyuu from its inception eight years ago, when it was called the ‘Liyuu Xayi’, and defected in 2012. His testimony is sof particular interest, especially given the media ban.
Abdi Wali was interviewd by Swedish journalists, Amnesty International and myself. He related how young men are forced to join the Liyuu’s police and arrested if they refuse. He confirmed findings by HRW that forced recruitment takes place among tribal groups whose elders are ordered, Abdi Wali says, “to bring at least 80 fighters for every single tribe. If any of these [recruited fighters] escapes from the militia they seek and capture [them] then [the escapee is] forced to kill one of his relatives or kinship”.
I heard some elders were against the malitias going but they started to go anyway. Wallahi those old cunts need to be gotten rid off.

Maybe in this case the elders were right? I am not sure that a few carloads of vigilantes will be able to do much to change the situation. Are they going to kill a few random Ogaden nomads, or will they try to clash with the Liyuu police and their well-armed Ethiopian counterparts? Either way, it will be pointless. These hardheaded vigilantes will end up causing a lot more problems and do a lot more harm.They should just stay home. If Issak want to do serious damage to Ethiopia, I suggest you try to damage their international reputation. Ethiopia wants to portray itself as a secure, well-governed country so it can attract investors to keep its high growth rate going....If I were Issak, I would organize mass protests at all of Ethiopia's embassies in Europe and America, and also at whatever trade shows Ethiopia is participating in....Print out pictures of the massacred old ladies and children, show the world Ethiopia's evil. And then tell Ethiopia you won't stop protesting until the Liyuu police are disbanded or expelled from your region. They will fall in line quick.
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