Intolerance against Liberals on SSPOT

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Ask any Somali, when was the only period that they were proud of Somalis governing themselves in the modern era and were tolerant of one another? It was during the rule of the dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and in particular, the first decade and half of his administration. Why? Somalia was a liberal country, ruled by secularism, women wore what they liked, arrested without fanfare any sheikh who opposed his rule and Somalis enjoyed many freedoms. They were happier because they had peace, prospered and the masses were educated. Do you know that gay men were tolerated and lived openly and their services in arranging weddings among the elite classes were the most sought after? What replaced Siad Barre? Clan and religious mooryaans who are intolerant to everything and anyone. Result=Dysfunctional country and people.
Where do you see same sex being encouraged/taught in Islam?

Just come outta the closet and don't hide anymore from your parents.


Lol! I just believe people should live their gaal life as best as they can since they going to hell anyway :gaasdrink:
Yeah, I know there's something called respect, respecting different religions but wtf is your same sex agenda?:westbrookwtf:
If gaal who is probably going to hell anyway becomes gay, isn’t that being gay part than irrelevant cuz it’s not like he’s going to Jannah! So why can I be friends with a regular gaal but should hate gay gaals?
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