Iq in Africa and the case for working around it


State must make sure that all children in the country are well fed and have a good diet. Educate all of them until 14 years old. Then select the top 5 % of them in test scores to continue their education for free.


Ride The Lightning
Africans also have poor impulse control and cannot delay their gratification. Africans have behavioural issues. They need to focus on that.
time preferences are 1-1 correlated with IQ nowadays, maybe not a causation as even the higher IQ can have higher time preferences but it's important to consider nonetheless.

Eugenics is so real, think about how the impulsive and dimwitted people died off in north eurasian winters and compare that to places where food literally just falls off trees in the tropics. IQ differences aren't even half of it
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I always wondered whether European cold weather and class systems during the earlier centuries concentrated higher IQ men and women together to reproduce whilst the lower IQ cadaans basically dwindled in number due to lack of resource and survival skills. Shifting their average IQ Bell curve.
I always wondered whether European cold weather and class systems during the earlier centuries concentrated higher IQ men and women together to reproduce whilst the lower IQ cadaans basically dwindled in number due to lack of resource and survival skills. Shifting their average IQ Bell curve.

If cold weather engendered and concentrated high IQ individuals...why then were the earliest civilizations in hot environments?

The Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Indus valley, Chinese, Greek and Roman civilizations all sprang from either hot or moderate environs
I have to do some research on how Arabs got rid of their tribal system their model of monarchy and Islamic law is perfect for Somalia.
That's the thing they didn't. Places were the pouplation was majority tribal arabs are yemen oman, libya, Saudi, and the khallej. All of those places are either unstable or the tribes have been bought off by oil money.


That's the thing they didn't. Places were the pouplation was majority tribal arabs are yemen oman, libya, Saudi, and the khallej. All of those places are either unstable or the tribes have been bought off by oil money.
Tribes don’t matter anymore in these oil rich countries, once their standard of living reached as high as it did for as long as it did, they abandoned tribes.


So knowing this information that the average iq is around 70 what's the solution for Africa. I'm not going to suggest recolonisation or something like that rather I have proposed a better more efficient model for our continent we should work around this problem through Eugenics basically what you'd do is make the highest iq Africans reproduce more so. I also think the capitalist model is ABIT harsh on the Africans since most of Africa was more agrigarian historically that should also be the primary system you can have commercial economic matters as the secondary base. By doing this Africa could develop a decent economy to sustain its growing population while also increasing its iq somewhat this is much better than the current system African countries are using of taking huge loans from foreigners and becoming very reliant on these foreigners to the point they hand over ports etc. this can only be achieved though if African countries or this gaarad is lead by a aristocratic elite group of males who keep the masses in check and not with the democratic system alot of African countries are trying to be. This is just a small analysis of mine all things can be worked around you just have to have humility from your population. Rather than this ego driven system we currently have.
IQ is a colonial construct, many IQ levels were fabricated in large scale research. Africans aren't inherently 'low IQ', the African Diaspora achieves better than many natives of Western countries (Excluding African Americans, they have their own social structures against them in the U.S. and U.K.)


β™šSargon of Adalβ™š
IQ tests are just a means to standardise a person's cognitive abilities relative to others in their age group. However, some critics point out that IQ tests may not capture the full spectrum of human intelligence or account for cultural and contextual factors.

These tests used in the West when used on African children from poor backgrounds will show these disparities, the same tests done to African kids with the same resources as those in the west would be of a similar score.

There was a study done in the US, look up Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study, genetics plays a role but environment player a much bigger one.

For any system to work in Africa or Somalia you will need to embark on a genocide type brutal mass murder campaigns to purge the festering filth from our ranks.

The Europeans in two world wars took out 100 million of their own people, Moa in China starved 40 million of his own people, the American civil wars took out 2.5% of their total population.

Today they lead the world and it's not by accident, those wars purged the filth and the weakest from society, and what remained were those battle hardened man with the highest resolve and communal spirit.

They were called the silent generation for a reason, widely regarded as the greatest generation this century.

We haven't experience a fraction of this and as a results the maggots, filth and garbage are at record levels never seen before.

What worries me the most about Somalia is that all of our weapons are in the hands of the worst of society, the police, the military are literally composed of the worst of our society.

This idea of monarchy or any other system will not work until you decontaminate that grime and gunk from that turbid maggot infested pond, which involves mass murder.

This maybe in the horizon soon in an unexpected way, if any global war breaks out much of the country will starve to death as they import 90% of their food and 100% of their fuel, only this time, we might not survive as a species.
State must make sure that all children in the country are well fed and have a good diet. Educate all of them until 14 years old. Then select the top 5 % of them in test scores to continue their education for free.
Yeah and the ones who don't make it should be encouraged to get into trade schools etc early rather than later.
I always wondered whether European cold weather and class systems during the earlier centuries concentrated higher IQ men and women together to reproduce whilst the lower IQ cadaans basically dwindled in number due to lack of resource and survival skills. Shifting their average IQ Bell curve.
Yeah it defo has a correlation and that's why places like south korea , Japan out do their tropical neighbours in south east Asia.
We can't base our ideology on western secularist talking points.

There is a deep spiritual component to existence that modern profane society completely ignores. But you can rest assured that the so called elites are aware of this.

Every human being is unique and has the potential to fulfill what Allah created them for in particular.

When the prescribed rules of the Creator are ignored, we get a sick society. This does not mean dogmatic adherence to religion, but a holistic understanding of life. Ironically many non Muslim societies understand this better than Muslims, despite the fact that we have been given everything to succeed by our prophet peace be upon him.


Ride The Lightning
The Europeans in two world wars took out 100 million of their own people
The most significant eugenic event in western civilization by far was the black plague, 1/3 of europes peasantry was wiped out which instakilled feudalism. Western domination of the world was out of the question after that.
Tbh I never get these IQ talks. Imagine if all the provisions we had in the west was removed from us and we had to start from square one many of these people wouldn't be able to survive. We are far removed from how to live on the Earth, creating items, and even growing our own food. Would a Canadian be able to survive in the wilderness? I would say no. But many of my family members back home even though they never finished their educations are able to create their own clothes, houses, food, etc.


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