Iran is clearing out Somalia's EEZ of fish


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Global Fishing Watch Jan 2024-Jan 2025

Read this paper from 2019 and wondered if things had changed.
Nothing has changed. Iran continues to fish illegally in Somalia's EEZ.
Puntland is, by far, the worst effected region in Somalia.
Iran fishing.png
What obstacles are preventing Puntland from establishing a coastguard? It shouldn't be very hard to scare away some foreign fishing vessels.


Going from a loss of 2 million metric tonne to 465,000 metric tonne estimate is a huge decline definitely not perfect but thank you PL coastguard.

The average weight of fish if U assume is 2 kilo per fish. That's 500 fish for each metric tonne. If U assume 465,000 tonnes, your talking 235 million lost marine life. If you Assume $5 buck per kilo(fisherman to supplier cost) and assume each is 2 kilos so 10 bucks.

$10 X 500 fish= 1 tonne which is $5000 prices per tonne if you multiply that over 465,000 tonnes, that's around $3.235 billion lost. If you look at the fishing licence fee PL collects vs that loss, what a motherfuckin pimp hand.

This is even not factoring in high demand low supply type of seafood like lobtster into the equation which will take it up by a few more billions nor the legal trawling registered for petty fees vs gains. If we include legal trawling U would need to assume 2 million metric tonne estimate. 3 billion for 465,000 tonnes X 4.4 to amount to 2 million tonne your talking 14 billion dollars lost lost since 1981. But if U assume 3 billion over 2010 to 2014 period. Each year is $750 million per year.

Mind you this input data is very faulty as it doesn't estimate types of fish lost, legal n illegal, way to much number not enough formula provided. I don't ready any estimate if I don't read formula first or it's just numbers out of asses.
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A good formula would be to establish the following.

Ship volume size(how much it can store), hours or days spent over a period(year), marine life present, seasons, sort the variety of fishes, count quantity of ships. Surely U guys r poor at maths and just read numbers in a spreadsheet and don't read what the formula used for that number was(well that's numbers made up out of thin air).

I'm not sure what the fascination here with numbers are, anyone can read numbers but not everyone knows how those numbers was generated(no formula), rendering it useless reading.


Climate change people tell U their methodology or formula.

The Atmosphere temperature when healthy is this range over years and decades. They give U precise figure and it's variation rate over time naturally.

They then show U hey this is what the temps r now post industrial age(volumes of methane, co2, aerosol emission contribution vs temperate variation rate).

They tell U what can happen when these number rise beyond a certain temp threshold and it's effect on the climate U live in and the whole eco system and if it's even reversible. Establish a formula or method don't give us a damn fucking number.


If those estimates are right(which I doubt as a formula would be provided).

But let's just play with their imaginary estimates. Somalia lost 3 million tonnes since 1981 to 2014. That's a 33 year period. Not sure why they add 1981 to 1991 period, maybe cause that's last official govt data which by the way was burned and looted unless preserved by international institutions.

The reality is there was none of this under Siyad Barre or people would recall it like hell to discredit him. This is 91 to 2024 period, the period of state collapse that all these trawlers came seeing no coastal authority or repercussions other then petty ak 47 or RPGs which they know how it can be countered.


Not affiliated with HAG, puntland1st, CBB, MBB, SL
Deni needs to address this asap. It has gotten extremely bad, with local fishermen saying that lobsters are rarely sighted in the sea now, when they used to be abundant. They also have the audacity to come really close to the coast. It’s not like they’re just slightly into Somalia’s EEZ or international waters.

Here’s a video addressing it:

