Is Anti Semetism Grounded In Facts


These industrious immigrants would soon go from peddling trinkets and buying up shopkeepers’ IOUs to forming what would become some of the largest investment banks in the world—Goldman Sachs, Kuhn Loeb, Lehman Brothers, J. & W. Seligman & Co. They would clash and collaborate with J. P. Morgan, E. H. Harriman, Jay Gould, and other famed tycoons of the era. And their firms would help to transform the United States from a debtor nation into a financial superpower, capitalizing American industry and underwriting some of the twentieth century’s quintessential companies, like General Motors, Macy’s, and Sears. Along the way, they would shape the destiny not just of American finance but of the millions of Eastern European Jews who spilled off steamships in New York Harbor in the early 1900s, including Daniel Schulman’s paternal grandparents.

Everyone knows America was weak and irrelevant untill Jews arrived and built wall street, they were always in debt lol. Heck Oppenheimer also gave them the nuke and Einstein gave them everything hard science follows. The amount of Jewish noble peace prize winners is 25%, most of the academic field you all study was founded by a Jewish person, yes it may have pagan greek n Roman origins but their the ones who modernized it into curriculums for you to study. When it comes to money, media, Hollywood, wall street, AIPAC wallahi these ppl hold immense power and clout and I always cheer when Ilhan Omar the first Somali who isn't a coward to face them.

They call us gentile nations meaning an un blessed savage people while their the holy of holies, lion of judah, the apple of gods eye. These guys were doing banking as far back noted in the torah to use interest on non Jews while not doing interest with thy brother lol. Even Islam tried to keep them out by banning banking but they penetrated many times in the Islamic caliphate.

They boast their so holy their name will exist in the annuals of history while other nations will disappear like Romans, Greeks, West, caliphate, Babylon, Assyria,, cush, Egypt, etc. they boast U disappear into gunnimo 😂 but not my name the holy of Israel. As we mutuate into new nations they say, Israel stands as a reminder to all their still standing so Judaism must be holy.
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This must be true their argument all previous nations died out but never Jews isn't this proof their a miracle 😂 they go even further to say your nations will die out like all those in the past including the modern ones made up today, these guys don't care if your religion lives on, they don't want your isir or ancestors not to live on because religion is just faith which anyone can join, their supremacist about blood
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Communism manifesto was written by a jew Karl Marx 😂 which we copied and half the world
Capitalism and Banking was existing way early in the Torah and why Jesus fought with their money lenders at the temple, plus it's clearly in their Torah about using wealth to control which the Rothschild said currency dominates politics lol following in Judaism spirit. They don't mind U eat but U need to get a loan from them so they eat off you and grow lol, they do it across billions of ppl worldwide and have accumulated massive wealth.

They are also in Socotra as UAE has surrendered and opened up diplomatic ties and they tell them deal with Somalis for us but come and consult us in Israel lol, Saudis also accepted Mossad security ties which isn't even hidden anymore. The world has surrendered why not Somalis?

Even destroying USSR was done by Harry Kissinger a Jewish strategist America kept as their Oppenheimer of politics 😂

Listen they also have huge business class in Russia in case their American experiment turns out like Europe who mind U when they left fell also and if they leave America so will America and why they beg at their AIPAC altar but Ilhan Omar is giving us all hope but who knows how long she survives before they overthrow her.


@berberaboy66 they also wanted to ban female circumision because in their book their women r unclean and unholy and not circumized only the men r lol so when they see both man n woman circumized in Africa they get so horrified they started the fgm crusade lol their very smart ppl, they know if both your genders r circumized U must be both holy n clean in god sight and since their women ain't they get all tribal lol. Their is 100% Jewish male circumision rate if it was in their religion to circumized women their huge propaganda machine wud make it a great healthy thing lol



I need to stop go into such a frenzy about them as they will say I'm an sntisemitr and deliver my content with the word play theatre of the world lol. I get into a frenzy cause I know what their doing trying to see thru Judaism as holy and working the earth to fulfill it.

Stress Omg GIF by The Drew Barrymore Show

I need to stop go into such a frenzy about them as they will say I'm an sntisemitr and deliver my content with the word play theatre of the world lol. I get into a frenzy cause I know what their doing trying to see thru Judaism as holy and working the earth to fulfill it.

Stress Omg GIF by The Drew Barrymore Show
Sxb they’re top dogs sooner you learn to accept this the better. Hated for over 3000 years, sent packing all across the globe, no way to defend themselves, anyone else would have gone extinct by then. Not only are they still alive today they rule the West. They got something no one else has it’s undeniable at this point.

I’d love to sit in a room and just listen to them. I need to know how their brains are wired, what they see different to everyone else



Their is a famous tree in burco called geed yahud I was like damn did yahud actually penetrate into the desert which wud of been warriors lol, urban class can mix but every society keeps its rural pure for history sake and these motherfuckers came into Somali desert.


Sxb they’re top dogs sooner you learn to accept this the better. Hated for over 3000 years, sent packing all across the globe, no way to defend themselves, anyone else would have gone extinct by then. Not only are they still alive today they rule the West. They got something no one else has it’s undeniable at this point.

I’d love to sit in a room and just listen to them. I need to know how their brains are wired, what they see different to everyone else

Sxb gun ma ahi I'm pharoahnic also who woke the world up to them and created anti Semetism. I will not tolerate isirkaga Lagu caayo their Torah and they call it religious worship, ill insult their holocaust also, our Qur'an doesn't talk about murdering their ppl n shit like they do with all the ancient world they had contact with and modern world now.


Sxb they’re top dogs sooner you learn to accept this the better. Hated for over 3000 years, sent packing all across the globe, no way to defend themselves, anyone else would have gone extinct by then. Not only are they still alive today they rule the West. They got something no one else has it’s undeniable at this point.

I’d love to sit in a room and just listen to them. I need to know how their brains are wired, what they see different to everyone else

Your brutal isaaqi U will sit with them to listen how to survive even in the most inhospitable conditions so U can advance isaaq cause in the event of exoduses lol. This why Muslims divided as they went to learn from Jews their tactics lol.



I know what you wanna do sit with Jews n learn business tactics, military, exodus survival, global domination, historical preservation it was these type of motives which split the caliphate after the four caliphs and Muslims turned into kingdoms lol. We need a Mahdi to return to end these type of motives inside nations and religions and unite Muslim for the Jewish removal of earth, the cancer in humanity stretching since pharoahnic times till hitler. I will even join @Omar del Sur group because I hate them with a passion but weirdly I admire them also like U do Berbera.

All I'll tell Omar their no Islamic treatment or guidelines were using pharoahnic guidelines not Hitler either wipe out any male even babies so their name can never live and their women we will marry who carry no name lol. Even their women need to be monitored as crypto Jew while conveniently publically Muslim or Christian is known now, the women raise up trojan kids lol. I won't join any jihad on Israel if it isn't about wiping the name from earth not just simple war but complete genocide.
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I know what you wanna do sit with Jews n learn business tactics, military, exodus survival, global domination, historical preservation it was these type of motives which split the caliphate after the four caliphs and Muslims turned into kingdoms lol. We need a Mahdi to return to end these type of motives inside nations and religions and unite Muslim for the Jewish removal of earth, the cancer in humanity stretching since pharoahnic times till hitler. I will even join @Omar del Sur group because I hate them with a passion but weirdly I admire them also like U do Berbera.

All I'll tell Omar their no Islamic treatment or guidelines were using pharoahnic guidelines not Hitler either wipe out any male even babies so their name can never live and their women we will marry who carry no name lol.
Somalia is a dog eat dog world we need to switch up the tactics independence doesn’t take you anywhere, Irir card is dying Dir card is beginning to show cracks Harti Waqooyi card is dead forever maybe.

I will show them ancient Jewish artefacts in Hargeisa and claim ana j00. All I need to do is be in a room and listen with them and see how they think, how they react. When they start talking about wealth based societies/structures I will be listening like this



Somalia is a dog eat dog world we need to switch up the tactics independence doesn’t take you anywhere, Irir card is dying Dir card is beginning to show cracks Harti Waqooyi card is dead forever maybe.

I will show them ancient Jewish artefacts in Hargeisa and claim ana j00. All I need to do is be in a room and listen with them and see how they think, how they react. When they start talking about wealth based societies/structures I will be listening like this

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That's why when I pray which is not just your ritual type of salat, it's a salat worth millions of robotic salats, I pray a Mahdi returns to end these hidden motives in the ummah like yours and those that existed in Islamic period, I pray he unifies them to see ur playing into Jewish tactic divide n conquer and have servants to Israel lol like America is to AIPAC lol.

That's when I do my real salahs with deep meditation that god doesn't allow the Jewish prophecies thru where the world is enslaved to Jewish world while their peddling their the holy of holies, survivors of all history and survivors into the future.


Somalia is a dog eat dog world we need to switch up the tactics independence doesn’t take you anywhere, Irir card is dying Dir card is beginning to show cracks Harti Waqooyi card is dead forever maybe.

I will show them ancient Jewish artefacts in Hargeisa and claim ana j00. All I need to do is be in a room and listen with them and see how they think, how they react. When they start talking about wealth based societies/structures I will be listening like this

View attachment 344997

I know your going to the AIPAC altar like the rest of the world and U may even use that U will counter Ilhan Omar the antisemite to open up trust, I kiss U away like Jesus did to Judas do as U must.

U will sit diligently to learn economics, business, banking, wealth accumulation and how to use it for politics, military defences and offences, Mossad intelligence tactics, but U will sit more attentively about historical preservation on land or in the event of isaaq exodus lol.

Your doing exactly the same thing the Muslim ummah who were at each other went to Jews for knowledge, not knowing your just a spawn to them to deal with a common problem U share even tho after the common problem is gone he won't be loyal to you either lol.



I know your Somali and qabyalad is at the core as U tell other isaaqs this majerten is only anti Semitic because of Ilhan Omar and he is pursuing some majerten interest, I'm prepared for that. But deep down I know and studied these ppl intensively since I was 15 when a Jewish student came up to me and said when will ur nation of gentiles go extinct so we can promote Jewish holiness, it was my turning point knowing these ppl r about qabyalad and isir not deen or truth, his name was moshe holla holla U changed me forever 😂
Sxb they’re top dogs sooner you learn to accept this the better. Hated for over 3000 years, sent packing all across the globe, no way to defend themselves, anyone else would have gone extinct by then. Not only are they still alive today they rule the West. They got something no one else has it’s undeniable at this point.

I’d love to sit in a room and just listen to them. I need to know how their brains are wired, what they see different to everyone else
They’re just nepotistic and in group oriented, they’re so buddy buddy with each other it actually befuddles the mind. People think they’re superhuman smart asses who put an emphasis on education, but if that’s the case, why isn’t the Federal reserve staff or the White House/foreign secretaries office staff 30% Indian or Asian, since those cultures put an emphasis on education. instead of being 30% to 40% Jewish. it’s bad enough they’re nepotistic, but they’re genuine subverters of all things good and proper and the devils emissaries on earth.

In short there’s no profound secret that’s kept them on top, they’ve been around the longest and they’re not even that smart. They’re just heavily in group oriented which makes them appear cohesive and powerful.