But sis what about all the poor somali women who suffer/ are raped in arab countries?
People use terms like racist, hate to describe anyone that doesn't agree with their opinions. For example I will explain harm of weeds to crops and forests, does it make me racist to weed or I hate weed?
(Weeds reduce farm and forest productivity, they invade crops, smother pastures and in some cases can harm livestock. They aggressively compete for water, nutrients and sunlight, resulting in reduced crop yield and poor crop quality)
Now I am racist person to weed because I showed their harms to forests?
No, I don't like being discriminated against so why would I do it to others
But sis what about all the poor somali women who suffer/ are raped in arab countries?I see you have no problem giving them the benefit of the doubt
No, I don't like being discriminated against so why would I do it to others
But sis what about all the poor somali women who suffer/ are raped in arab countries?I see you have no problem giving them the benefit of the doubt
Bro she believe racism equals power+privilegeBeing Somali, black and Muslim doesn't exempt you from being racist.