@Angela Davis @dhegdheer @SenseSays
Say wallahi y'all wouldn't mind me staying at home playing ps4 in my boxers all day, doing a bit of cleaning and baking cakes n sheit. My cooking is a solid 9/10.
inb4 "Yeah, but me personally... I'm not looking for a househusband"
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lol Somali men are turning into AA men they expect their Xalimo to work in fact, many are so lazy, get up at duhur and they are out with their mates siping tea 24/7 and taking part in FDK. Leaving the xalimo to bring up, work and care for the kids. I'm sorry but any Xalimo who just relies on Somali men is off her head. Might as well take advantage of the free education you are given and do something with your life.
@Jubba_Man Is obsessed with AA and single parent households I swear how come that's the only thing you bring up anytime feminism is brought up kkkkk. The high rate of single income divorce is most likely due to financial difficulties sxb It's tough to live comfortable on a single income. Attraction isn't biological lol why else would you have the saying 'different strokes for different folks. It's all socialization
That would be an adequate explanation if the divorce rate for stay-at-home dads was not at least 3 times the divorce rate for stay-at-home moms across all countries in the developed worlds and after controlling for income as well. Clearly one type of arrangement has a much better chance of working in the real world than the other, even if certain people with agendas would never want to acknowledge it.
And "different strokes" deals with peripheral things like eye color, skin color, etc. but there are objective features on either of the sexes that transcend this and are found to be universally desirable. I know it's not PC and apart of your "fat acceptance" movements you feminists love to champion, but if you were to take the ideal masculine and ideal feminine features and place them on men and women across the world and different cultures, by and large you will find they are mostly palette swaps of one another (only differ among peripheral things like skin color, hair color, eye color, etc.).
I love house hold duties not all women see housework as dreary. Working and staying away from your child is a heartbreaking reality most women endear in the western world. Both parents working, ultimately leaving the child alone at home with no moral guidance and support. I believe the opposite is happening as a result of this social change, disfunctional households, a rise in divorce etc. All due to this fairy tale image of women chasing careers instead of being mothers. Once I have children I will aim to stay at home and nurture them as this is my boilogical duty as a woman. I'm not going to slave away in the a system which doesn't want me to be with my child, working day in and day out. Whilst my child is alone and being looked after by strangers.
Universally children love their mothers more?? Who conducted this global study?