So far it's Puntland that is fighting you not Farmaajo, the man has enough on his plate to care about what you do, but you haven't answered my question why is it always the Isaaqs(some) who relish in people's misery and wish for it to continue when quite literally 70% of the current youthful population were born after the civil war and the men who started the civil war have long gone senile.
Somalia Gov was involved in planning major attack against Somaliland and their ultimate goal is to bring UN Peace keepers in Tukaraq area & establish a buffer zone for Puntland. Puntland has never cared about Sool but are afraid for Garowe. However Somaliland spends 80% of its budget on the military while puntlands army is malnourished and ill equipped to assemble a serious opposition to somaliland. We are well prepared and aware of Farmaajo doings behind the scene. He will not get his hands dirty and puts a public face on of a peacekeeper. He spent his precidency underminding somaliland trying to stop all aid directly going to Somaliland. He is travelling to countries working on stopping the berbera uae deal. He is somalilands number one enemy.
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