Is hsm a Muslim? Or are there too many signs to make takfir on him?


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Maybe, you kind of have a point. The man bowed like a dog to some kenyan generals grave, is corrupt and indirectly openly admitted that he is corrupt in one of his speeches, sells out our country at any turn and last but not least sold out to habeshi and even kissed abiys hand like a slave.


A Laandheere always pays his debts
I despise the munaafiq moryaan as much as the next person, however this is legitimately dangerous line of thinking given if you say yes - you are implictly/explicitly agreeing with Arsenal. MSB literally manipulated inheritance laws and polygyny to fit into socialist values. There is nothing i am more scared than takfir because of the following Hadith:

Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, β€œWhen a man calls his brother an unbeliever, it turns against at least to one of them. Either the accused is as he claimed, or else the charge will turn against him.”

Let HSM do what he needs to, we won’t label him anything and from the apparent he is a Muslim. Its between him and Allah swt, trudt me Allah swt is most just. This munaafiq will get what he deserves, but let’s not follow the AS route of takfir because that is a very steep and dangerous road.

