Is it an exaggeration to say ethnic Somalis are facilitating their own replacement?

Where was the Qeylodhaan iyo cabsidii iyo baqdintii when HSM was moving troops down there? And picking a fight, Only when Gurgurtes forces got it handed to them it’s “waawarey aaway somali maxamed waawawawa”
I am not interested in zoo clan politics. Any sane person would agree young men being used as pawns in a political war by two criminals is wrong and shouldn’t be happening.

Garaad Awal

Former African
So many young Somali men keep dying every couple months and large numbers. Plus it’s been happening for 35 years. Surely this will have an impact on the population growth of Ethnic Somalis? Thread inspired by what’s happening in raskamboni where according to reports there’s heavy casualties on both sides. Very sad
If this continues, it won’t be long before Somalis are only a plurality in the country and not outright majority:
Birth rate is super high, Somalis are in fact at the opposite end of the spectrum. There will be to many young people and without opportunities, which is far more dangerous. Things will get worse in the next few decades if Somalis in the Horn don’t stop popping 5 or 6 kids per woman.


Reer guri
When I last visited Somalia I did not see a lot of Bantus, only afgooye on the farms and a few in xamar. But tbh I haven’t went in awhile so things could’ve been different. Here in the west where I’m from there’s a decent Bantu community who live up north. They barely have any kids, no more than 5 or 6.



It's not really the death toll from war that's killing Somalis even tho exagerrated but the scale or payload of their weapons, mathematically is know what it can kill over time duration, it's very low, just exagerrated obvously they can't tell us how such weaponry can kill millions or hundreds of thousands. It's definitely what's called a low intensity war.

The thing that really hurts Somali is the highest human capital(established or emerging) which is nil now due to 4 month war or in exile from 91, or even the best talent there flee, that's huge blows n losses compared to some dude just wasting time in usual faan, fkd, etc that's cannon fodder no value add over a life time.and doesn't hurt them well sometimes it does hurt then in diya payments when their not worth it.

What u term into a plurality(one group or section in a diverse nation) Is the side effects of war like famines, disease, sewages, bad water, nutrition deficiency, bulk population eating expired products, the fleeing to other lands, over time well year to decade this adds up(its called accumulation process) and the current inward migration happening from Oromia is basically setting up an equation that u can calculate when they become a majority or huge ethnic force. Everything has side effects, every decision made carries a set of effects.
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You’re missing one small detail which is other somali groups like somali bantu also have the same birth rate if not higher minus the insane high death rate for us ethnic somalis. So eventually they will catch up and surpass us.
Bantus only live near the Juba and Shabelle rivers lol. The rest of the country still has high fertility.

Once again, no one is able to name one city or town in Somalia that is majority Bantu.
Returning to the topic of this thread, who gives a crap? Somali-Bantu have been documented as indigenous in South Somalia for as long as there has been research into Somalia. Fear Allah, he is the greatest of planners.


Returning to the topic of this thread, who gives a crap? Somali-Bantu have been documented as indigenous in South Somalia for as long as there has been research into Somalia. Fear Allah, he is the greatest of planners.
Exactly Somali Bantus ❤️❤️ I love them

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
It's true.

Bantu farming communities have many children, someone who visited Mogadishu said that it doesn't even look like Somalis live there. We also have large numbers of Bantus in IDP camps all over Somalia. They chill and breed, ethnic Somalis wipe themselves out. Just wait until a real census is done and ethnic Somalis get a rude wake up call about their imaginary numerical superiority.
Somalias demographics are already changing Bantus will be a majority by 2050 because of there high birth rate

This might be for the better Bantus have a good work ethic and will re build Somalia instead of relying on aid from the United Nations designed to keep Somalia from ever rising to be something more than a”failed state “