Is it haram ?

Internet Nomad

i'm Somali first muslim second
Only docile fools care for religion as is it used to control people and rid you of your identity,culture,language and pride similar to what this wahab/salafi cancer is doing to our people. I have got nothing but hatred to toward Ethiopians,Kenyans,Emiratis,Saudis and other jar''r Africans may Eebbe destroy these people.
My ethnicity,country,family comes first before anything else and i couldn't care less about the worthless ummah. I'm happy that Tigray muslims are being punished aswell as i see them collective enemy for 2006 invasion of Somalia as you had Tigrays muslims killing Somalis.
Bro you're not even muslim 💀


You know how the nationalist saudi say
“Islam came from us “

Is it haram to say that ? When Islam itself didn’t come from the prophets nor angels
It came from allah swt so claiming Islam as your is very wrong right ?
It's BS cause Jesus was a Muslim and he wasn't Arab, he was a Jew. How can Arabs claim Islam is from Arabs when all of our known prophets are Jews except Muhammad (pbuh).
Allah says he sent prophets to all nations so there was black, asian , south American etc prophets too.


I have noticed other Muslims ethnic groups have an inferiority complex towards Saudis or Arabs in general. Especially us Somalis. Maybe it because Somalia is so messed up at the moment. Just because Islam is written in Arabic doesn’t means Arabs are super human beings. Be proud of your ethnicity. Allah made us all equal. I am a Somali before I’m a Muslim. Anyone that has an opinion on that can go ask a Saudi if he/she believes a Somali is worth the same as a Saudi😂
Unfortunately somalis rely too much on madhabs, major mad-hab founders (shafi'i , hanafi, hanbali etc) and scholars like ibn taymiyyah had some serious Arab supremacist tendencies
If Allah sent down a prophet to a Nation it means that the nation at the time was the worst in terms of sins. There are many stories in which a nation was destroyed completely for not listening and taking heed of the warnings preached by the prophets.

the difference between Nabi Muhammed and the other prophets is that the other prophets were sent to their respective nation towns and tribes to call upon their people to the Haqq while Prophet Muhammed was sent to the entire world. Before Islam the Bedouin Arabs were burying their daughters,worshipping idols, fornicating etc.

To this day there is still a large population of Arab non Muslims, majority who are still Christians like in Lebanon and Syria. If the Arab nationalist believe that Islam originated from Arab then why are these non Muslim Arabs still around? Islam does not belong to a single race.
It's BS cause Jesus was a Muslim and he wasn't Arab, he was a Jew. How can Arabs claim Islam is from Arabs when all of our known prophets are Jews except Muhammad (pbuh).
Allah says he sent prophets to all nations so there was black, asian , south American etc prophets too.

There’s many prophets that existed that are not mentioned in the Quran like prophet Daniel for example. His grave was discovered When the Muslims conquered Persia and saw the locals worshiping his grave. It was then ordered for his body to be taken to a secret burial site under the leadership of Omar Ibn Khattab. Prophet Luqman is mentioned in the Quran and he was from the African continent.

Mr. Nur

Aspiring Somali CEO 🇸🇴
80% of muslims are non-arab

only 20% is only arab muslims.

ofc islam has no race and their no such thing as arab being more better or less than non-arab were all the same cuz islam has no race nor ethnicity it one people in one deen please understand that before jumping into conclusions


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