Is it MBB propaganda


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Sheikh Hasina faced a popular uprising mostly students and young men.

Said Barre faced armed militias funded by foreign nations.
He made enemies with his people. Same as hasina. Your people can rip you out of power faster then you came in
Ali Mahdi and his manfisto group unilaterally declared themselves as the interim govt without consulting the major opposition groups like SNM and Caydiid USC and that led to the breakdown of the country
All those rebels were far worse than Siyad bare . They were supremacists they thought they were better and history has proven that ,once they took over some place they behaved worse than what they were accusing the Bare government.
All those rebels were far worse than Siyad bare . They were supremacists they thought they were better and history has proven that ,once they took over some place they behaved worse than what they were accusing the Bare government.
If SNM was worse than Afweyne you wouldn't be here talking warasangeliyo ;)
Quick question @Haragweefi: When the rebels were close to the capital, did Siad Barre have enough heavy weapons to destroy them? Why didn't Siad Barre fight? Was it because he knew the blame would shift onto him?
I'm not denying Siad Barre was a dictator but I refuse the idea of portraying the leaders of the rebellion as heroes.
To me they're heroes whose names are now everywhere and remembered for the sacrifices they made for the liberty of their people under that brutal junta regime
Remember Xingalool ,Damala Xarago waan iska kaa Celiney to the point you signed peace deal and never returned :cool:.
You were forced to accept to attend the conferences as there was no state to protect you and If SNM leadership especially the military wing or council drafted a plan to conduct a revenge military operation against the clans that supported the regime your people would have been forced to vacate the land after getting massacred cuz SNM had the funding and the weapon to do such operation as it was organized movement ;)
You were forced to accept to attend the conferences as there was no state to protect you and If SNM leadership especially the military wing or council drafted a plan to conduct a revenge military operation against the clans that supported the regime your people would have been forced to vacate the land after getting massacred cuz SNM had the funding and the weapon to do such operation as it was organized movement ;)
In your dreams , we packed you and took your weapons , even today those heavy weapons you run from we still got it .
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Ximan iyo Xadeed

Bah Ogayslabe count 18 to Maxamud Harti

Muse Ismacil count 6 to Isaaq
Bah Ogayslabe younger than Muse Ismacil

Siyaasi Maxamed Boggi explain how the young Bah Ogayslabe shot at Ceerigaabo and raided Muse Ismacil in their xaafad


Ximan iyo Xadeed


In your dreams , we packed and took your weapons , even today those heavy weapons you run from we still got it . You lot you used to say Ganan garatay Giriin ma maqashay
Our hero general Jaamac Giriin (Ilaahey ha naxaristo )
If Isaaq met Dubeys they wouldn't last a day 😂

Dubeys were the only community where the Italians said idinka isla maamula , a warrior clan

Laascanood was the first encounter Feb 25

That bm was taken from the Snm🤣🤣
@Ximan iyo Xadeed qaniimo snm


Ximan iyo Xadeed

Yusra Harti the only clan that is unarmed in 2024

Bihidoor subclan 12+ generations younger than HY clans has more weapons

Reer Xaaji subclan

