Pretty sure that's why condoms were inventedDon't encourage haram. If sex is important to you get married. You'll end up a baby daddy to someone you dont know or catching disasease.
You're disgusting.

Pretty sure that's why condoms were inventedDon't encourage haram. If sex is important to you get married. You'll end up a baby daddy to someone you dont know or catching disasease.
You're disgusting.
Are tou muslim?Let's say SWIM (someone who isn't me) is a virgin as a male and they're really waiting for a good woman to have intercourse but only when SWIM is married? Is it responsible to practice abstinence?
Also if SWIM is a virgin male but ends up marrying a female that isn't a virgin (but she's not promiscuous) is that permissible?
Will it still work out even if SWIM never had it but she does with some good experiences under her belt?
Because SWIM has eyes for certain individuals that are potential real wife material but SWIM will not consent to premarital sex even if they wanted it as they wanted to, how does one go about this?
I just know I'm keeping my innocents till the right one comes my way. #3rdEyeOpen
Try wearing condoms to jahanamPretty sure that's why condoms were invented
my advice to you is transmit that energy into something productive, Wym “someone who isn’t a virgin but isn’t promiscuous”. fam if she isn’t a virgin and hasn’t been married than she’s promiscuous, i promise u she’s lying about the number, no girl just has sex once.
men and women are different. Wallahi I had the same mindset until I really opened my eyes. I’m telling u this rn, if she slept with 10 people, she’ll only count the ones that “really” counted, No girl ever has sex ones and than be like oh nvm i shouldn’t do that, specially in the west where it’s encouraged, Look up sexual imprinting too, she’ll never truly be yours if she had sex before marriage cuz another guy imprinted her,I really do feel you on that because some women don't have that sense of self control once they hooked up with somebody but this is a little different because there's this certain girl that her and I was supposed to be an item together which you know she admits that she had boyfriends and guys that liked her like that but all that stuff was before in the past which where she hooked up with some guys she also liked in the past but she wasn't the scandalous type to be no or nothing because she likes to be more of a homebody that looks out for her parents and her siblings, go to work and campus courses. Just a real cool chill chick even though I still feel you on that because it's easy for someone who is openly promiscuous to be so scandalous to try to take advantage of someone who doesn't know any better which can meddle with feelings.
Even though her and I don't really mess with each other anymore because life just made sure that we never hooked up but that's probably in some weird odd way God looking out for me in the end because we both have different priorities it's still like I respect her decisions as she may respect mine but whose to say.
I just have a feeling that people do hookup but doesn't make them necessarily overboard to a sexual deviant to where they are now trying to create problems into nymphomania.
But I totally understand where your point is coming from because it's so easy for someone to be promiscuous after they had a taste of losing their innocence.
Even though someone like myself could be a virgin doesn't mean I judge others for not being a virgin.
It's more so that if they respect their bodies even after the fact will they respect my decision to remain abstinent before marriage?
Because you know I think about certain people everyday even though I never hooked up with them but I still got love for them as the opposite gender (which at times I dearly heart, and other times I fantasize of them romantically.)
So let's say this certain woman ends up respecting your decision on your abstinence will they respect how you feel about them on your feelings if the love isn't there? Because I wanted to love this certain girl very deeply but it wasn't going to happen but still I want her to respect me on all my decisions to build trust before romance.
It's complicated I know but that's why I asked these things to simplify the situations when someone sees my point of view.
pecially in the west where it’s encouraged,
Yes the sin is the same for both male and female, but the consequences in this world is different for each gender.Allah did not permit men to commit zinah just because they are a male. Zinah is haram whether you are a male or a female.
man you got a lot to learn...Bruh I was born in Somalia I don't see it the same
Yes the sin is the same for both male and female, but the consequences in this world is different for each gender.
we didn’t set the rule, that’s just how it is. Girls can’t sleep around without catching feelings which effects their future self. guys are just after a nut. not all but majority are like that. Also guys can f*ck and their penis doesn’t change, while a girl on the other hand becomes loose as she gets dicked down by different guys. Girls have this delusion where they wanna sleep around like guys than settle down with a husband, what do you think will happen if your husband is good to you in all ways except satisfy you in bed? you will eventually leave or cheat on him since he won’t be better than someone that’s been fucking girls through out their life and have experience with multiple girls. While a guy can be satisfied with normal pussy and that’s enough. this is just one of the many consequences for girlsThe consequences are only different because men set the rules. You lot have created one rule for yourselves and one rule for women.
Also, going by a strictly Islamic perspective, the consequences should be the same. Both men and women get hadd punishment. The end.
we didn’t set the rule, that’s just how it is. Girls can’t sleep around without catching feelings which effects their future self. guys are just after a nut. not all but majority are like that. Also guys can f*ck and their penis doesn’t change, while a girl on the other hand becomes loose as she gets dicked down by different guys. Girls have this delusion where they wanna sleep around like guys than settle down with a husband, what do you think will happen if your husband is good to you in all ways except satisfy you in bed? you will eventually leave or cheat on him since he won’t be better than someone that’s been fucking girls through out their life and have experience with multiple girls. While a guy can be satisfied with normal pussy and that’s enough. this is just one of the many consequences for girls
keep telling urself that. After giving birth a vsgina is never the same, it can heal but it will never go back to the way it was. Don’t believe me tho go sleep around and see for urself.A. If women can give birth and it can go back to normal, what makes you think a small insignificant dick can make it looser? The vagina is a muscle. Educate yourself.
B. Whilst men definitely do view sex differently to women, men sleeping around before marriage also makes it harder for them to be faithful as well. Men cheat alot more than women according to studies and the only reason why you are not talking about male promiscuity is because men cheating has become normalised. In fact we routinely say shit like, 'boys will be boys' and 'men are like dogs'.
C. Even virgins or chaste widowed/divorced women may feel unsatisfied in bed. Islamically, women can divorce their husbands if they are not satisfied. Sex is a big part of marriage and is very important for some men and women.
Ultimatly, we live in a man's world. Men think its okay for them to do xyz, whilst dictating to women. Its haram for both men and women. Lets stop making excuses for men committing zina.
The sin for men and women is the same, but in society it’s different. Even the ugliest of women can find someone that would sleep with them which is not the case for men..The consequences are only different because men set the rules. You lot have created one rule for yourselves and one rule for women.
Also, going by a strictly Islamic perspective, the consequences should be the same. Both men and women get hadd punishment. The end.
keep telling urself that. After giving birth a vsgina is never the same, it can heal but it will never go back to the way it was. Don’t believe me tho go sleep around and see for urself.
war isku xishow and delete this.your drawing your own conclusions, i clearly stated both are haram but there r different consequences, ask ur dad how ur moms pussy felt when he first fucked her and now after pushing ur dumbass out.
Also if ur getting fucked by a 6 inch dick one day, 8 inch another, 9 inch next week, you won’t feel ur husband since the average penis size is some where between 5-5.5 inches