Bililiqo although chronic and inflammatory, is not a disease. You better stop eating Lo Mein adeer.There's more lethal diseases out here in scumny Ldn we'll have corona for breakfast
Wallahi I just realized you’re a woman wow.Non of the Somali bases other than London are affected so it’s calm
Can’t say the same for our Somali brothers and sisters in Seattle
What made you realise?Wallahi I just realized you’re a woman wow.
The Essex one has me low-key scared
Say night night darling
Something is in the air, we can all sense it. Since the year was born, seems like one scare tactic after the other by the media.
This corona shindig just proved to the world that all the governments are in bed with each other.
My manager called a meeting just to tell us to wash our hands for at least 20 seconds on the regular lmao
OCD people will be having melt downs in this environment.
I just want to see how far they take this.
Will we see total shut downs and quarantine of the country like China? On the plus side the pollution levels over China have dropped dramatically.
Ain’t niggas died in Washington? We good here akhi