Is it true Oromos are invading Somalia?

I keep hearing online that Oromos and other Ethiopians are coming into Somalia in huge numbers and taking over jobs that people don't normally do. Is this a true assessment or exaggerated? Someone online said they have taken over neighborhoods.
I keep hearing online that Oromos and other Ethiopians are coming into Somalia in huge numbers and taking over jobs that people don't normally do. Is this a true assessment or exaggerated? Someone online said they have taken over neighborhoods.
Yes they are just look at the western border slowly they are changing the lines every year till they finally border Somaliland they already took hararghe and bale now they want to take all of Somaliweyn

their goal is to assimilate Somali people that’s why they made all of our cities “multi ethnic” wether it’s Dhir dhaba,Harar,Moyale next they are coming for Jigjiga

Yes it is true they are everywhere and Somalis are letting them in without any fight, every major somali city I’ve been to had a sizable Oromo population yet we are never in their cities let alone all of Oromia.
Just look at Galkacyo, the local denizens complained about the influx of oromos, and within the week puntland authorities deported nearly 200 of them, imagine what could be done if the government was more aggressive in its round up efforts, but this isn’t a priority unfortunately.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Yes its true they are invading us, killing our people, taking our land and assimilating us in the west then they disguise themselves as beggars and poor miskeens and come to our land with ulterior agenda these people are literally taught and groomed from a young age to believe in their neo facist imperial agenda that all lands in horn of africa is their god given birth right. There was a thread here before were idiot far left liberal users were sympathising with a oromo beggars plight not focusing on the bigger picture.