Is it true Oromos are invading Somalia?


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its a very real problem, that has spawned with somalia being a weak state

Thats interesting, theres a clear line of division on this issue, and they all have one thing in common.

Im not against documented and written immigration. But this is unrestricted, where they come in impersonate somalis and then will switch back to take land. I would not be suprised if they start Guilt tripping. Whats crazy oromia has much more opportunities then somalia.

There should also be no naturalization process for people who migrate, you must need somali dna
And what are somalis bringing to the table exactly?? 😂😂😂 dont kill me. Their region has more stability than all of somalia itself and they are in war rn. somalis have serious serious cuqdad toward them yet they are the ones working hard taking the jobs our people dont even want to do. How can you even be mad at that? An oromo is not better than a somali and a somali is not better than an oromo.

your talking about history, whats the point in that? Do you find pride in what the people in the past used to do?? It was THEIR accomplishment, not yours. Look at our country as a whole today. We are a diseased people. Oromos have the upper hand and they are using the nationalism card to take as much land as they want. How can you even be mad at that?

You sound like a right wing nationalist
I think we found ourselves an oromo. :sass1: