Is it true Oromos are invading Somalia?


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
No way you think oromos actually work. Wtf all I saw them doing in hargeisa was begging. They just come up to you after Jummah salah begging for money, why not go and beg in your own region then? They’re a net negative anywhere they go.

It’s not an accident that every ethnic group in Ethiopia hates them, they’ve shown you time and time again they can’t be trusted.
Lol after 1977 when we helped them later on they turned on us and started expanding into our land and killing us 😂 these oromo people are snakes idc whether they assimilated somali or not they are all the same which is rotten to the core, inshallah we deport all of them.
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Ofc your bringing feminist elements into this debate also how is it fair that all our major cities have oromos residing in them but you wouldnt find the same in oromiya? This isnt mutual exchange.
Is it fair somalis live in the west but westerners dont live in our country? This isnt mutual exchange. They should be expelled immediately. See how that sounds?


No way you think oromos actually work. Wtf all I saw them doing in hargeisa was begging. They just come up to you after Jummah salah begging for money, why not go and beg in your own region then? They’re a net negative anywhere they go.

It’s not an accident that every ethnic group in Ethiopia hates them, they’ve shown you time and time again they can’t be trusted.
I mean im not somalilander so i have no entitlement on what they do about oromos in their land. However i would say that theres a reason why they are there. Has it ever occured to you maybe they are fleeing from persecution? Maybe the job opportunities are better? Maybe they are giving a better life for their kids? Maybe the somaliland administration treats them more equally compared to the ethiopian one? You are looking this narrowmindedly. These are people with minds and hearts, not numbers. A lot are muslim too. You people are the same ones that cry tears of happiness when cadaans go to your land. Wheres this same outrage for xalane??


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
There's a reason these people rebelled against Ethiopia during the galbeed war & campgained to join Somalia under the "Abo Somali" faction.

These people are Somali and they know it to this day. Ask any Afran Qallo what abtirsi they count to & they'll tell you their clans. Warra Absame being a major one. I forgot the others beside Gurgura.

Is this video not proof enough these are your niggas? They preserved your traditional geeljire culture better then 99% of your clans yet they're not Somali? Because they speak Afaan Oromo like you speak English rn in the west? Ina illahi.

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Instead of spreading hate, how about you niggas reassimilate them? Look at all that beautiful green land in harar you're loosing out on because you want to play Nazi.
@thisthatone keep the qashin rolling. While you’re at it qashin my other posts. Your dumbass reactions just proves my point


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
No way you think oromos actually work. Wtf all I saw them doing in hargeisa was begging. They just come up to you after Jummah salah begging for money, why not go and beg in your own region then? They’re a net negative anywhere they go.

It’s not an accident that every ethnic group in Ethiopia hates them, they’ve shown you time and time again they can’t be trusted.
Their region is destroyed by Addis Ababa. They are much poorer than Somalis that’s why they run to somaliland


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I mean im not somalilander so i have no entitlement on what they do about oromos in their land. However i would say that theres a reason why they are there. Has it ever occured to you maybe they are fleeing from persecution? Maybe the job opportunities are better? Maybe they are giving a better life for their kids? Maybe the somaliland administration treats them more equally compared to the ethiopian one? You are looking this narrowmindedly. These are people with minds and hearts, not numbers. A lot are muslim too. You people are the same ones that cry tears of happiness when cadaans go to your land. Wheres this same outrage for xalane??
You tapped in. The hararghe oromos are treated like garbage by Ethiopia government. May the most high curse abiy ahmed and the rest of his administration along with the TPLF before him.

They caused this horrible situation for the Afran Qallo where they have to beg in the streets of hargeisa thousands of km away for a chance at life.

As fellow Muslims & fellow Somalis it’s in our duty to declare jihad in Addis Ababa after all their transactions against our people and it looks like it’s finally about to happen with the Egyptian arms shipments. I look forward to Addis Ababa finally getting what they deserve


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
You tapped in. The hararghe oromos are treated like garbage by Ethiopia government. May the most high curse abiy ahmed and the rest of his administration along with the TPLF before him.

They caused this horrible situation for the Afran Qallo where they have to beg in the streets of hargeisa thousands of km away for a chance at life.

As fellow Muslims & fellow Somalis it’s in our duty to declare jihad in Addis Ababa after all their transactions against our people and it looks like it’s finally about to happen with the Egyptian arms shipments. I look forward to Addis Ababa finally getting what they deserve
I will make a thread on this. Oromo is a fake ethnicity with only one major section being real Oromo.

Christian central & northern Oromo are language shifted habeshas.

eastern hararghe/Warra Yejju in wollo oromos are language shifted Somalis

Western Oromo are language shifted Omotic

Southern Oromo are the original stock