Is it true Somali guys are worshipped in Scandinavia?

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Farahs tell us your adventures of the land of many women. I personally visited Sweden
5 years ago and had a positive experience. (I don't condone race mixing) but I have to
admit Swedish women are 10 x more beautiful than the ugly English women that we
have in UK.

Beilsa and Prince of Hobyo yep, but Reign is a halimo from UK lol (you are asking for trouble).

Immigrants, which include somalis are seen as exotic and exiting for a certain section of scandinavian women, often girls in their 20 with relativ middel class or wealthy background, mostly from blonds in the inner cities. I draw my experiences mainly from Danish women but the lack of dark meat on the market and the moderate demands does benefit somali men, though they can't take advantage of it because of the thighs-knit judging from the community and lack of charisma.
Farahs tell us your adventures of the land of many women. I personally visited Sweden
5 years ago and had a positive experience. (I don't condone race mixing) but I have to
admit Swedish women are 10 x more beautiful than the ugly English women that we
have in UK.

They love us:manny:


Immigrants, which include somalis are seen as exotic and exiting for a certain section of scandinavian women, often girls in their 20 with relativ middel class or wealthy background, mostly from blonds in the inner cities. I draw my experiences mainly from Danish women but the lack of dark meat on the market and the moderate demands does benefit somali men, though they can't take advantage of it because of the thighs-knit judging from the community and lack of charisma.

So who do you think is more liberal, Swedish women or Danish women?
So who do you think is more liberal, Swedish women or Danish women?

Swedish women are more liberal and accepting of somalis while Danes can be judgmental of any immigrant but the Danish women that do like immigrant and dark meat are more freaky and adventorous, the jungle-fever is stronger here.

In both cases it is particularly kind of woman, in her 20s, blond and either adventorous, has immigrants friend or is just tired of white bread that seek somalis. The latter is just more common because of the whiteness of the countries.


Swedish women are more liberal and accepting of somalis while Danes can be judgmental of any immigrant but the Danish women that do like immigrant and dark meat are more freaky and adventorous, the jungle-fever is stronger here.

What surprised me was since I was used to seeing ugly English women every city I went to Orebro, Gothenburg and Stockholm,
pretty Swede women were in abundance. They have a high ratio of good looking women. I wonder if it is the same in Denmark?
What surprised me was since I was used to seeing ugly English women every city I went to Orebro, Gothenburg and Stockholm,
pretty Swede women were in abundance. They have a high ratio of good looking women. I wonder if it is the same in Denmark?

Danish women and men are taller, healthier and young looking than most other countries. A running joke that exits is that the viking only brought the most beautiful women with them and from the looks of it is true. The number of 10s you see on your commute will make you go crazy, most women I see are effortlessly pretty with the added benefit that they lack self-esteem due to the high standard making them easier to recruit.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
if those girls in the pic are supposed to be 10x more beautiful than UK broads then my condolences fam :bell:

mise waa blonde girl syndrome striking again :bell:


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
I think I will take a trip to Iceland and charter unknown waters. Since everyone is related I think the women are looking for fresh blood kkkkk.


tfw no habesha gf
You people sounds like the kangz at the coli. They usually don't give a f*ck. Lots of nigs in the capital. not like they have never seen non-whites before
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