Is it true that men age like fine wine and women age like milk

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@ch*nk-in-a-box abaayo macaan I’m 46 I guess you’re in your twenties I bet I look younger than you :lolbron:
Its time for your nap grandma
Don’t be afraid to say it I know the feminists will label you a misogynist but it’s alright to call a spade a spade it’s even women magazines like ELLE are admitting women age a lot quicker than men just read the article I posted.

No you're right. Men have thicker skin than women meaning more collagen so they age better. also it doesn't help that women love to layer their skin with all these chemical laden makeup which makes it worse


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Look at these two couple who are roughly the same age a picture while they were young and now notice how the woman looks like his mother now and the guy has aged gracefully
We know men age that’s not the point of this thread my argument is women’s looks depreciate a lot faster than men if I’m wrong then prove it post some examples of women aging more gracefully than men.

You stated that men get more handsome with time, which is bullshit. A man's looks deteriorate at the same rate as women, very few people of both genders age gracefully. Look at this 73 year old woman Anette Larkins and compare with her husband, she still looks great!



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You stated that men get more handsome with time, which is bullshit. A man's looks deteriorate at the same rate as women, very few people of both genders age gracefully. Look at this 73 year old woman Anette Larkins and compare with her husband, she still looks great!


I witness this struggle first hand as a woman. I'm only 28 (I appreciate hardly ancient) but I already look in the mirror everyday and see the first signs of ageing staring back at me. A few faint laughter lines around my eyes, a bit of cellulite on the back of my thighs from a decade of eating chips with gay abandon; I'm OK-ish with those new quirks. Then my partner walks into the bathroom. About to turn 35, his face has the usual creases you'd expect around the forehead, his eyes are a little deeper set, and he has the hint of grey hair poking through his dark locks- yet I'm jealous. For a man in his mid-thirties he looks great; healthy, mature, and above all, confident. I think the C word has a lot to do with processing our ageing looks.

While I worry about things most people would probably barely notice, he's happy with his lot. And I'm absolutely sure it's the relaxed attitude towards ageing that makes men look better to us women-folk. You only have to look at celebrities like Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp who, despite being around the 50 mark, are looking better than ever. Their faces are lived in, of course, but they smoulder. The type of confidence that can only come from age and being comfortable in your own skin.

The main difference between men and women is arguably just fear. Most women admit they are scared of looking older, and some will do almost anything in their power to keep the classic signs of ageing at bay. That's not to say there aren't examples of older females who look and feel fabulous as they age (how about actress Helen Mirren who, in spite of being in her late 60s, looks incredibly youthful and sassy) but the majority of women feel happier if they're at least trying to fight the signs of ageing.

Maybe this is because women have always been much more aware of the ageing process and subsequently have made provisions that men just don't deem important. Thanks to the media, women have been force fed the effects that things like too much exposure to the sun, smoking cigarettes and a rubbish diet can have on their appearance on the whole, so perhaps taking action to fight the signs of ageing just comes more naturally?

At The Cosmetic Surgery Guide, I am frequently asked for the secret to youthful, plump skin. "I want to look young again!" is something I hear on a daily basis, and it's very rarely from men. This isn't to say male interest in skincare or cosmetic surgery is rare, it's just that they're usually a little less vocal about it. Maybe therein lays part of the secret: Men do worry about the effects of ageing deep down, they just spend less time thinking about it than women.

Unfortunately girls, we are more prone to earlier facial ageing than our male counterparts, and we also have more body parts which gravity can (cruelly) take over, but what can be done as we start getting older to help keep youth on our side? Of course there are various kinds of invasive surgery- facial nip/tucks are nothing new- but there are also numerous collagen-rich cosmeceuticals on the market which can help tighten and plump skin on the face, and even skin rejuvenating treatments using high-tech lasers to slow down the clock.

Zeudi Araya is another fantastic example, she is currently 67. Araya has obviously lost her youthful glow and some hair, but still looks decent.






In her prime,






A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Zeudi Araya is another fantastic example, she is currently 67. Araya has obviously lost her youthful glow and some hair, but still looks decent.






In her prime,




Compare will smith and his wife jada pinket she depreciated more quicker than will Smith

It’s pointless posting women by themselves if you want to compare why don’t you post women and their husband?
as people age, they obviously become bitter and disappointed. This sometimes shows in their physical appearance.
Both men and women age badly. It’s true that women age slightly quicker, but men start balding, get a beer belly etc. They end up looking even worse.
A woman’s prime years are her 20s and early 30s. Past that, even if they look good, that youthful glow is gone from their faces no matter how much they try to regain it.
Anyways, I hope that by the time we’re old they’ve come up with some sort of treatment that can reverse or prevent aging. It sounds far fetched but watch this
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