Is it war criminal Siilanyo's fault that Mogadishu is ahead of Hargeisa now?

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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
You hit the nail on the head. Yes khat enables people to live in their own bubble, it is another problem. A man will think he is sleeping in a apartment when he is actually sleeping on a dirt road with flooded water when high on khat. However the youth are actually getting educated more nowadays and a lot of them don't chew khat that much compared to the oldies. This year in the summer I was at Hargeisa, there is was this shop I use to buy things from, so one day I asked the cashier why there is no paved roads in Hargeisa and why is there loads of trash on the road. He conceded that local government barely exists and that the government actually steals the taxes collected instead of using it to fix Hargeisa roads. So it was a sign of relief that a lot of people are actually waking up to the reality. Lol as the suturing your own wounds, funnily enough you reminded me when I was in Burco I was looking for a pharmacy that sells finger bandage and guess what the so called pharmacies don't even sell bandages. I was like how are you going to call this place a pharmacy when it lacks the basics, they think expired pills make up a pharmacy.

Alhamdulillah the youth don't indulge in the scourge of the Horn - khat usage. Also, methinks people walk around with open wounds just waiting for them to heal themselves. And yeah, pharmacies need an upgrade.


Alhamdulillah the youth don't indulge in the scourge of the Horn - khat usage. Also, methinks people walk around with open wounds just waiting for them to heal themselves. And yeah, pharmacies need an upgrade.

When was the last time you went back-home? It seems you experienced similar things as me. The reason I was looking for a bandage
was I didn't want dirt or unknown diseases getting into my wound Lol. I also carried a hand synthesizer with me as a precaution,
whenever I used a public bus I made sure to use it and before eating to avoid food poisoning.
My fellow Isaaq I have a confession to make. Recently I have become pro union. I support somaliland existing as an Isaaq power base which we use to negotiate the sweetest federalism deal yet seen. I would want somaliland to be a "mamul gobaleed" and we should be the regional state that countrols all of Somalia military/security affairs since we already have the strongest somali armed forces out of Puntland and the south put together.

:friendhug: Top man

Because you have tried the succession thing, didnt work out as expected. So you gotta change the game alil bit. I think you guys would get alot more than you bargain for out of "sharaf" you know.

Duke and Soph have you two considered this? You curruption works for all somali mamuls because without it, there is no goverment and the "mucarad" with not only highlight failures but will take up arms. Think about it, if these currupt officials will walk past people that are starving whilst their belly is full, live in gated communities whilst people sleep in tin shacks, go to europe for medical purposes whilst people die of ilness that can be treated for less than $10 dollars. You really think they will hesistate to launch and all war on a government that takes away their privileges? Think about it this way, curruption saves mamuls from destruction and civil war by bribing rebel leaders with seats in the government and share of foreign aid and taxes. How many killers and war criminals do you know that are serving a ministers and law makers in somalia? they have the government at knife point. Thats why we wont see an honest government anytime soon saxibyall. This is how I see it and it makes to me. How else do explain the worst of people end up with position in government. Curruption is what keeps all mamuls afloat. You guys should be happy with being built for so far.
lets be honest though it is inevitable for somaliland to join the federalism process because their is a behind the scenes campaign to stop borders of africa or the middle east or any other part of the world from being changed. since the united nations was formed it has only been there to create a more integrated global community or world order that has nations interacting and becoming ever more interconnect with laws that govern everything from global commerce to how the 5 global powers chop up power in the united nations security counsel of which only the usa,china,russia,united kingdom and france are the ones that broker power on the international stage.

it is impossible for somaliland to be allowed to join the international community as a member state of the united nations of which there are 194 countries. the way somaliland is denied recognition is by the united nations telling them to get recognition from the African union first and then once somaliland asks the african union what then happens is the african union tells it to get recognistion from somalia(mogadisho) first. i dont know about you all but this to me seems like a dog chasing its tail and the higher ups are denying somaliland through the use of this clever tactic.

now that somalia is recovering then it is only logical to assume that somaliland will either be at war with the rest of somalia in order to maintain its right to exist or somaliland will start negotiating and realize that we can join the 4.5 process and lead dirs. i would want somaliland to exist as a federal state with mogadisho having zero influence over what happens but at the same time somaliland paying lip service to mogadisho by signing the legal papers and getting its fair share of somalia's bounty and economic development which is only due to double up as the months go past.

the chinese are going to invest in somalia like a motherfucker :leobite:
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Southie pride
Self declare country announces gay and lesbo rights. Landers what's up?
You been invited gay reporter from CNN. Waa waalaten. Subxaanaka
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