Is Japan handling the refugee crisis the correct way?

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It makes more sense to support refugees financially (in their country), they have a hard time adjusting to resettlement anyway and a country like Japan could be easily overwhelmed by them. Somali refugees would've fared better if donor nations helped to rebuild it instead of just accepting refugees. The abysmal integration is proof of this.

I noticed those who were educated, middle class, and city dwellers adjusted a lot better than those who came from nomadic backgrounds, were illiterate, and never saw a city in their life. Those two groups suffered from trauma in two different ways, the middle class suffered loss of property, livelihood and nomads were maladjusted. They both lost lives though.
I feel sorry for Japanese ppl, they're kind and nice but they're treated worse than Mexicans by there boss, they work nonstop to the point they had to put nets outside buildings to save them from overwork suicide. They're highly skilled educated ppl but receive little money and it's really expensive out there too. :icon cry:
I feel sorry for Japanese ppl, they're kind and nice but they're treated worse than Mexicans by there boss, they work nonstop to the point they had to put nets outside buildings to save them from overwork suicide. They're highly skilled educated ppl but receive little money and it's really expensive out there too. :icon cry:
Sweatshops are in China and Vietnam, not in Japan
It's way worse in Bangladesh though


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
The Japanese are handling this spectacularly! They are giving the refugees supplies in their country instead of giving the country a brain drain by taking its skilled people. They have no obligation to do what they are doing. The Japanese weren't the people that turned the Middle East into a hell-hole.


Your superior
Honestly Japan made the correct decision. Imagine flooding your country with millions of illiterate third worlders who won't integrate and will bring their backward culture and beliefs to Japan. Imagine terrorist attacks in Japan at the curtesy of the 'refugees '.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I plan to go to Japan and South Korea insha Allah so them soft spoken innocent chung lee es can feel the wrath of a farax:mugshotman:

Most men in Japan have virtual girl friend they wouldn't even know what to do with a chick let alone where the pumpum is, it's a blessed land indeed.


Not your typical Farah
I plan to go to Japan and South Korea insha Allah so them soft spoken innocent chung lee es can feel the wrath of a farax:mugshotman:

Most men in Japan have virtual girl friend they wouldn't even know what to do with a chick let alone where the pumpum is, it's a blessed land indeed.

"feel the wrath of a farax" :russ:

Good luck :salute:
The population of Japan is declining dramatically.Germany are taking in a lot of immigrants and refugees to strengthen the workforce as the population of Germans is declining. But how will that effect the norm of the society? Japan is facing a similar situation and it will be very interesting to see how will Japan deal with the problem of replacing the workforce in future. very kind of Japan to donate huge amounts of money for the refugees though, much more than the Gulf countries I think.:susp:
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