Is Kiin Jaamac a fine S***?

They have some deep rooted issues that they need to see a therapist for. A is someone who has multiple casual sexual partners not someone who dresses proactively (even though she didn’t) mental illness wallahi

their small amount of brain cells makes it impossible for them to differentiate it:ftw9nwa:. no, but really this is rooted in our culture and it's toxic.
do you need me to spell it out for you? :hillarybiz:

A women should dress unrevealing.. A society to function well must have rules and a sense of order..
Somalia would prosper if it was under an Islamic Ruler... take all these weird ass family elitists out..

Absolutely :) and on sunny days! my breasts are out.
Wtf who ever made this pic is a shaytaan I was sitting on the toilet taking a shit and about to reply to a insta dm and this is the first pic I see as soon I open the app....

Clearly that pic is photoshopped by someone with cuqdad towards beesha darawiish
@SomaliWadaniSoldier shame on you waryaa


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Wtf who ever made this pic is a shaytaan I was sitting on the toilet taking a shit and about to reply to a insta dm and this is the first pic I see as soon I open the app....

Clearly that pic is photoshopped by someone with cuqdad towards beesha darawiish
@SomaliWadaniSoldier shame on you waryaa

Dude why we need to know that u were taking a shit. Is that important? Will somehow the shit turn Kiin Jaamac into Pious woman?:mjkkk:

Anyways i admit my crime:meleshame:
i think women should be the ones deciding what is an appropriate way to dress.:)

shes not a because she doesn't meet your standards and opinions on whats appropriate for women to wear. i know that you weren't calling her names but i have seen others who think like you do it.

Cover up? We are not property to be handled
And managed

Would you prefer she and all of us where this?

View attachment 42616
:ivers:Do you wish us to be killed in the West?

Same way she can decide what she wears is the same way I can have an opinion on anything I see. That's only natural. I meant in terms of the Deen, what she is wearing is wrong.

Also why is every girls comeback on dressing modestly, a full veil. You don't have to wear that to be modest and we both know that.

No hate tho, she is very good looking mashallah especially for a youngish mum.

