Is low IQ to blame?

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Somalis are known to have some of the lowest Intelligence quotient scores in the world just above the pygmies, aborigines and bushmen due to all the first & second cousin marriages prevalent in the culture which is of course known have to negative consequences on IQ. Is the level of IQ today the reason why we cling on to destructive pointless tribalistic thinking & religion?

What's your IQ? I have heard of this couple of times, not for Somalis, but for Black American vs. White Americans. I don't know if IQ testing is the best way to measure intelligence. But, do you have a independent study on Somalis IQ?
What's your IQ? I have heard of this couple of times, not for Somalis, but for Black American vs. White Americans. I don't know if IQ testing is the best way to measure intelligence. But, do you have a independent study on Somalis IQ?

IQ is one measure of intelligence and of course its not the be all and end all to measuring one's intelligence however its a good place to start as many studies have shown its correlation to strong robust economies. And Im sure you would appreciate that it would be difficult to independently study IQ in Somalia but abstract studies taking into account various factors have come to a roundabout conclusion. As for my personal IQ tbh I dont know but coming from a family where the minimum qualification is a degree, with two doctorates, many more master degrees including one myself then I would probably simply say its above average.
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i seriously wonder how these iq tests were done?

did they test somalis in english? or did they test somalis with an iq test in somali? did they test diaspora or did they test people in mainland? did they account for cultural differences?


The average IQ of Somalia has never been properly tested. All estimates for Somalia are based on a shitty cohort of malnourished Falashas in Ethiopia [prior to departing for Israel] and a bunch of Bantu kids in Kenya. How on earth is that relevant to Somalia?


And seek help in patience and prayers
Somalis are some of the most intelligent people when they do decide to use their God given faculty.They're also not lazy but never really were taught the importance of work ethic.


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walahi i do not understand why any sane somali/muslim would believe the IQ test is real. :snoop:
These IQ tests were used to justify racial and ethnic discrimination. go research Eugenics.


Folks tend to blame a quandary of problems like Clan, foreigners, culture, etc, for the conondrum somalia is in.
But they miss the central problem which is low IQ. It's the cause of the catastrophe that is Somalia.
And the miserable reality is that regardless if peace is attained or people return Somalia will be a place of low intelligence. If natural resources doesn't bail somalia out then it will be forever poor and backwards.
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