Is Mogadishu the capital city of Somalia or the capital city for one tribe?

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You can't lie though. Barre helped Hawiye and Koonfur more than MJ and the Wooqoyi. You guys still stabbed him in the back. The guy never even allowed MJ to own weapons. He was good for the Hawiye despite being Darood.

Hawiye to this day occupy property and land that doesn't belong to them. They won't give them back because of greed which in return Somalia does not prosper. They want to rule based on greed.

When will the ex warlords be brought to justice? Don't forget that these people are still out there and should be dealt with according to the law. Do you see now that until these things happen nothing will change.
What land and property are Hawiye occupying exactly?:patrice:


Your superior

Seriously darods can't even build a single city yet they are want us to take them seriously


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Lmao. The delusions and obsessions are real.
Delusions & obsession? Illahay ba kugu dharshee these wildebeest are washed, naaya how do you figure by me stating facts that I'm being delusional, get sober first before you hop on, as it stands Mogadishu is still the capital of Somalia, why don't you hit you clubs & continue eating pork with your scantily clad self stay giving dome to the masses you Jezebel.
Very proud to be Darood and knowing that we fought for Somalia and built it from scratch.

Darood = Somalia

That's why Somaliland wants independence because it reminds them of Darood.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Selling airports, hospitals and schools?:westbrookwtf:

Yo mama told you that too?:reallymaury:

These es who scream about Somali unity are always ing to no end when their qabiil isn't the one leasing that unity. @Cognitivedissonance stays calling Isaaqs traitors for leaving the Union but then turns around and spews bs about Hawiyes who fought for the Union:stopit: His ass only wants (fake) unity as long as he's leading it. Or maybe he's just salty about the fact that his qabiil lost both the Somali union and lost the capital to Hawiye


Lost capital? Do you see the level of buffoonery that coming from these knuckle dragging coons.

It's your people who are getting blown to smithereens in xamar & your women being shipped from xamar in record numbers just so they may become sex slaves in another man country namely saudia Arabia.

This ain't about isaac this is about the capital city of Somalia, these moryaans are the ones who killed, pillaged & robbed that which belongs to the Somali people, you mention the injustice and they start foaming at the mouth, ridiculous, you can't even chat about Mogadishu without ruffling some moryaan feathers, cause they feel guilty so they would rather sweep it under the rug like @ghost who came with bare animosity cause he some how believes you can't talk about the capital Mogadishu cause it belongs to one clan, these are the savages who have held Somalia back for the past 25 years, manga boy it's beyond me how you can try poke fun at me yet stay watching cartoons, Horta what sort of cartoons do you watch? Are they based on qabyalad, where did this tom & jerry cat learn about qabyalad, as long as Mogadishu is the capital city of Somalia I have a right to talk about & so does anyone else oo Somali ah you cartoon networks mofo, I'm glad you showed your true colours, once a moryaan always a moryaan kkkk


Lost capital? Do you see the level of buffoonery that coming from these knuckle dragging coons.

It's your people who are getting blown to smithereens in xamar & your women being shipped from xamar in record numbers just so they may become sex slaves in another man country namely saudia Arabia.

This ain't about isaac this is about the capital city of Somalia, these moryaans are the ones who killed, pillaged & robbed that which belongs to the Somali people, you mention the injustice and they start foaming at the mouth, ridiculous, you can't even chat about Mogadishu without ruffling some moryaan feathers, cause they feel guilty so they would rather sweep it under the rug like @ghost who came with bare animosity cause he some how believes you can't talk about the capital Mogadishu cause it belongs to one clan, these are the savages who have held Somalia back for the past 25 years, manga boy it's beyond me how you can try poke fun at me yet stay watching cartoons, Horta what sort of cartoons do you watch? Are they based on qabyalad, where did this tom & jerry cat learn about qabyalad, as long as Mogadishu is the capital city of Somalia I have a right to talk about & so does anyone else oo Somali ah you cartoon networks mofo, I'm glad you showed your true colours, once a moryaan always a moryaan kkkk
This is the problem with reer badiyo mentality. If only caydid and co finished the job.kkkkk


Your superior
We built Somalia. We are the ones that have kept Somalis from becoming extinct. Somalia would have had a bantu invasion like Kenya.

You are worthless. Your regions are the least developed. Your clan has the least number of businessmen/women
Very proud to be Darood and knowing that we fought for Somalia and built it from scratch.

Darood = Somalia

That's why Somaliland wants independence because it reminds them of Darood.
Somalia = Somali - a

How can you say one second Somaliland is a part of Somalia and the next say Somalia is Darood only? :drakewtf: Make up your mind.
All the business and property owners in the koonfur especially Mogadishu were Darood

Both the grammar and the statement got me cracking :mjlol:


It's been 25 years Hawiye have looted, pillaged, plundered the wealth & land that belonged to the Somali people, they have shown a total disregard for Somalia & they treat the capital as if it belongs to them.
You are direct on this issue but I must say you are right aswell. Somalia cant prosper as xamar as the capital and this not because of xamar itself but the people,. They are not interested in reviving the republic, because the revival of the republic means in their eyes that their "clan city" is being threatened.
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