Don't lie it's still offensive when used against older people kulaha caadiIt’s offensive to me, but to reer waqooyi it’s just caadi.
Don't lie it's still offensive when used against older people kulaha caadiIt’s offensive to me, but to reer waqooyi it’s just caadi.
huuno is for gay reer galbeed peopleI saw it @Al-Burcaawi uses the naaya word too much it shows that he is ciyaal suuq while I as the gentleman I am I use the word huuno
I'm not reer waqooyi but never knew the word was so controversial.. I guess I have to stop using it from now onfor reer SL it ain't but southern girls get triggered when my reer burco ass uses it
i remember when i was 10 i was playing football and this girl from hiiraan got pissed at me for calling her naaya all the timeI'm not reer waqooyi but never knew the word was so controversial.. I guess I have to stop using it from now on
shut up huunohuuno is for gay reer galbeed people
my reer burco ass will never say this
Real Gangsta shit.i remember when i was 10 i was playing football and this girl from hiiraan got pissed at me for calling her naaya all the time
nowadays i throw that word around like qashin, i cant be bothered anymore to give a f*ck
no akhlaaq burco boys are the worsti remember when i was 10 i was playing football and this girl from hiiraan got pissed at me for calling her naaya all the time
nowadays i throw that word around like qashin, i cant be bothered anymore to give a f*ck
huuno kulaha you think i'm reer hargeysa??shut up huuno
aga odaygan ilmaha is moodaya yaa i qabta. waryaa qeerka reeri leeyihiinhuuno kulaha you think i'm reer hargeysa??
if i can't call a girl naaya, then a girl can't call me waryaaRight on brother. Maybe some people perverted and attached negative connotations to the word, but at it's core it's not an offensive word.
No reason you should disown a word just because some people use it negatively
Keep calling it like it is sxb lmao
sorry i don't speak cagdheer sxbaga odaygan ilmaha is moodaya yaa i qabta. waryaa qeerka reeri leeyihiin
or you are just a hooyo ma taalosorry i don't speak cagdheer sxb
sxb intaad calaacalka naga joojisid, orod oo wax baro ileen khayrkaa shaqo ayay leeyihiinor you are just a hooyo ma taalo
ar show doqon baa tahay waxyahoow wuxuushta ka daransxb intaad calaacalka naga joojisid, orod oo wax baro ileen khayrkaa shaqo ayay leeyihiin
aar intaad iska hadlaysid oo iska dhurmaysid horta shaqo ma yeelatid niyowar show doqon baa tahay waxyahoow wuxuushta ka daran
bidaar sibiq bay ku guu gashaa ee is ilaali inaader.aar intaad iska hadlaysid oo iska dhurmaysid horta shaqo ma yeelatid niyow
calaacalka badan bidaar baa laga hela baa la yidhi