Is Oromumma a cult?

Sounds like the doramamu cult from doctor strange.

"Oromumma ive come to bargain."

Benedict Cumberbatch Magic GIF by Spider-Man

Let's summon the grand wizard of MJ sixir himself @Arma to deal with them.
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I don't trust no ninja that states " Somali are oroms". They should be off'd right there for treason
world louis GIF
The whole Oromo ting was orchestrated by Ahmed Abiy to soften the public for the MOU as you said. Those SL youngsters in the discussion video you posted clearly saw through the agenda (Oromisation is a propaganda method and another name for Ethiopianisation hiding behind we wiz Cushitics).


โ™šSargon of Adalโ™š
Expansionist tactic that worked for them
It's like history repeating itself.

The Gadabuursi's opposition to Abyssinian expansion and British land concessions during the colonial era highlights the broader struggle of Somali clans to protect their territories from external powers. Their resistance helped preserve key regions, such as Zeila, from being handed over to Ethiopia. This struggle illustrates the complex interplay of colonial politics, regional alliances, and the enduring desire of Somali clans to maintain their sovereignty in the face of foreign encroachment.

The legacy of the Gadabuursi resistance is not merely a historical footnote; it continues to resonate in contemporary Somali identity and politics. The desire for self-determination and control over ancestral lands remains a significant aspect of the Gadabuursi people's collective memory and their ongoing quest for autonomy.
Horta isnt where @Step a side from most affected by oromos? I havent heard his perspective on this
I am originally from Galguduud. Not a single Oromo, AUSSOM, or any other foreigner would dare step foot in Galguduud. They would be blown up to pieces.

As for my kin in Hararghe, they have been living with the Oromo since the late 1500s. The Oromo migrated from south central Ethiopia following the highlands into hararghe. The Somalis were weakened and exhausted fighting the Abyssinian for years giving the Oromoโ€™s a great opportunity to expand. This was also the primary reason why the capital was moved from Harar to Awssa in the Afar region near Djibouti.

