Is PSF Now Part Of SNA?

Ah yes it’s all ajanib and Zionists, shoot myself in the foot tomorrow and it’s some Jews fault
Don't pretend that its not true. Its not even hidden at this point. Its always the same culprits involved who have the agenda of invading Muslim countries, pretending to spread "democracy" because those countries refuse to be apart of their system.

Has anybody else seen this video and Somalia is yet to recover fully after 30+ years

A lot of folks don't realize just how much Israel and its powerful lobby pretty much drove the Iraq war into happening. They tried really hard with Iran and are still somewhat trying. Netanyahu and the Israeli lobby worked hard for an "Iran war" and had many Neo-cons and Neo-liberals on their side but, thankfully, the utter fiasco that was the Iraq war and it's subsequent fallout has so far curbed the appetite for another invasion among Americans politicians just enough.

I'm reminded of this absurd and hilarious fear mongering image from one of Netanyahu's addresses to the UN trying to convince people that Iran "needed to be stopped":


This is not some "The J000ssss ruuuun the world" post. Israel just very much does have a strong and scary lobby across the west that gets shit done in their favour. They've ended Congressional careers and actively influence policy in part because America is also a lunatic nation where Christian crazies who seriously want the Masixi Yom al-Qiyamah occupy some of the highest echelons of power:

There's a lot of insanity going on in DC.
Don't pretend that it’s not true. It’s not even hidden at this point. It’s always the same culprits involved who have the agenda of invading Muslim countries, pretending to spread "democracy" because those countries refuse to be apart of their system.
What is true for Palestine isn’t true for Somalia. Sure the Jews are malevolent creatures but to use them as a cop out argument for the warlords and terrorists the south seems to produce en masse is intellectually sleazy. I urge you to be more honest and engage in some self introspection as regards to the situation Somalia faces.
What is true for Palestine isn’t true for Somalia
Its true for several Muslim countries including Somalia (Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen ect).

for the warlords and terrorists the south seems to produce en masse
All funded by foreigners. This isn't even up for debate, we literally have documents, interviews and wikileaks of CIA involvement in supporting warlords because they viewed the Islamist courts as a threat. As for terrorists, that obviously was a result of the botched Ethiopian invasion since there was no terrorism in koonfur prior to 2006.
Its true for several Muslim countries including Somalia (Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen ect).

All funded by foreigners. This isn't even up for debate, we literally have documents, interviews and wikileaks of CIA involvement in supporting warlords because they viewed the Islamist courts as a threat. As for terrorists, that obviously was a result of the botched Ethiopian invasion since there was no terrorism in koonfur prior to 2006.
before 2006 those same Islamic courts members were all henchmen and militia fighters for the various clans and warlords down there, you seem to think them donning an imamah and reciting a few Quran verses simply absolves them of their previous lifestyles. and the tacit support and public sympathy that the IC enjoys amongst southerners is evidence for their Pro AS sympathies, after all it was the IC which birthed AS.

and on the topic of funding, wasn’t it the same IC that was being bankrolled by foreigners? Namely the rich gulf Arab donors and receiving hundreds of foreign fighters? Many of whom would go on to be AS members? The hypocrisy is evident.

if it ain’t mooryanimo, then it’s khwarijnimo. Nothing else with these people.
those same Islamic courts members were all henchmen and militia fighters for the various clans and warlords down there
Those courts existed in direct response to the warlords lol. The entire reason the ICU came to existence in the first place was because the courts were too weak on their own so they united based on a common cause instead. Nothing to do with clans or warlords. Even non-ICU affiliated Islamist organizations like Al-Itihaad weren't related to any warlord faction, they were just another Islamist organization to fight the warlords and Ethiopia.
simply absolves them of their previous lifestyles
Can you point to me any Islamist/ICU individuals who formerly served warlords? Was Sheikh Sharif Ahmed a warlord? Also, I hope you realize many members of the FGS including Puntland and Somaliland were former warlords or part of past militias too. You can't put accusations towards them while ignoring the background of many Somali politicians in the government.
after all it was the IC which birthed AS.
Only technically. AS was apart of the ICU but it was only 1 out of 13 courts. It along with Dahir Aweys were the only "extremist" elements of the ICU and were kept in check by the other 11 courts. AS gained power as a result of the Ethiopian invasion but would soon lose support and sympathy by many after 2010.
wasn’t it the same IC that was being bankrolled by foreigners?
Nope, ICU was largely a grassroots movement. According to the UN, they did have some support by some Muslims countries but it was nothing major.
receiving hundreds of foreign fighters? Many of whom would go on to be AS members? The hypocrisy is evident.
There were no foreign fighters in the ICU or the early Al-Shabab. AS would only get foreigners however following the 2011-2013 purges.

When AS became an Al-Qaida affiliate , it purged most of it's local membership
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if it ain’t mooryanimo, then it’s khwarijnimo. Nothing else with these people.
I've already told you that the so called "mooryanimo" was literally Ethiopians/Americans backing warlords and I told you that terrorism did not exist in any serious form prior to 2006. Stop blaming other Somalis and look at who has really been causing the problems with the country.
Those courts existed in direct response to the warlords lol. The entire reason the ICU came to existence in the first place was because the courts were too weak on their own so they united based on a common cause instead. Nothing to do with clans or warlords. Even non-ICU affiliated Islamist organizations like Al-Itihaad weren't related to any warlord faction, they were just another Islamist organization to fight the warlords and Ethiopia.

Can you point to me any Islamist/ICU individuals who formerly served warlords? Was Sheikh Sharif Ahmed a warlord? Also, I hope you realize many members of the FGS including Puntland and Somaliland were former warlords or part of past militias too. You can't put accusations towards them while ignoring the background of many Somali politicians in the government.

Only technically. AS was apart of the ICU but it was only 1 out of 13 courts. It along with Dahir Aweys were the only "extremist" elements of the ICU and were kept in check by the other 11 courts. AS gained power as a result of the Ethiopian invasion but would soon lose support and sympathy by many after 2010.

Nope, ICU was largely a grassroots movement. According to the UN, they did have some support by some Muslims countries but it was nothing major.

There were no foreign fighters in the ICU or the early Al-Shabab. AS would only get foreigners however following the 2011-2013 purges.

I've already told you that the so called "mooryanimo" was literally Ethiopians/Americans backing warlords and I told you that terrorism did not exist in any serious form prior to 2006. Stop blaming other Somalis and look at who has really been causing the problems with the country.
What a load of tripe, Ali mahdi and Caydiid signing deals with Americans and other foreigners to dump toxic in the ocean, killing thousands, and turning xamar into ruin, whilst AY was building a state and busy defeating khwarijta in 92.

but no, everything is Ethiopia and America and the Jews fault, could never have anything to do with the people who’ve backed warlords and then terrorists. “Ha iga sheegin eebow”
Ali mahdi and Caydiid
Traitors who were hardly supported by the public.
whilst AY was building a state and busy defeating khwarijta in 92.
The same AY who would use Ethiopians to dispose the democratically elected Puntland president Jama Ali Jama? What a great guy.
could never have anything to do with the people who’ve backed warlords and then terrorists.
Why are you so bent on blaming your fellow Somalis? Its clear as day that foreigners were involved with the destruction of Somalia. Are you denying that the USC weren't backed by Ethiopia? Are you denying that the 1993 American intervention never happened? Are you denying that the CIA never funded warlords? Are you denying that the 2006 invasion happened? Get real man.
Traitors who were hardly supported by the public.

The same AY who would use Ethiopians to dispose the democratically elected Puntland president Jama Ali Jama? What a great guy.

Why are you so bent on blaming your fellow Somalis? It’s clear as day that foreigners were involved with the destruction of Somalia. Are you denying that the USC weren't backed by Ethiopia? Are you denying that the 1993 American intervention never happened? Are you denying that the CIA never funded warlords? Are you denying that the 2006 invasion happened? Get real man.
“Fellow Somalis”

Get lost.


Not affiliated with HAG, puntland1st, CBB, MBB, SL
That should be the mindset of most western/qurbo joog somalis. I can understand a man living in baadiyo thinking in the narrow mindset of qabiil, but living in different societies and countries should make most Somalis take a really hard look at themselves and see the bigger picture.

Most of the developed world have departed the clan system. The Turkish were nomadic people who had tribes and every tribe lived in its own area...they were weak, divided and were constantly attacked from east and west. In the end they slowly set aside there tribal issues and formed the Seljuk state based on Islam and Turkish brotherhood, then the Ottoman Caliphate(ruled vast lands for 600 years) and the modern Turkish state based on nationalist secularism.

Were they better off In their tribal enclaves? Would they have became a global power or modern state of they stuck to their insular clan way of life? Same goes with the Mongols who Genghis Khan united.

Clan politics if anything disables a nation state and narrows the potential for building something great. A united nation state trumps divided tribes , and an all inclusive Islamic state that looks beyond qabiil/ethnic nationalism has the potential to be a regional/world power.

A qabiil state can only rule its qabiil, a ethnic state can only rule its ethnicity but an Islamic state has the potential to encompass 100s of millions of Muslims from different ethnicities under one banner.....a world power but one that Muslims seem to choose to ignore and Gaalo have perpetual fear of.
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Can you point to me any Islamist/ICU individuals who formerly served warlords? Was Sheikh Sharif Ahmed a warlord?

This man right here, his name is Yusuf Indhacadde. Apparently, he use to sell river water to Reer Marka at one point not sure how true that is. But he was a warlord who flipped and joined ICU. Him joining hurt their legitimacy tbh because everyone started seeing it as a Hawiye movement.


I'm sure there are many others but he was the biggest one. He controlled Merka if I'm not mistaken and his clan is not even from there.
Traitors who were hardly supported by the public.

The same AY who would use Ethiopians to dispose the democratically elected Puntland president Jama Ali Jama? What a great guy.

Why are you so bent on blaming your fellow Somalis? Its clear as day that foreigners were involved with the destruction of Somalia. Are you denying that the USC weren't backed by Ethiopia? Are you denying that the 1993 American intervention never happened? Are you denying that the CIA never funded warlords? Are you denying that the 2006 invasion happened? Get real man.
When was Jaamac ever democratically elected? :what:
Its not at all, Puntland is doing great and there is a good reason for that (nothing to do with qabil).

Foreigners destroyed those cities. Who bombed Somalia during the 90s? America. Who supported warlords? America. Who invaded Somalia during the ICU era? America/Ethiopia. Who created and pushed this weak, corrupt government? Hillary Clinton. We can objectively see that every time reer koonfur tries to rebuilt, ajnabis always invade or meddle.

Its really as simple as that. We shouldn't be pointing fingers at other Somalis. ZOG is what screwed over Somalia. Koonfur would look like Puntland today if it weren't for ajnabis hell bent on meddling with Somalia.
This is hilarious sxb. I don’t really want to get into it but unless we stop blaming others we won’t get anywhere. It all starts with accountability.
This man right here, his name is Yusuf Indhacadde. Apparently, he use to sell river water to Reer Marka at one point not sure how true that is. But he was a warlord who flipped and joined ICU. Him joining hurt their legitimacy tbh because everyone started seeing it as a Hawiye movement.


I'm sure there are many others but he was the biggest one. He controlled Merka if I'm not mistaken and his clan is not even from there.
Yes, and he also said publicly that ICU would
pray in Addis, meaning invade, and mentioned capturing other places outside Somalia. He’s one of the main reasons Ethiopia entered Somalia with USA’s blessing. He also stole around $1-2 million US from the ICU/shabaab that the morons somehow trusted him with as he fled right before Xamar was captured. They said it was because they were ‘qaraabo’ aka qabiil. Make of this what you will.
Yes, and he also said publicly that ICU would
pray in Addis, meaning invade, and mentioned capturing other places outside Somalia. He’s one of the main reasons Ethiopia entered Somalia with USA’s blessing. He also stole around $1-2 million US from the ICU/shabaab that the morons somehow trusted him with as he fled right before Xamar was captured. They said it was because they were ‘qaraabo’ aka qabiil. Make of this what you will.
Lmao I forgot about that. Didn't he say they'll have Eid prayers in Addis?

