Is race a real thing?


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To me the race thing like black and white is man made by Europeans and Americans. This concept is trying to oversimplify and ignore the reality on the ground. How come people from the south,central,west and east share the same culture and viewpoints? Before the colonial powers came to Africa everyone in Africa identified themselves with their tribes and not skin color or one race. So if there is no such thing as black race then there is no white race to.
We should use the word phenotype Instead of race because race is blanket term that not descriptive. For instance I think the Chinese and mathows and aboriginal people are the same group of people just with different skin colors. Due to having similar facial features which is a phenotype.


We should use the word phenotype Instead of race because race is blanket term that not descriptive. For instance I think the Chinese and mathows and aboriginal people are the same group of people just with different skin colors. Due to having similar facial features which is a phenotype.
Even with phenotypes is not good one cause the average Somali will not accept to be a group with Ethiopian people. No thanks I don’t want to be associated with raw meat eaters.


Race is social construct it's made up Bulshit.
The concept of race is BS people with the same skin tone and even phenotype didn’t see each other related. The French and English were killing each other like animals for 100 years. Not one time they claimed to be the same race.


How would you describe large group of that have the same facial features than? Is why tribes or nations or religious backgrounds?
Simply by language they speak like I speak Somali language therefore iam a Somali. The same thing for Oromo,Amhara, afar.
Simply by language they speak like I speak Somali language therefore iam a Somali. The same thing for Oromo,Amhara, afar.
Not all people that speak that language are the same. For instance in America anyone can learn English but are they native to that country. This why I said phenotype due it beginning created by your geographic location and the climate of that location also. These groups of people that are native to that location will grow vast and eventually form nations and other influence may change them, but phenotypical they are the same. This phenotype is facial features and not skin color.


Coping through the 1st world
It’s created by European elites (specifically Anglo Saxons) in order and maintain dominance and control of POC and white peasants.

It’s basically created by rich powerful men just to keep society divided and occupied.
Instead of focusing on how to stop hunger and poverty we’re focusing on the colour of a human skin. Rather than focusing on why can’t powerful people in the world couldn’t stop poverty and hunger.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Race is bullsh*t but the fabric of society is based on it.

The premise of race is extremely stupid set by idiots from centuries ago but its become so entrenched in our system that the best way to get rid of race is to acknowledge its existence.
Race is definitely real, how a society chooses to divide/group people will vary but there are very real biological differences between different groups.

To say it’s man made is obviously false and just because people of the same race historically never aligned with each other that doesn’t prove race doesn’t exist. Somalis were slaughtering each other over pastures for god knows how long, Afars too. Are rival Somali clans not Somali now? Because they killed each other they’re not the same people anymore? Of course not, they are still the same folk and it would be silly to argue otherwise. Habeshis fight each other, are Tigrayans and Tigrinya Eritreans not the same race?

Also you are just plain wrong many Europeans despite not liking each other did feel kinship with one another on the basis of racial similarities. And the idea that no sub Saharan Africans considered themselves black is also another lie many of them did.
White - Europe, North America
Black - Sub Saharan Africa minus the Horn
Cushite - Horn of Africa and Sudan
South Asian
East Asian
Native American
Everything after Cushite is self explanatory

Some groups like central Asians, Australian Aboriginals, Papuans etc I’m not sure where they would fall but the vast majority of people fit into the above categories or they’re a mix of them. These groupings are all backed by genetics and anthropology and they cluster with each other to the exclusion of those outside the group.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
well I believe Allah made humans into different peoples and tribes but I don't believe there is a "white race" or "black race"..... but for example I read about Italians claiming there was an "Italian race".... I can believe there is an Italian race but I think believing there is a monolithic white or black race is too broad because these concepts would actually be referring to large and diverse groups of people