Is Socialism the answer


A man without a ๐Ÿซ won't be praised in afterlife
Been there, done that it failed overall we learnt from the 80s that socialism is VERY incompatible with somalis and somalia and was one of the main reasons it made us end up how we are today.
It doesn't work for Somalis since we would exploit the system. But we're not just talking about welfare handouts but also childcare support, easy access to healthcare etc., all the other stuff a government can do to make life easier.

Exploit the system is misleading framing and its untrue. They are using the services that is given to them, much like the natives are but are more reliant on them because of their economic situation as refugees.

For example in the book ''Poor Bashing: The Politics of Exclusion'' they showed that allegations of rampant welfare scam/fraud in Canadian Somalis were constantly being reported on the news even when the govt investigated on it found any evidence of it and these allegations were baseless.



I encourage you guys to read that book.

They werent ''all'?? , they were not terrorists in any respects. If they were explain why Terrorist incidents exploded right after US-backed invasion, along with other conflicts.


Connected to this was the Al-Barakat Business Conglomerates that i spoke about earlier that was set up to aid Somalia that the United states undermined and shut down without any evidence of Terrorism funding.

It was not only a crucial lifeline but funding sources for the rebuilding and stabilization of Somalia.

Al-Barakaat: The Little Charity That Could Have Saved Somalia

Btw Americans were also playing this baseless terrorist accusation funding game with the Ground Zero Mosque in New York. Creating ''links where there are no links. ''

Watch this segment if you want to have a good laugh.


A man without a ๐Ÿซ won't be praised in afterlife
Market economy with a somewhat generous welfare state is the best. This is the Nordic Model.
Welfare is a must in somalia due to how our clan structures work the average citizen has to be appeased ALOT similar to what saudi and other khaleej countries did for their people and nation and thus mellowing down clanist sentiments and ideas.
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Welfare is a must in somalia due to how our clan structures work the average citizen has to be appeased ALOT similar to what saudi and othet khaleej countries did for their people and nation and thus mellowing down clanist sentiments and ideas.

Oman even has a welfare system, it's a good way to redistribute the wealth and aid those who are in more need, so they can a fair chance.

But what you said about mellowing down clanism/trabalism is true also.
Its goals included the emancipation of women, enslaved people, and others who had been historically marginalized. Female and male guerrillas fought side by side, and girls and boys studied together in revolutionary schools. Whereas previously oneโ€™s social background had determined access to resources, the frontโ€™s redistribution efforts undermined tribalism.

The movementโ€™s commitments to self-governance and popular participation informed its general republicanism and its program to establish popularly elected committees for local governance. Pursuing a socialist vision of modernization, the front promoted education and literacy for all as well as access to health care. Dhufari revolutionaries created new infrastructure projects, from roads and wells to farms.


Frรผher of the Djibouti Ugaasate ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฏ
They werent ''all'?? , they were not terrorists in any respects. If they were explain why Terrorist incidents exploded right after US-backed invasion, along with other conflicts.
Yes that's what I meant not at all

Connected to this was the Al-Barakat Business Conglomerates that i spoke about earlier that was set up to aid Somalia that the United states undermined and shut down without any evidence of Terrorism funding.

It was not only a crucial lifeline but funding sources for the rebuilding and stabilization of Somalia.

Al-Barakaat: The Little Charity That Could Have Saved Somalia
The United states doesn't want Somalia to stabilise otherwise that would've happened decades ago. They want to keep the status quo it's up to Somalis to forevfully break this shit state of affairs imposed on us.
Welfare is a must in somalia due to how our clan structures work the average citizen has to be appeased ALOT similar to what saudi and other khaleej countries did for their people and nation and thus mellowing down clanist sentiments and ideas.
Those countries fund their welfare with petro dollars instead of high taxes, I don't think they've liked welfare funded with high taxation.
Yes that's what I meant not at all

The United states doesn't want Somalia to stabilise otherwise that would've happened decades ago. They want to keep the status quo it's up to Somalis to forevfully break this shit state of affairs imposed on us.

It would have happened immediately after the state collapse in 1991, when they set up the first Islamic Courts. The US invaded Somalia back then in the infamous ''Black Hawk Down'' to try and install a puppet government and secure oil resources, by their own admission and they together with the warlords undermined it from gaining solid footing and sustained the disarray.

U.S. secretly backing warlords in Somalia​

The United States secretly is supporting secular warlords who are fighting Islamic groups for control of Somalia's capital.
The latest clashes, last week and over the weekend, were some of the most violent in Mogadishu since the end of the American intervention in 1994, and left 150 dead and hundreds more wounded. Leaders of the interim government blamed U.S. support of the militias for provoking the clashes.

Then in 2000s in the after math of 9/11 ''War on Terror'' the US was a targeting every Muslim leaning person or entity under the suspicion of terrorism and they supported a war against them. Ironically they created more terrorism and birthed them in places they did not even exist in or were marginal.

Let me paint the picture for you a bit more, it would be sort of like deposing/undermining the legitimate Ukrainian government and arming/strenghtenting the neo nazi militia groups such as Azoz Brigade , and creating a way for them to insert themselves in the power vaccum.

Or arm and support the various lunatic far right anti-government US/European miltia groups against their government

I can guarantee you these militia groups will slaughter innocent civilians in droves and bunches, ruin the country and hunt down people for their background or political leanings if you remove the more powerful government keeping them at bay with the rule of law, just like what Anders Breivik did in Norway on that Island where the law couldn't get to him. Bombed a government party building and slaughtered 77 of his fellow norwegians.

This what foreign nations such as US, Ethiopia, Isreal etc and others aided in creating in Somalia.

It becomes more obvious when you see that the most unstable parts of Somalia is in the south, not in Puntland and Somaliland that stabilized itself relatively quickly and kept like that because they did not invade it.

Then after doing that they undermined Somalia economically and undermined it's capacity to secure and defend themselves with arms embargos/sanctions.
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Frรผher of the Djibouti Ugaasate ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฏ
It would have happened immediately after the state collapse in 1991, when they set up the first Islamic Courts. The US invaded Somalia back then in the infamous ''Black Hawk Down'' to try and install a puppet government and secure oil resources, by their own admission and they together with the warlords undermined it from gaining solid footing and sustained the disarray.

U.S. secretly backing warlords in Somalia​

Then in 2000s in the after math of 9/11 ''War on Terror'' the US was a targeting every Muslim leaning person or entity under the suspicion of terrorism and they supported a war against them. Ironically they created more terrorism and birthed them in places they did not even exist in or were marginal.

Let me paint the picture for you a bit more, it would be sort of like deposing/undermining the legitimate Ukrainian government and arming/strenghtenting the neo nazi militia groups such as Azoz Brigade , and creating a way for them to insert themselves in the power vaccum.

Or arm and support the various lunatic far right anti-government US/European miltia groups against their government

I can guarantee you these militia groups will slaughter innocent civilians in droves and bunches, ruin the country and hunt down people for their background or political leanings if you remove the more powerful government keeping them at bay with law and punishment, just like what Anders Breivik did in Norway on that Island where the law couldn't get to him.

This what foreign nations such as US, Ethiopia, Isreal etc and others aided in creating in Somalia.

It becomes more obvious when you see that the most unstable parts of Somalia is in the south, not in Puntland and Somaliland that stabilized itself relatively quickly and kept like that because they did not invade it.

Then after doing that they undermined Somalia economically and undermined it's capacity to secure and defend themselves with arms embargos/sanctions.
There was a source that I saw a while back that showed all the Muslim states that the US wanted tk bring down, and it had Somalia on it do you have this source?


A man without a ๐Ÿซ won't be praised in afterlife
Those countries fund their welfare with petro dollars instead of high taxes, I don't think they've liked welfare funded with high taxation.
We can do the exact same if we get the oil pumping.

