Is the Somali brain capable of liberal thought?

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The Somalis here aren't natives in the countries we're currently in, so of course we're less likely to agree with white right-wingers. It'd likely be a different story if we all stayed in Somalia.
I'd describe myself as a liberal muslim most defiantly.

Liberal political views - but I have some issues which I don't agree on.

I don't like people who push their opinions, down your throat, a lot of people on this forum, are guilty of it and attack ppl, who do not share their views on how Somalis should be or think.

In fact I find some Somalis on here attack people, for having different views over than theirs, worst quality trait, I've seen in some of our people. Stubbornness and arrogance!

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
You have to remember being Muslim makes you a little fiscally left wing because certain beliefs such as the responsibility of the wealthy to share their riches with the poor is deeply ingrained.
That's just a moral responsibility though. The only enforced "state tax" would be zakat, and that is a very small percentage of your earnings in comparison to the West.
I'd describe myself as a liberal muslim most defiantly.

Liberal political views - but I have some issues which I don't agree on.

I don't like people who push down their opinions down your throat a lot of people on this forum are guilty of it and attack ppl who do not share their strict view on how Somalis should be.

In fact I find some Somalis on here attack people for having different views over than theirs, worst quality trait I've seen in some of our people.
That is on the money, textbook conservatism. 'Don't have any progressive ideas or we will all be doomed". England wouldn't have its industrial revolution if it wasn't for the liberal proposal of free markets. Stay strong my liberal comrade don't let these cuckservatives force you into their drowning ship
That is on the money, textbook conservatism. 'Don't have any progressive ideas or we will all be doomed". England wouldn't have its industrial revolution if it wasn't for the liberal proposal of free markets. Stay strong my liberal comrade don't let these cuckservatives force you into their drowning ship

I've never cared about other peoples views on me, if I'm honest. I say and do
What I like. I don't gossip nor converse with judgemental people.



Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Somalis are Democrats(Liberal) in the U.S because they believe in Socialism and second they believe Republicans are "racist". If Somalis were financially doing good and didn't believe conservatism wasn't racist, they would vote Republican by a large margin.
are u really struggling to understand why Somalis would vote against Republicans? this is the party whose nominee advocates banning Muslims, putting them in databases a la the Japanese in WW2 and kill the families of terrorists. the shit ain't rocket science, you vote in ur best interests

the Republicans have been alienating minorities for over 3 decades now, and if they gave a f*ck about them wouldn't be actively trying to suppress their vote. u might not think they're racist because ur views prolly align with them, but anybody not on that Helen Keller steez has clocked them from time. don't project onto the rest of somalis
That's just a moral responsibility though. The only enforced "state tax" would be zakat, and that is a very small percentage of your earnings in comparison to the West.

Yes, but my point is, as a Muslim, there is a limit to how right wing you could become. You couldn't get behind certain people who think the poor should be left to their own devices and are not the responsibility of the rich. It would be considered greedy and unislamic.


Accomplished Saaxir
The vast majority of Somalis reject Liberal thought. The upside is a growing number of Somalis in the Diaspora are embracing Libertarian ideals (protection against all minorities regardless of race, sex, religion etc)

Now Communism and Islam are both totalitarian ideologies so those on here who identify with either of these ideologies (or paradoxically, both) should realise that they can't be capable of liberal thought without sidelining some of the core tenets of these belief systems.

Under Communism for instance it's 'dictatorship of the Proletariat' for Islam it's 'Inil hukmu illa lilaah' either way both these statements are incompatible with the democratic process which is a fundamental aspect of Liberal thought.

Somalis are capable of liberal thought, some (Muslim and non-Muslim) have shown that to be the case but these cases I have to say are in the firm minority.
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