Is the West doomed?

Like most of us I'm Somali but I've lived my whole life (bar my first few years) in the West. I'm not gonna trash talk the West because of all the opportunities and privileges I've been given.

However, I was just reading the thread about the Somali man who said he isn't attracted to naked women. A poster said that he might be sapiosexual. Not to single out that poster but this is one of the most ridiculous terms I've ever heard of and it reminds me of how this part of the world is changing. From participation trophies to OF being normalized, it is all a circus. The line between being a man or being a woman is blurring ever day
Like most of us I'm Somali but I've lived my whole life (bar my first few years) in the West. I'm not gonna trash talk the West because of all the opportunities and privileges I've been given.

However, I was just reading the thread about the Somali man who said he isn't attracted to naked women. A poster said that he might be sapiosexual. Not to single out that poster but this is one of the most ridiculous terms I've ever heard of and it reminds me of how this part of the world is changing. From participation trophies to OF being normalized, it is all a circus. The line between being a man or being a woman is blurring ever day
I think there will be a rebirth of fascist or right wing movements and military strongmen seizing power in western countries, now that don’t bode well for any of us hence why we should look to migrating back when we have enough capital


Guul iyo Gobanimo
Like most of us I'm Somali but I've lived my whole life (bar my first few years) in the West. I'm not gonna trash talk the West because of all the opportunities and privileges I've been given.

However, I was just reading the thread about the Somali man who said he isn't attracted to naked women. A poster said that he might be sapiosexual. Not to single out that poster but this is one of the most ridiculous terms I've ever heard of and it reminds me of how this part of the world is changing. From participation trophies to OF being normalized, it is all a circus. The line between being a man or being a woman is blurring ever day
You are naïve if you think that this cannot happen in the homeland. There will always be people who are considered abnormal.
Any weird shit you find in this part of the world exists everywhere else too. I’d even argue that Somalia is far worse socially/morally than the west because of the lack of institutions (the breakdown of laws/governance & social norms). You have a very young generation who grew up in the digital era and they consume copious amounts of filth daily.

The intersection of P*rn culture and lawlessness (widespread r4pe) is creating a very bizarre group of people, I’d argue there’s far more khanisin and tr*ns people in many parts of the muslim world than in the west tbh, Somalia is headed in that direction..

Saying the ”west is doomed” is just cope from 3rd worlders tbh


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I think there will be a rebirth of fascist or right wing movements and military strongmen seizing power in western countries, now that don’t bode well for any of us hence why we should look to migrating back when we have enough capital
Weak men create bad times, Bad times create strong men, Strong men create good times, Good times create weak men.


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
No, go live in first world luxury. You need to travel around the world if a few silly words make you belive we are doom

The best part is you can ignore all this silly business
Any weird shit you find in this part of the world exists everywhere else too. I’d even argue that Somalia is far worse socially/morally than the west because of the lack of institutions (the breakdown of laws/governance & social norms). You have a very young generation who grew up in the digital era and they consume copious amounts of filth daily.

The intersection of P*rn culture and lawlessness (widespread r4pe) is creating a very bizarre group of people, I’d argue there’s far more khanisin and tr*ns people in many parts of the muslim world than in the west tbh, Somalia is headed in that direction..

Saying the ”west is doomed” is just cope from 3rd worlders tbh
True words it's just coping.
Any weird shit you find in this part of the world exists everywhere else too. I’d even argue that Somalia is far worse socially/morally than the west because of the lack of institutions (the breakdown of laws/governance & social norms). You have a very young generation who grew up in the digital era and they consume copious amounts of filth daily.

The intersection of P*rn culture and lawlessness (widespread r4pe) is creating a very bizarre group of people, I’d argue there’s far more khanisin and tr*ns people in many parts of the muslim world than in the west tbh, Somalia is headed in that direction..

Saying the ”west is doomed” is just cope from 3rd worlders tbh
There had been a 3rd gender in Pakistan for a while.

The third gender in Pakistan is known as khawaja sira, which is the Urdu term for transgender. The community of khawaja sira has faced discrimination and violence, but has also achieved some legal victories:

Legal recognition: In 2011, the Supreme Court of Pakistan ruled in favor of the khawaja sira community, and in 2018 the Transgender Rights Bill was passed, granting them fundamental rights as citizens. This includes the right to vote and to choose their gender on official documents.
Like most of us I'm Somali but I've lived my whole life (bar my first few years) in the West. I'm not gonna trash talk the West because of all the opportunities and privileges I've been given.

However, I was just reading the thread about the Somali man who said he isn't attracted to naked women. A poster said that he might be sapiosexual. Not to single out that poster but this is one of the most ridiculous terms I've ever heard of and it reminds me of how this part of the world is changing. From participation trophies to OF being normalized, it is all a circus. The line between being a man or being a woman is blurring ever day
Now imagine what your children will be taught about gender and sexuality. I agree with you that the west is doomed, at least in Somalia I won't be afraid of if my child is qanis or doesn't know the Quran. We are living in times where the dollar is dropping in value fast. We have to think like the Jews they all have a home built in Israel. We can state all the shit things about them but they always have a escape plan in place. For instance when Ukraine war started they left before anyone. Next year my plan is go to Puntland and see how much a house is and acres of land and how much utilities are. always have an escape plan don't get stranded here. America will become a slave colony soon due to people not owning anything and being taxed to death.
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Now imagine what your children will be taught about gender and sexuality. I agree with you that the west is doomed, at least in Somalia I won't be afraid of if my child is qanis or doesn't know the Quran. We are living in times where the dollar is dropping in value fast. We have to think like the Jews they all have a home built in Israel. We can state all the shit things about them but they always have a escape plan in place. For instance when Ukraine war started they left before anyone. Next year my plan is go to Puntland and see how much a house is and acres of land and how much utilities are. always have an escape plan don't get stranded here. America will become a slave colony soon due to people not owning anything and being taxed to death.

The funny thing is how unaware diaspora somalis are about Somalia. You guys seem to think qanisnimo/trans stuff is just the result of state propoganda. You are bound to find far more of this stuff in non-western countries were there is extreme gender segregation (young men/boys end up experimenting with other boys because of lack of access to women/girls), lack of laws protecting children (esp little boys) from sexcrimes, more of them are going to be deprived of having normal psycho-sexual development + add the p0rn craze, people are increasingly developing a sexuality based on taboos

There is currently a rape epidemic of little boys in Somalia, most of those boys will grow up to be qanis (or sexually dysfunctional in some way). Keep in mind that alot of these cases involve multiple men violating a child and filming it, and distributing these videos to a larger audience. These are not *individual* men committing these crimes secretly but multiple men.. I want you to think about what that says about that society.

Walaal Somalia is headed the Afghanistan/Saudi way (both countries have high rates of men who engage in same-sex relations), all kinds of sexual pathologies and vices are and will continue to flourish there.. indoctrination in schools are not necessary.
Now imagine what your children will be taught about gender and sexuality. I agree with you that the west is doomed, at least in Somalia I won't be afraid of if my child is qanis or doesn't know the Quran. We are living in times where the dollar is dropping in value fast. We have to think like the Jews they all have a home built in Israel. We can state all the shit things about them but they always have a escape plan in place. For instance when Ukraine war started they left before anyone. Next year my plan is go to Puntland and see how much a house is and acres of land and how much utilities are. always have an escape plan don't get stranded here. America will become a slave colony soon due to people not owning anything and being taxed to death.

I dont know why you are downvoting what I said. This is happening in every village and city in Somalia, and the culprits are getting away with it. Surely you don’t think this will affect that society ?

Puntland just had a case where a soldier rap3d a little nomadic boy. The family are trying to get justice but they’re currently getting threatened by the soldiers family and clanmembers. They even beat up one of the other little boys in the family to scare them into silence. And all puntland news outlets are refusing to cover this story.

I have friends and family who’ve been there and they all speak about how weirdly hypersexual and inappropriate everyone is.
Any weird shit you find in this part of the world exists everywhere else too. I’d even argue that Somalia is far worse socially/morally than the west because of the lack of institutions (the breakdown of laws/governance & social norms). You have a very young generation who grew up in the digital era and they consume copious amounts of filth daily.

The intersection of P*rn culture and lawlessness (widespread r4pe) is creating a very bizarre group of people, I’d argue there’s far more khanisin and tr*ns people in many parts of the muslim world than in the west tbh, Somalia is headed in that direction..

Saying the ”west is doomed” is just cope from 3rd worlders tbh
i don't think thats true theres alot of more people like that here
Wait till you figure out it's a internet/social media problem. Yes it starts from the west but it can be and is learned upon in different countries around the world. No point in leaving if you're going to a place where your kids will be exposed to stuff like that while decreasing your living standards.
I dont know why you are downvoting what I said. This is happening in every village and city in Somalia, and the culprits are getting away with it. Surely you don’t think this will affect that society ?

Puntland just had a case where a soldier rap3d a little nomadic boy. The family are trying to get justice but they’re currently getting threatened by the soldiers family and clanmembers. They even beat up one of the other little boys in the family to scare them into silence. And all puntland news outlets are refusing to cover this story.

I have friends and family who’ve been there and they all speak about how weirdly hypersexual and inappropriate everyone is.
Now how many rapes occur in the west on a daily basis? is it more or less then the ones in Somalia? And is the Somalia educational system pushing lgbtia in the way it's being pushed in the west? Why are you trying to equivalent the west pro qanis stance to a Muslim country where it's a death penalty? Your trying to push agenda of anti Somalia to Somali's. This why you received those qashin tags
Now how many rapes occur in the west on a daily basis? is it more or less then the ones in Somalia? And is the Somalia educational system pushing lgbtia in the way it's being pushed in the west? Why are you trying to equivalent the west pro qanis stance to a Muslim country where it's a death penalty? Your trying to push agenda of anti Somalia to Somali's. This why you received those qashin tags

Where in the west can a man go outside and easily gather multiple men who are willing to rape a little boy ? Where is this common? Mind you, while filming themselves and then distributing it to gcs of thousands of people? Where in the west do these gangrapists then finish it off by either mutilating/killing the child ?

Where in the west can those same rapists (who are known to the community) easily evade justice?

Saying the somali constitution gives the death penalty for this kinda stuff means absolutely nothing when those laws are never implemented.

As for qanisnimo there was a time it was common for qanis men in Hargeysa to meet up and host big parties in hotels, this was widely known yet never addressed by religious authority. I remember how bitter women were over this, shuyukh would dedicate hour long lectures to female politicians who’d dress “inappropriately”, yet never say anything about this stuff. Yaab.

Somali people do not believe in sexually policing men, qanisin (the rapists and the non-rapists) will thrive in that society. As one commentator said under a video addressing the exposè of a young man engaging in same-sex relations “nin ceeb malaha”.
Now imagine what your children will be taught about gender and sexuality. I agree with you that the west is doomed, at least in Somalia I won't be afraid of if my child is qanis or doesn't know the Quran. We are living in times where the dollar is dropping in value fast. We have to think like the Jews they all have a home built in Israel. We can state all the shit things about them but they always have a escape plan in place. For instance when Ukraine war started they left before anyone. Next year my plan is go to Puntland and see how much a house is and acres of land and how much utilities are. always have an escape plan don't get stranded here. America will become a slave colony soon due to people not owning anything and being taxed to death.

I'd rather live poorly in relative safety than be subjected to unapologetic fascism 24/7.
People who don't understand world dynamics are in for a rude awakening fr.

If u get caught in the crosshairs to come on some level that's ur fault.
Niggas gon be cryin about (Mah rights & democracy) - while living in a modern day Jim crow state.

I'd take this

Over this - any day

Couldn't be me
The funny thing is how unaware diaspora somalis are about Somalia. You guys seem to think qanisnimo/trans stuff is just the result of state propoganda. You are bound to find far more of this stuff in non-western countries were there is extreme gender segregation (young men/boys end up experimenting with other boys because of lack of access to women/girls), lack of laws protecting children (esp little boys) from sexcrimes, more of them are going to be deprived of having normal psycho-sexual development + add the p0rn craze, people are increasingly developing a sexuality based on taboos

There is currently a rape epidemic of little boys in Somalia, most of those boys will grow up to be qanis (or sexually dysfunctional in some way). Keep in mind that alot of these cases involve multiple men violating a child and filming it, and distributing these videos to a larger audience. These are not *individual* men committing these crimes secretly but multiple men.. I want you to think about what that says about that society.

Walaal Somalia is headed the Afghanistan/Saudi way (both countries have high rates of men who engage in same-sex relations), all kinds of sexual pathologies and vices are and will continue to flourish there.. indoctrination in schools are not necessary.

