Is there a problem with European Muslims?

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HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
According to The Quilliam Foundation, there is. How do you British-based members feel about this organization? From my understanding they're a counter-extremism and anti-Islamist organization but I've noticed that many Salafis hate the org. Some even accuse the founders of being undercover atheists, although I have yet to see any proof of this.

Oh those guys, they are not even Muslim I think because they are so very Anti-Muslim in all directions. In debates they are always there to counter Muslims from all backgrounds whether he's/she's a Moderate, Extremist, Sufi, Ahmadi, etc. Nawaz also wants to do some unspeakable acts such as reforming/rewriting/modifying the Quran and banning the Hijab, and to prove he's not even Muslim more he was found in Strip Clubs and Bars drinking alcohol and consuming pork.

What is there to say, I think that sums up pretty much everything about Nawaz and his organization.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Oh those guys, they are not even Muslim I think because they are so very Anti-Muslim in all directions. In debates they are always there to counter Muslims from all backgrounds whether he's/she's a Moderate, Extremist, Sufi, Ahmadi, etc. Nawaz also wants to do some unspeakable acts such as reforming/rewriting/modifying the Quran and banning the Hijab, and to prove he's not even Muslim more he was found in Strip Clubs and Bars drinking alcohol and consuming pork.

What is there to say, I think that sums up pretty much everything about Nawaz and his organization.

Do these actions alone really take someone out of the fold of Islam?

So Nawaz is a Progressive Muslim and the UK's version of Tarek Fatah? Interesting.
Do these actions alone really take someone out of the fold of Islam?

So Nawaz is a Progressive Muslim and the UK's version of Tarek Fatah? Interesting.

Of course, when you continuously do haraam stuff without stopping then you're outside the Millah and Din of Allah (SAW). Allah has made rules and you're supposed to oblige without any disobedience/excuse, Nawaz is probaly aware what he's doing is very wrong but he doesn't seem to care so he slammed the door and left the big-family.

To me that's not really progressive, you're supposed to perfect/change yourself before you change others or otherwise you'll doom them too. Don't you agree?
Continental Europe has been very unkind to visible minorities. You just have to look at all the ghettos across Europe filled with generations of North Africans, black africans, etc. They are very intolerant. They have horribly racist hiring practices. Muslim North Africans in France are probably the best example of this. It's really no surprise why they are so unhappy. Of course, I am not trying to make excuses for criminals.

Of course, when you continuously do haraam stuff without stopping then you're outside the Millah and Din of Allah (SAW). Allah has made rules and you're supposed to oblige without any disobedience/excuse,

Why do you think the Quran consistently discusses the vast mercy of Allah? Do you think Islamically you have the right to judge the imaan of another?
Continental Europe has been very unkind to visible minorities. You just have to look at all the ghettos across Europe filled with generations of North Africans, black africans, etc. They are very intolerant. They have horribly racist hiring practices. Muslim North Africans in France are probably the best example of this. It's really no surprise why they are so unhappy. Of course, I am not trying to make excuses for criminals.

Why do you think the Quran consistently discusses the vast mercy of Allah? Do you think Islamically you have the right to judge the imaan of another?

No I don't have the right but if he's sincere and does 'Toba' to Allah then am sure Allah is the most merciful, but unfortunately everyone in the UK hears his clubbing stories every single time since ages so...I don't think he's making any Toba let alone putting any effort in doing so.
No I don't have the right but if he's sincere and does 'Toba' to Allah then am sure Allah is the most merciful, but unfortunately everyone in the UK hears his clubbing stories every single time since ages so...I don't think he's making any Toba let alone putting any effort in doing so.

We don't need judge day, we have you.:leon:
We don't need judge day, we have you.:leon:



Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Let's be honest. In UK it's the Pakis who give Muslims a bad name and in mainland Europe it's Arabs who are the main instigators. Yes, you will see the odd Nigerian/Somali/African face in terrorism but the overwhelming majority of people who commit these atrocities in Europe are Arabs and Pakis. It's not Malaysiyans, not Turks, not Bosnians, not Senegalese.

So the question what is it about Arab and Pakistani culture that makes them lash out like we saw in Paris.

Majid Nawaz is a dirty Paki. I tweeted him many times asking him to sort out his community and educate their men to not rape and abuse little white English girls.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Honestly, it's time the Muslims didn't claim each other. It's each on his own. If you're Senegalese or Togolese or Bosnian etc you must be livid that these terrorists keep giving you a shit name even though your ethnic group/countrymen don't engage in this terrorism crap. When Uganda kill gays, Christians in Mexico or US don't go on the defence about it. Because they have nothing to do with each other.

There was a Turkish woman here who was livid about being lumped in with these people, and she urged the media to call it what it is, Arab Muslims.
There is obviously an exremist problem among Muslim european youth. If the paris attack isn't proof enough then i don't know.
I don't see anything wrong in what Nawaz said. I actually 100% agree with what he said in that interview, the left has to stop its nonchalant ways of dealing with this and the right has to stop its Sensationalism and hysteria . He is definitly not Atheist nor is his organization, i have seen him multiple times defend muslims against Ayan Hirsis Heratic views. He is a very rational guy.

No suprise if salafis hate him and his organization. I guess what he preach is against their Wahabi doctrine.
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I don't see anything wrong in what Nawaz said. I actually 100% agree with what he said in that interview, the left has to stop its nonchalant ways of dealing with this and the right has to stop its Sensationalism and hysteria . He is definitly not Atheist nor is his organization, i have seen him multiple times defend muslims against Ayan Hirsis Heratic views. He is a very rational guy.

No suprise if salafis hate him and his organization. I guess what he preach is against their Wahabi doctrine.

Lol dude he is far from that. He's a very smart man but in a conniving way. There's nothing honest about him.
Honestly, it's time the Muslims didn't claim each other. It's each on his own. If you're Senegalese or Togolese or Bosnian etc you must be livid that these terrorists keep giving you a shit name even though your ethnic group/countrymen don't engage in this terrorism crap. When Uganda kill gays, Christians in Mexico or US don't go on the defence about it. Because they have nothing to do with each other.

There was a Turkish woman here who was livid about being lumped in with these people, and she urged the media to call it what it is, Arab Muslims.

Maajid Nawaz makes great point in this video, the last thing people should do is divide themselves. ''This problem is not a arab or paki problem nor is it a muslim problem and not a non muslism problem. Its a problem that effects us all. ''

This statement i agree with 100%. People need to be more level headed and stop this dehumanization, Ethnic characterization and constant bombardment of hate narratives. The last thing you want is to feed this ISIL ideology and make muslim and non muslim communities enemies of eachother. Instead people need to work together and have cohesive way in dealing with this''
Continental Europe has been very unkind to visible minorities. You just have to look at all the ghettos across Europe filled with generations of North Africans, black africans, etc. They are very intolerant. They have horribly racist hiring practices. Muslim North Africans in France are probably the best example of this. It's really no surprise why they are so unhappy. Of course, I am not trying to make excuses for criminals.

Yeah this i agree with. Many youth feel disenfranchised and outcasted by the mainstream society hence why they end up turning to extremism. Althoug this is no justification for radical extremism, it should give people the understanding of why this problem occurs and how to deal with it.

There is a huge gap between muslim immigrant minorities in europe and the native europeans. This gap has to be narrowed down if they intend to hamper radicalism.


According to The Quilliam Foundation, there is. How do you British-based members feel about this organization? From my understanding they're a counter-extremism and anti-Islamist organization but I've noticed that many Salafis hate the org. Some even accuse the founders of being undercover atheists, although I have yet to see any proof of this.

He is a fantastic image of today's progressive muslims.
I have had the chance watch him as he spoke upon Islam.He is indeed educated and has knowledge about the deen, but he forwards his knowledge can be misleading. He is more for the abstract thinkers.


Many European Muslims do not consider themselves Europeans and vice versa. It's an identity issue. When you grow up with your parents telling you this isn't your land and at the same time face racism in daily life you won't think you are welcome. What are you going to say to a person that asks you 'when are you going home to your own country'? In North America or Australia you'd tell them to f*ck off because they are no different from you but in Europe you know they are right.
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