Is this normal?

I noticed no matter who's president in Somalia, most guys here on sspot are an opposition mostly due to qabiil difference....for example my cousin @FBIsomalia has been in opposition to every president of Somalia since our adeer AUN Abdullahi Yusuf left office.. So when Farmaajo was the president most Marehan guys were super patriot, now they're an opposition, but the hütü guys were an opposition, now most abgaals are patriots since HSM is in office.. I wonder if we ever will see Deni in office so my cousins can become patriots once again :tocry:
Favoritism of your clans men ain't nothing new. HSM nor farmaajo dont pay my bills.

You think Deni knows if im existing like those i mentioned above.

So i couldn't careless who runs villa Somalia.
I noticed no matter who's president in Somalia, most guys here on sspot are an opposition mostly due to qabiil difference....for example my cousin @FBIsomalia has been in opposition to every president of Somalia since our adeer AUN Abdullahi Yusuf left office.. So when Farmaajo was the president most Marehan guys were super patriot, now they're an opposition, but the hütü guys were an opposition, now most abgaals are patriots since HSM is in office.. I wonder if we ever will see Deni in office so my cousins can become patriots once again :tocry:

They don't call Somalia a failed state for no reason.
Most of the country is rebelling against the government at any one time. Your uncle couldn't even stay in the capital. At least HSM could stay in the capital even after his term is finished probably. Farmaajo had to leave when his term was up.
But yeah Somalia is a patch of clan regions and it's politics is just a collection of competing clan interests, there's no such thing as national interest.

HAG don't want to build a government.
Darood won't get chance to.

This charade goes on until the money runs out and then the extremists take over.


I noticed no matter who's president in Somalia, most guys here on sspot are an opposition mostly due to qabiil difference....for example my cousin @FBIsomalia has been in opposition to every president of Somalia since our adeer AUN Abdullahi Yusuf left office.. So when Farmaajo was the president most Marehan guys were super patriot, now they're an opposition, but the hütü guys were an opposition, now most abgaals are patriots since HSM is in office.. I wonder if we ever will see Deni in office so my cousins can become patriots once again :tocry:
We was always wadani waryaa, only a certain group agree to flipflop depending on whose in office.
Who do you think was on the streets when xaarmaajo won the election?
John Delaney Smile GIF by GIPHY News


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
I noticed no matter who's president in Somalia, most guys here on sspot are an opposition mostly due to qabiil difference....for example my cousin @FBIsomalia has been in opposition to every president of Somalia since our adeer AUN Abdullahi Yusuf left office.. So when Farmaajo was the president most Marehan guys were super patriot, now they're an opposition, but the hütü guys were an opposition, now most abgaals are patriots since HSM is in office.. I wonder if we ever will see Deni in office so my cousins can become patriots once again :tocry:
seperation of qabil and state must happen. First thing is redrawing all subnational boundaries and replacing all the lower leaders with ones loyal to somali. Not clan.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
I noticed no matter who's president in Somalia, most guys here on sspot are an opposition mostly due to qabiil difference....for example my cousin @FBIsomalia has been in opposition to every president of Somalia since our adeer AUN Abdullahi Yusuf left office.. So when Farmaajo was the president most Marehan guys were super patriot, now they're an opposition, but the hütü guys were an opposition, now most abgaals are patriots since HSM is in office.. I wonder if we ever will see Deni in office so my cousins can become patriots once again :tocry:
And that’s why Somalia will continue to be an underdeveloped hellhole. Because the best man for the job will never be given the opportunity to lead the country.


And that’s why Somalia will continue to be an underdeveloped hellhole. Because the best man for the job will never be given the opportunity to lead the country.

You can't achieve a meritocracy untill u have political stability(federati9n vs centralism vs secession) isnt political stability dummy, once we agree as a whole what the best political settlement is and doesn't lead to this stalemate hell whether it's balkanization, federation, or centralism, then u need to create institutions and rule.of law not the rule of individual presidents who don't last beyond 4 years.

The rule of law requires agreeing what those laws are and how it applies to the land and is universal is paramount stage before u can even discuss meritocracy or who is best man for the job.


True Puntlander
I noticed no matter who's president in Somalia, most guys here on sspot are an opposition mostly due to qabiil difference....for example my cousin @FBIsomalia has been in opposition to every president of Somalia since our adeer AUN Abdullahi Yusuf left office.. So when Farmaajo was the president most Marehan guys were super patriot, now they're an opposition, but the hütü guys were an opposition, now most abgaals are patriots since HSM is in office.. I wonder if we ever will see Deni in office so my cousins can become patriots once again :tocry:
You wrong in your assumption, if they were working to build federal system I will not against them, most of them working toward centralism.

That is why you find me anti xamar until true federal system been implemented.


You wrong in your assumption, if they were working to build federal system I will not against them, most of them working toward centralism.

That is why you find me anti xamar until true federal system been implemented.

These non puntites think Somalis have same culture like their clan. They don't see it doesn't matter who is president in Hamar, it doesn't matter what clan they r or if they r even puntites, if they go against federalism, they will be chased out like happened to Jama Ali Jama in PL first civil war, which was a war over federalism vs centralism even tho abdiqasim salad lapdog tried to make it about presidential extension(which was the excuse they were looking for to bring him to power), and this HSM is following in that failed leader in Cairo today politics by nominating Ina diyaano as a jambal to war against PL.

Somalis need to get it thru their head no savior, angel will ever change PL federation political position, not even the most beloved local can do it, no isim can do it, no politician can do it. The only thing it can produce is another civil war nothing else.

@FBIsomalia HSM isn't looking just to centralise the executive branch and control the govt departments, this dude wants to centralise parliament, courts, military, regional govts, and the whole state not just the federal govt which is one branch only.

This dude wants to be a full blown dictator despot like siyad barre. He is prolly a commy too cause they love dictatorships. One thing I hate about siyad barre is the legacy he left behind in older generation about presidents being all powerful and shit like some niin xaarayo is powerful wtf, especially the south

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023
I noticed no matter who's president in Somalia, most guys here on sspot are an opposition mostly due to qabiil difference....for example my cousin @FBIsomalia has been in opposition to every president of Somalia since our adeer AUN Abdullahi Yusuf left office.. So when Farmaajo was the president most Marehan guys were super patriot, now they're an opposition, but the hütü guys were an opposition, now most abgaals are patriots since HSM is in office.. I wonder if we ever will see Deni in office so my cousins can become patriots once again :tocry:
Not really, if Deni becomes president and didn't do shit for PL, he'd be a qasaro like Farmaajo who just concentrated on Hawiye. I don't care about FGS and I would sleep like a baby if it collapses Tonight.
You wrong in your assumption, if they were working to build federal system I will not against them, most of them working toward centralism.

That is why you find me anti xamar until true federal system been implemented.
True federalism will be implemented Bro, that's not a question.


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