Is this place stormfront

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Remember @seth mcfarlane
Why don't you brush your hair?


:rudywhatever:im pro-black pro-oppressed pro-poor pro-marginalized communities

"Tahriib are cockroaches who deserve to die I have ni sympathy for them"

I guess in this forum you ca get away with saying anything as long as your oppressive speech is against Somalis. Ethiopia is our neighbour we don't have to love it we just have to live peacefully with it. @Canuck posted a screen shot of things they said in a forum but SHE gets the thumbs down. I don't get why you all did that but then jumped on her for saying they hate us. Why not go to Topix and sort out those xenophobic Ethiopians if this indeed is about morality.


closer to god we africans
@KowDheh i have my faults
"Tahriib are cockroaches who deserve to die I have ni sympathy for them"

I guess in this forum you ca get away with saying anything as long as your oppressive speech is against Somalis. Ethiopia is our neighbour we don't have to love it we just have to live peacefully with it. @Canuck posted a screen shot of things they said in a forum but SHE gets the thumbs down. I don't get why you all did that but then jumped on her for saying they hate us. Why not go to Topix and sort out those xenophobic Ethiopians if this indeed is about morality.
aryaada free iphone London baa laga heli karaa



not so sad after all
lol at least on stormfront the feel superior because of their "white accomplishements" or whatever, but real talk we have so much negative stereotypes pinned on us and a country that was at one point named poorest in the world so that stormfront talk is retarded. like you cant piggy back off of white peoples success because they let u live in their country:wtfdis:


future pirate king
I think I've come to the conclusion that this place is an uncontrollable zoo filled with people who have Alot of issues.
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