Adultererwhat is zaania?
Adultererwhat is zaania?
of course it matters what is this bullshitZaania or not. Doesn't matter nowadays
That's abuse man if she doesn't enjoy itwell she doesn't want to leave
Zaania the warrior princess.
Never heard of her?
if she didn't like it why don't she leave himThat's abuse man if she doesn't enjoy it
if she didn't like it why don't she leave him
I am ayeeyo huuno. I can't watch action movies ran by women. It offends me.
no she lives in the usIts a shame to leave your husband. She will be blamed. Society will tell her she is a chicken. Society in on the husband side
a middle eastern woman living in America or Europe is no different from one living in Middle east. They live in their own she lives in the us
Only good with a .Yes i do. But not every day with no break. The third time i might have a knife under the pillow.
Sometimes girls feel trapped with no one to listen to them. She's being victimizedif she didn't like it why don't she leave him
So you are a mature lady who likes a bit of rough play.
So you must be a....
no they don'ta middle eastern woman living in America or Europe is no different from one living in Middle east. They live in their own world.
Sometimes girls feel trapped with no one to listen to them. She's being victimized
well that is what feminist would say not a sane personSometimes girls feel trapped with no one to listen to them. She's being victimized
You would expect the neanderthal brute consummating this fake marriage with her to get tired. But she probably enjoys the rape like behaviour and it probably arouses him even more.
What a sad couple. Imagine the kids born to this union.
I am a feminist and a meninist etc. Lolwell that is what feminist would say not a sane person
gender?I am a feminist and a meninist etc. Lol