Is this real ? Somali guy called ob diaries captured

there's a fundamental difference between dudes going out of their way to tie their shenanigans with our ethnicity (which happens a lot), vs a guy just happening to be Somali doing {insert thing}.
Bro just delete social media all of this commotion to do with somalis this week is clearly getting to your psyche, I can even feel your energy. Do you want grey hair from seeing all this humiliation?
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there's a fundamental difference between dudes going out of their way to tie their shenanigans with our ethnicity (which happens a lot), vs a guy just happening to be Somali doing {insert thing}.
Somalis love to connect their ethnicity with their cringe humour. That's why we are getting little to no respect and are seen as unserious people. No one respects people that are known to be goofy. I just pray meme culture, "somalis are so funny" and self deprecating somalis all come to an end soon. God willing.
I remember that guy lool. He insulted a half-breed Jamaican and Somali for asking inappropriate questions yet next day posted a video of a girlfriend reveal with some cadaan woman twerking.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
He deserved it, a gang member actually asked him very nicely even to remove a video of his where he mocks the guys hairline.

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