Is this woman charming or desperate?

I came across her on Tiktok and she has a lot of followers because she “teaches people how to be charming”, but honestly I think she’s doing too much and kind of comes off thirsty.

She reminds me of a Somali girl I used to be friends with. She would flirt with everyone. We went to a restaurant once and for some reason the girl was flirting hard with this cadaan clearly teenage boy server. When she gave him her card to pay and he swiped it she was like “ooo I like it when you do things for me” and he was all blushing and flattered. I was so embarrassed watching it. At the end of it he gave her a napkin with his phone number written at the back and she was all like “omg why did he give me his number???” With a shocked face. Cause you were acting thirsty for him, sis lmaoo
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