I only know about alcoholic beverages, because I use to work at a place that served/sold it.
@Duchess, here in the US, they have million types of wine. Domestic, imports, Japanese and all kinds of other drinks. I only know about alcoholic beverages, because I use to work at a place that served/sold it.
From what i have read, cadaan people say, 'glass a day, keeps the doc away'. So take that for whats its worth.
From my time working there, i have talked to a lot of customers and they all said Japanese drinks are the best. Sake which is Japanese is the best....no hangovers or any of that stuff. Its few dollars more, but its worth it.
did you drink red wine before ? I did it tasted like burned wood and it drys your mouth digusting. I'd go for a beer personally. And hard liquor gives you heart burns .
Sparkly rosé!!! Does that have the same health benefits as red wine? Because then I can claim halal
@Duchess look at the fitna you have caused people who hate mosques are making their own fatwas now
Lmao. My local mosque makes their own daily fatwa. So am I
The law of the land is derived from the bible Einstein.Intersting how a group of men decide what we eat how eat when .what we drink what we do and how we are supposed to act how we are supposed to wipe ourselves .(yeah right this comes from god) This goes beyond stupid live by the laws of the Land and call it a day .
I'm not surprised you didn't reply to this comment. Were you not looking for a serious answer?Duchess said:
The Quran says avoid intoxicants not avoid getting intoxicated. As for health benefits Quran says there's good in it but the bad far exceeds the good so avoid it.
Mah ku fahmin bal ku so celi baradar."There's good in Dunya wine but stay away from it & then wait until you die because there's non-intoxicating wine on tap in Heaven." I don't know about you guys but non-intoxicating wine is basically grape juice. It ceases being in the alcoholic category once it loses its intoxicating characteristic. Personally I will take some of that longevity bestowed from drinking dunya wine, bird in the hand beats 2 in the bush as the saying goes.
What brand of wine are u drinking? I heard if you add Xabadsoodo to a glass of white wine, you will see changes within weeks.I will see you all in hell!!!!!
I will see you all in hell!!!!!
Good my Harti SISTER XXHow fun is it down there?